On-Field Immunity?
Wednesday, June 27th, 2007The net is a great source for wholesale silver in all different shapes and styles Whether you are looking for wholesale silver rings, silver charms, or silver soccer charms, there is sure to be a great option for jewelry on the web!The soccer field is a place firmly rooted in the world, but also, in a sense, removed from it. The norms of behavior followed during a match could not reasonably be employed in any other situation (yelling at your boss as you do a referee cannot have positive results). Like Las Vegas, what happens on the field usually stays on the field. Nowhere is this more apparent than in application of criminal law. Punishment for misdeeds on the pitch is often non-existent (Exhibit A: Toni Schumacher) or handled by the footballing authorities themselves. It is rare that the long arm of criminal law makes its way on the field. Rare, but not unheard of.