Market Intelligence

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Market Intelligence

Here's where you'll find the latest CareerOne research, labour market trends and economic reports.

Hidden Hunter Report Thumb

CareerOne Research Report reveals a new approach to activating Australia’s latent job hunters.

Labour Force

Australian Bureau of Statistics - Latest labour force report

Review the trends of Australian employed persons and unemployment rate over 2009 and 2010.

ANZ Job Ad Series

ANZ Job Ad Series

Job Advertisements suggest economic recovery on track

Featured Topics:

Features & Functionality – CareerOne's Dedicated Advertiser Section

CareerOne launched an enhanced Advertiser section in December 2009, providing Recruiters and HR professionals alike with increased access to the latest Market Intelligence, employment news & advice and articles to help you succeed in attracting and retaining quality candidates, along with easier access to your CareerOne account and candidate management tools.

Advantage Job Index

Australian Market Report 2010

Fast Facts

Review the trends of Australian employed persons and unemployment rates.

Spotlight on Staff – Gabriel Garcia, Strategy Director

This month we profile Gabriel Garcia, Strategy Director for

Getting your stories to journalists in the digital age

“Jobs” is in the top five highest ranking categories of interest to people in Australia according to the Editor of leading news, business and entertainment site David Higgins.


Beware of the young entrepreneurs

Employers have a new competitor when it comes to recruiting the best and the brightest Gen Y. Gen Y.

CareerOne Training

Signing In/Out of Your Advertiser Account

Discover how to sign in and out of your CareerOne advertiser account and how to navigate the advertiser site

View Signing In/Out of Your Advertiser Account »

Supplying Job Information

The process of selecting job details templates and locations is now more intuitive.

View Supplying Job Information »