Last updated: November 04, 2010

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Internet Filtering

The latest news on the Federal Labor Government's plan to introduce a mandatory ISP filtering scheme to censor what you can and can't look at on the web.

Conroy not dropping internet filter

Stephen Conroy

STEPHEN Conroy says he is still pushing for the controversial internet filter, despite lack of support in Parliament.

Coalition to block Conroy's internet filter


LABOR'S controversial internet filter could be dead in the water as the Coalition rejects it.

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iiNet hits back at web filter support claim

iiNet Michael Malone

INTERNET company hits back after minister says it supports controversial web filtering plan.

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Filter could put Google TV on backburner

Google TV

GOOGLE won't rush into rolling out Google TV if it thinks an ISP filter will result in a poor service.

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Request for filtering report drafts quashed

ISP Content Filtering Pilot Report

FOUR-month battle to get access to early drafts of internet filtering report quashed by Government.

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Conroy pushes ahead with 'shelved' filter

COMMUNICATIONS minister Stephen Conroy denies that the internet filter has been shelved.

'There's loads of RC material on YouTube'


SOME people might be surprised to hear what could be banned by web filtering, says Google exec.

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No penalty for bypassing Conroy's filter

Tom Wood

TEEN who cracked Howard's filter will try to bypass Conroy's as well — and he'll be able to do it legally.

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Banned website blacklist will stay secret

Stephen Conroy

GOVERNMENT doesn't plan on telling the public where to find banned websites, says Minister.

270 comments on this story

Script author wants filter code removed

AUTHOR of code that was used to remove mentions of web filtering says he now wants it taken down.

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Web filter minister censors his own site

Stephen Conroy

MINISTER in charge of internet filtering plan has been caught censoring his official website.

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Internet porn? We don't look, say Aussies

Online porn

MOST Australians say they don't look at porn but want a web filter.

224 comments on this story


ISS trip is one giant leap for tinmankind


HUMANOID robot is hitches one-way ride to the International Space Station aboard final flight of space shuttle Discovery.

Astronauts want ship to rear-end asteroids

Asteroids record

COUNTRIES must team up to prevent an asteroid from slamming into Earth, scientists and former astronauts say.

4 comments on this story

US tries to do away with France's kilogram


US spoilsports don't like the idea of France having Earth's only kilogram. Solution? Ban it all.

118 comments on this story

NASA Mars mission a one-way trip

IT'S the biggest dead-end job ever.


1 of 4


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