Last updated: November 21, 2010

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Beauty who sparked a love quest

Olivia Nasser

Olivia Nasser (left) is the "olive-skinned" beauty who enraptured Immigration Department staffer Steve Tucker. Source: The Daily Telegraph


Steve Tucker emailed more than 7000 colleague in search of a woman named 'Olivia.' Source: The Daily Telegraph

  • Man taken by beautiful woman he meets at event
  • Email he sends to track her down goes viral
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MEET the mysterious woman who captured the heart of a lovestruck public servant - and almost cost him his job.

The Sunday Telegraph can exclusively introduce Olivia Nasser, the "olive-skinned" beauty who so enraptured Immigration Department staffer Steve Tucker that he put his heart on his sleeve and his job on the line to be reunited with her.

Their brief encounter at a ball last weekend spurred Mr Tucker to send an emotional email to 7000 colleagues in a quest for romance that instead turned the modern day Romeo into an international laughing stock.

Mr Tucker was reprimanded by his boss and ridiculed around the world after the email went viral but, worst of all, The Sunday Telegraph can reveal the girl of his dreams isn't interested.

In fact, Ms Nasser apparently can't even recall meeting her not-so-secret admirer at the Social Network of Graduates (SNoG) Ball in Canberra.

Ball organiser Laura Bateman said Ms Nasser was not keen to hook up with him.

"She can't remember him," she said.

"She wants to get on with her life. Canberra is only a small city. It's already out of control."

When The Sunday Telegraph contacted Ms Nasser she said she was too busy to talk.

Things went awry when Mr Tucker sent an email that would go viral, after it was posted on Canberra-based website

He was trying to track down the housemate of Ms Nasser, who worked somewhere in the department.

"She left a strong and positive impression on me," Mr Tucker wrote.

"Unfortunately, people got in the way and I didn't get to finish our meeting how I wanted to which has been bugging me ever since ."

When reports surfaced that the lovelorn staffer was facing the sack over the email, internet campaigns to "Save Steve" appeared on Twitter and Facebook.

However, a department spokeswoman said it was not a "sackable offence".

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  • makka of Perth Posted at 12:01 PM Today

    Why does the media think they have the right to publish this sort of thing its a private matter!

  • Richard Inglis of Redcliffe, Qld Posted at 12:00 PM Today

    A guy goes out on a limb for a matter of the heart and fails. Kudos, son. Alas the true ocker reaction (embodied in these media pieces) is somewhat different. It's more along the lines of "let's rub his nose in it for as long as possible on a national scale". What next? Speculation about the size of his genitals? The moral of this story if you live in Australia? Never take emotional risks and stay an unknown loser (because if you go public and fail we will make sure you are held up to as much ridicule as is humanly possible (or for as long as there is media interest at anay rate)

  • matthew of Canberra Posted at 11:47 AM Today

    peasant of brisbane - not all of those employees are processors. Some are specialists in finance, management of call centres, HR, IT, admin support etc etc etc - geez have you ever worked for any sort of medium sized business? There is not just ONE position in any organisation. What a joke - do your research before you post rubbish.

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