
Anarcho-punk zine: PunkWay #5, winter 2011

punkway zine

1. Introduction

3. [Analyze It!]
4. [It’s always the lack of time.]
5. [About The Fight Against The Invisible Enemy]
6. [What to do if… and afterwards]

[Ideas] The Theory
7. Revolution?!
8. Open relationship
9. Science and Anarchy
10.This is Street Art
11. Sport for the Vegetarians
12. Different (Un)Necessities
13. Songs

[Action] Events  read more »

Poland, 1990, October-November, News prepared by Black Alliance group

October-November 1990
news prepared by Black Alliance group

News From Poland

1. 17 October, Krakow

The group of Anarchist Federation in Krakow organized an anti-presidential demonstration during the election rally of Lech Walesa. The A.F. demonstration was attacked by skin-heads and the other supporters of Walesa.

2. 19 October, Warszawa  read more »

ISO Members' Toolkit

some good or not so good ideas on anti-capitalist organization depending on one's point of view...

The Spectre / El Fantasma No. 1


Volumen 1, Número 1. Enero 2011.

Periódico Mensual del Observatorio Internacional Contra las Políticas de las Multinacionales (International Co-ordination Against Multinational Policies).



If you want to create Socialism - it must be based on Freedom


by James O'Brien

From Trotskyism to Anarchism


From Trotskyism to Anarchism by Wayne Price

On the Concept of History / Theological-Political Fragment


Walter Benjamin's seminal “On the Concept of History” and “Theological-Political Fragment” typeset for easy reading.

For a World Without a Moral Order

For a World Without a Moral Order

Love: the consequence of indifference and generalised selfishness; taking refuge in a few people who, by chance or out of necessity, have been given a privileged role. Love is the impossible love of humanity which is fulfilled in a few individuals, for better or worse. Ecstasy: a voyage beyond the profane, the banal, and into the sacred; an escape which is immediately cut off and circumscribed by religion. Crime: the only way out when the norm can no longer be respected or circumvented.

Ragged Trousered Philanthropists, The


Robert Tressell's 1914 novel is about survival on the underside of the Edwardian Twilight, about exploitative employment when the only safety nets are charity, workhouse, and grave. Following the fortunes of a group of painters and decorators and their families, and the attempts to rouse their political will by the Socialist visionary Frank Owen, the book is both a highly entertaining story and a passionate appeal for a fairer way of life. It asks questions that are still being asked today: why do your wages bear no relation to the value of your work?  read more »

90 Day Fire at Will: changes to employment law & what we can do to fight them (NZ)


90 Day Fire at Will: changes to employment law & what we can do to fight them (NZ). Ready to print A4 flyer.

Methods of Struggle: Anarcho-Syndicalist Tactics


The following text was written to help people discover, remind themselves or popularize the various syndicalist methods of struggle.

By an anarcho-syndicalist militant, CNT-AIT, 2006.
Translated by Cobbler and 888 for
Design by Jared Davidson.

Beyond Representation: Tactics for building a culture of resistance

Beyond Representation

"Revisiting successful aspects of the anarcho-syndicalist tradition and its tactics of revolutionary struggle (within and outside of the workplace) is something that could potentially move beyond representation and build the culture of resistance. By coming together in one network based on direct action, solidarity and the ideas of anarchism, we could offer a very real alternative to both reformist action and the capitalist system itself. It could do what the current unions can’t or won’t do."  read more »

Anti-Exploits of Men Against Sexism, The


In 1977 they made shotguns in prison and did patrols. They were willing to die to stop prison rape.

"I'll tell you what, we were some tough faggots." Ed Mead, Men Against Sexism organizer 1997

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