Last updated: November 04, 2010

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Science and Technology

Keep up to date with the latest developments in science and technology news.


HUMANOID robot hitches one-way ride to the International Space Station aboard final flight of space shuttle Discovery.


ISS trip is one giant leap for tinmankind

HUMANOID robot is hitches one-way ride to the International Space Station aboard final flight of space shuttle Discovery.

ISS trip is one giant leap for tinmankind


HUMANOID robot is hitches one-way ride to the International Space Station aboard final flight of space shuttle Discovery.

Astronauts want ship to rear-end asteroids

Asteroids record

COUNTRIES must team up to prevent an asteroid from slamming into Earth, scientists and former astronauts say.

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US tries to do away with France's kilogram


US spoilsports don't like the idea of France having Earth's only kilogram. Solution? Ban it all.

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NASA Mars mission a one-way trip

IT'S the biggest dead-end job ever.

Want to see an asteroid travelling through space?

Dawn Mission

PHOTOGRAPHS taken from over 180 million kilometres away shine a new light on how an asteroid travels through space.

Want to know how to build a Mars rover?


NASA'S next rover will search for life on Mars - and now you can watch their technicians build it.

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NASA flags '100-year spaceship' project


NASA official promises to deliver a spaceship that will travel to alien worlds "within a few years".

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Humans take robot punches for science


SOMEWHERE in a laboratory in central Europe, six men are being beaten up by a sadistic robot.

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Aussies hope to land rover on Moon, $30m

Lunar Numbat

AUSSIE engineer mixes aerospace engineering and indoor volleyball in bid to land the first Australian flag on the Moon.

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Father, son team up to film stratosphere

Luke Geissbuhler

MEET the real balloon boy - he got a space flight experience without dad going to jail.

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Student wings it for record-breaking flight


IT'S taken 525 years, but finally a human being has built a flying machine with flapping wings.

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Scientists find key to self-healing plastic


FLAT tyres and burst balloons may be a thing of the past after material found that can heal itself.

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Red rain from space may hold alien life

Space rash

CELLS from India's red rain of 2001 multiply under extreme heat - and they don't contain DNA.

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Sun storm to hit with 'force of 100m bombs'

Solar storm

AFTER 10 years of comparative slumber, the sun is waking up - and astronomers are on full alert.

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Chickens aren't bird-brains after all


PRIZE-winning research finds that chickens speak their own language and could possess human-like tendencies.

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Terrorists - we know what you're thinking

Mind Reading

READING the minds of terrorists to know where and when the next attack will occur is no longer the stuff of sci-fi films.

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Penile electrosurgery? Proceed with care

Penis surgerons

A GROUP of brave surgeons in Taiwan have been exploring the effects of electricity on penises.

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Monkeys 'can't be trained to shoot people'


SOME good news for our Diggers in Afghanistan - you won't be fighting Taliban-trained monkeys.

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Ecobot III eats, poos and leaves - slowly

Ecobot III

MOVE over Kenny – the Brits have built a robot that could spell the end of sewage as we know it.

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Scientists begin countdown to extinction


SCIENTISTS are now 99 per cent certain mass extinction events on Earth are regular as clockwork.

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Invisible Gorilla returns - pay attention

Invisible Gorilla

THE greatest trick the gorilla ever played was convincing us he didn't exist. Has he done it again?

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New plant named after vuvuzela

vuvuzela world cup jun14_

A NEWLY-discovered iris plant has been named after South Africa's vuvuzela as a lasting memory of the World Cup.

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Spacecraft captures rare asteroid photos


NEW pictures of a massive space rock 134km in diameter could one day help protect Earth from rogue asteroid collisions.

Nanobots - now they can control your mind


US scientists use nanoparticles to remote control worms, then claim "whole animals" are next.

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Scientists hope capsule contains asteroid

A JAPANESE space capsule thought to contain asteroid dust ended a multi-billion-kilometre journey into deep space and back when it arrived on Friday at a research centre outside Tokyo.

Science and Technology Pictures

Skylon Spaceplane

Skylon Spaceplane

British rocketeers Reaction Engines Ltd unveil their design for the Skylon, a reusable spaceplane they claim can be in service within the ne...

James Dyson Award Finalists


Check out some of the finalists for this year's James Dyson Awards for design engineering


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