
Archive for October, 2009

Hello? Anyone still here?

Saturday, October 31st, 2009

First of all, I want to apologize for the sudden disappearance of Culture of Soccer last year. Starting graduate school ate up most of my time, and I couldn’t keep up the site. However, now that I am a couple of years into my PhD, I find myself with a bit more time and I am happy to announce that I will be restarting Culture of Soccer shortly. I will likely do updates about once a week and I hope to regain many of the fans this site had developed previously, as well as attract some new followers. I have many ideas for stories to write and I will come across new ideas as part of my studies, which will focus on the role of immigrant soccer leagues in the United States. I’m also happy to hear suggestions from readers. If you have an idea for something I can write about on Culture of Soccer, please email me at david@cultureofsoccer.com.

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  • Christopher: Guys, There is only a matter of meters between Dundee...

  • well well: Nothing but lies about liverpool on this site and from the...

  • sahar: afshin ghotbi is my love

  • Chuck: I too attended Earlham and played soccer there. I was a walk on...

  • Lisa: Hopefully the film shows that the difference between the Mexican...



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