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Thursday, November 18 2010 @ 09:16 PM UTC

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German people in unprecedented rebellion against government


Police personnel from France, Croatia and Poland had joined in the biggest security operation ever mounted against protestors against the a train carrying nuclear waste to a depot in an isolated part of  Lower Saxony’s countryside. Helicopters, water canons and police vehicles, including an armoured surveillance truck, accompanied an endless column of anti-riot police mounted on horses and also marching down the railway tracks into the dense woods. Tens of thousands of anti riot police clattered along the tracks, their helmets and visors gleaming in the morning sun, and wearing body armour, leg guards and carrying batons.

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Infoshop News EXTRA

Featuring more news and views from the alternative and mainstream media.

*Website of the Day: What in the fuck has Obama done so far?
*Kentucky Cancels Coal Plant, New Power Movement Electrifies Grassroot Alliance
*McDonald's and PepsiCo to help write UK health policy
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Ireland: Who is afraid of the IMF - their opportunity and ours


It's now official, the Irish state is in talks with the EU and the IMF about a so called 'rescue plan' to bail out the Irish capitalist class from the disaster created by the international crash of the capitalist economic system. A crisis that was magnified in Ireland by the corruption of local crony capitalism on the one hand and the dependency of the economy on 'globalization' on the other. Trapped between such a cast of crooks and idiots it is perhaps not surprising that many in Ireland hope things will be improved when the running of our lives will be handed over to those who many hope might have a clue.

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What Anarchism Really Means

Anarchist Opinion

Protesters are never a homogenous group, but those who protested under the anti-cuts banner last week were united in the view that the marketisation of higher education should be opposed. Typically, however, property destruction magically transformed a sizeable subset into "anarchists", and gave a green light to the general dismissal of their concerns.

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Greek Anarchists Defend University from "Socialists"

A few hours ago, a group of the young members of the "sosialist party" try to get inside the university in Thessalloniki but anarchists did not let them. It was a big fight and guess who won?

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Solidarity Actions with the Asheville 11 on December 1


Eleven people arrested in Asheville, NC on May 1 still face outrageous felony conspiracy and rioting charges simply for being in a neighborhood in which some windows were broken. Although support for the defendants has been growing steadily, the District Attorney is stubbornly clinging to this opportunity to defame and demonize anarchists. It is increasingly clear that the outcome of the case hinges on the attention and support the 11 receive.

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Justice Dept. Ups Ante Against Anti-War Activists

Spying on You

In late September the FBI carried out a series of raids of homes and anti-war offices of public activists in Minneapolis and Chicago. Following the raids the Obama Justice Department subpoenaed 14 activists to a grand jury in Chicago and also subpoenaed the files of several anti-war and community organizations.

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Protesting Degree Zero: On Black Bloc Tactics, Culture and Building the Movement

Anti-Capitalist Movement

Among some of the images of good citizenship generated by the mainstream media following the demonstrations against the meeting of G8 and G20 leaders in Toronto from June 25 to 27, 2010, two particular cases come to mind.[1] The first, broadcast repeatedly on the morning of June 27 by the local Toronto television news station CP24, was an interview with a private security expert who had spotted two demonstrators emerge from an underground sewer. The middle-aged man described them as though they were unwanted vermin that he took pleasure in rooting out.[2] Although there was not much to this story, it aired repeatedly like a mantra for the weekend.

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San Francisco: Officer Draws Gun on University Students

Breaking News

More than a dozen people have been arrested in clashes with police outside a meeting of University of California regents, who are set to vote on another tuition increase.

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Greece: Over 50,000 march today in Athens


Over 50,000 people marched today in Athens, Greece as part of protests that marked the anniversary of a 1973 anti-dictatorship uprising. The protests included clashes between people and the police, who used violence against the protesters.

*Occupied London: More than 50,000 march today in Athens; more than thirty detentions so far; pictures from the demo
*Greek Riots; Protesters Clash With Police At 1973 Uprising Anniversary March
*Greece: Police, protesters clash at annual march
*Thousands hold protest in Greece
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No Demolition of New Orleans' Iberville Public Housing Development


This letter, addressed to HUD secretary Shaun Donovan, is to demand that the Department of Housing and Urban Development not award a Choice Neighborhoods Implementation grant to the Housing Authority of New Orleans (HANO) and City of New Orleans to demolish and privatize the Iberville Public Housing development.

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Fort Lewis College President Dene Kay Thomas Threatens Students with Kent State

Breaking News

At Fort Lewis College in Durango, Colorado an urgent letter was released altering the Fort Lewis and Durango community about a meeting that took place between FLC president Dene Thomas, Provost Steven Roderick and two students. Concern was raised because of the methods used by the president and the Provost of the college with regards to student input. Not only did the students concerns fall on deaf ears, but we feel there was an attempt to silence us. Most surprising of which is an analogy President Thomas made to FLC and Ken State. Please read the narrative below explaining the meeting in further detail.

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What to Expect at the Radical History Conference


What to expect at the 2011 Radical History Conference in Windsor Ontario during February 4th, 5th and 6th? Join fellow workers in exploring past stories of revolt, stories of genocide, stories of community solidarity, stories of liberation and stories from a decaying world of corporate hegemony. Heck, we got more incendiary stories than an Ottawa RBC branch. They don't teach this stuff in school boys and girls!

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UK: Support the Thessaloniki 4: How to help


Over a hundred people were arrested after a demonstration confronting the European Union summit, held in Thessaloniki in Greece back in 2003. Seven people were imprisoned and held on remand, including UK protester Simon Chapman. The prisoners began a hunger strike that lasted more than 50 days.

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American activist seriously injured in the head by Delta motorcycle police during tonight’s anti-IMF demonstration in Athens

Anti-Capitalist MovementWhat follows is a compilation of accounts of comrades who were at tonight’s demonstration in central Athens, close to the injured activist and whose reports are verified and trustworthy. Please spread. We will post more information here, as it comes. The events unfolded toward the end of tonight’s demonstration against the presence of representatives of the IMF in central Athens. As we were marching at the last block of the demonstration on Patision Avenue, having left Omonoia square and heading back toward the Polytechnic, a number of “Delta” motorcycle police appeared at the back of the demonstration.
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Nazis Attempt to March and Rally in Phoenix Met with Fierce Resistance

Anti-Racist Action

A march and rally that was planned through downtown Phoenix by members of the National Socialist Movement (NSM), a neo-Nazi hate group, was met with fierce resistance on Saturday. Starting at noon, more than 150 Anarchists, Anti-authoritarians, Queer, Youth, Immigrants, Wobblies and Indigenous peoples started gathering at the Sandra Day O'connor courthouse to confront the NSM.

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Two Olympia Radicals Charged With Perjury Due to Participation in Anti-Police March


We are asking for your support of two Olympia activists, Matt (Matthew Duran) and Maggi (Margaret Belknap), who have been charged with perjury in connection with their participation in an anti-police demonstration in Olympia, WA on April 8th. The demonstration occurred in reaction to recent police murders in Olympia, Portland, Tacoma, and the Bay Area and the unaccountability that surrounds them.

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Russian Embassy Attacked (Montreal, Quebec)

SolidarityThe Russian Embassy in Montreal, QC had its windows smashed and paint thrown against its facade. This action took place during the days of solidarity called for between November 12th-15th in solidarity with those facing repression of the aftermath of the militant defense of the Khimki old growth forest in Russia.
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Long Island: Be a Part of the Largest Food Not Bombs Ever


Last Thanksgiving, Long Island Food Not Bombs organized the largest Food Share in the 30-year history of the Food Not Bombs movement. There were thousands of people, tens-of-thousands of pounds of food and a true sense that solidarity and community direct action can achieve anything. This year we’re organizing something even bigger! Hell, way bigger!

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