Irandaily | No. 3832 | Front page | Page 1               document.onmousemove = mouseMove; document.onmouseup = endDrag; var imgSrc = '';                    HOME            ABOUT US            ARCHIVE            SEARCH            RSS            CANTACT               Year 1388 1389 2009  /  Month 1 2 3 4 5 6  7 8 9 10 11 12  /  Day 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31           All Contents: 82 Today Newspaper:  Select date No.3832 - ﺳﻪشنبه, 02 آذر 1389 No.3831 - دوشنبه, 01 آذر 1389 No.3830 - یکشنبه, 30 آبان 1389 No.3829 - شنبه, 29 آبان 1389 No.3828 - ﺳﻪشنبه, 25 آبان 1389 No.3827 - دوشنبه, 24 آبان 1389 No.3826 - یکشنبه, 23 آبان 1389 No.3825 - شنبه, 22 آبان 1389 No.3824 - پنجشنبه, 20 آبان 1389 No.3823 - چهارشنبه, 19 آبان 1389 No.3822 - ﺳﻪشنبه, 18 آبان 1389 No.3821 - دوشنبه, 17 آبان 1389 No.3820 - یکشنبه, 16 آبان 1389 No.3819 - شنبه, 15 آبان 1389 No.3818 - پنجشنبه, 13 آبان 1389                 I R A N ------ D A I L Y                       Front page     1  var CurrentPageSubject = 'Front page';          National     2 3         Domestic Economy     4         Economy     5         Iranica     6         Society     7         Science     8         Promotional Item     9         World     10         Sports     11         Art & Culture     12      showHidePageIndex(CurrentPageSubject,'');         SEARCH       SEARCH       In this paper      All the papers                  var nextPageURL = ''; var previousPageURL = ''; nextPageURL = '';     putNextPagging(nextPageURL, imgSrc);     putPrevPagging(previousPageURL, imgSrc);                 createImageMap('121,115,472,344', '30517'); NewsCutItems.put('30517', ''); createImageMap('16,30,114,181', '30518'); NewsCutItems.put('30518', ''); createImageMap('17,185,114,307', '30519'); NewsCutItems.put('30519', ''); createImageMap('119,28,471,109', '30520'); NewsCutItems.put('30520', '');        PAGE TITLES        Persian Gulf Crucial for Int’l Security, Trade 

   China Collaboration Has Potential 

   IAEA Report 

   iran dailiy 

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 Persian Gulf Crucial for Int’l Security, Trade 


 Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Monday the Persian Gulf is a “sensitive and important region” which plays a pivotal role in regional and international affairs. “The Persian Gulf plays a key role in the international economy, security and relations among nations,” IRNA quoted him as saying at the 20th International Persian Gulf Conference which opened in the southern port city of Bandar Abbas near the strategic waterway. “The Persian Gulf has always conveyed a message of peace, friendship and security [to the world],” he noted. The minister said “Iran has demonstrated that it can keep moving on forward despite conspiracies [by hostile powers] and make breakthroughs on its way to development, growth and progress.” The “aggressive powers” now do not cherish the idea of a military attack on Iran, which is an indication of the country's might, he said. The two-day meeting has brought together experts from 20 countries to discuss key issues related to the waterway from which almost 40 percent of the world’s oil supply passes.   Talks With Davutoglu In a phone talk with his Turkish counterpart Ahmet Davutoglu after the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s summit in Lisbon, Mottaki appreciated Ankara’s principled stance at the meeting.  He also thanked Ankara for its effort to prevent Iran from being mentioned as the source of threat in relation to the controversial NATO missile defense shield to be stationed in Europe. Turkey has emphasized the necessity for NATO not to rationalize its missile system as a means to target any specific country or project Iran and other Middle East countries as a threat to the military alliance. Last month Davutoglu said Turkey does not believe that its neighbors including Iran pose a threat to any country. “We do not have a perception of threat in our adjacent areas, including Iran, Russia, Syria and the other adjacent countries,” News.AZ quoted him as saying. The top Turkish diplomat continued “NATO should exclude any formula that confronts Turkey with a group of countries in its threat definitions and planning. ... We do not want a cold war zone or psychology around us.” He noted that “NATO can develop defense systems by taking into consideration security risks”, adding that his country’s opposition to such NATO measures “is out of the question”. Davutoglu also held a telephone conversation with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Saeed Jalili on Monday. The two sides assessed the latest developments ahead of a proposed meeting on December 5 between Iran and the Group5+1 – the US, Britain, France, Russia and China plus Germany. The talks will include Ian’s proposals submitted to the G5+1 in September 2009 as well as the contents of Jalili’s July letter to the European Union foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton. Davutoglu spoke on the phone with Ashton about the meeting while the NATO summit was underway. Following US pressure on Turkey to allow the stationing of the NATO missile shield on its soil as a member of the alliance, Turkish President Abdullah Gul said at the Lisbon summit that the shield must not target any country or mention Iran as a threat. The US and other western states had said the missile shield is aimed at countering what they described as ballistic missile threats from Iran.   Hariri Visit Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of the Persian Gulf conference, Mottaki said the Lebanese Prime Minister Saad Hariri’s upcoming visit to Iran, is a step forward to set the stage for implementing earlier agreements between the two sides. The minister said Hariri’s visit next week would open a new chapter in Tehran-Beirut relations. “In the years after the Islamic Revolution [in 1979], the two states have shared friendly relations and officials of the two countries held regular meetings,” IRNA quoted him as saying. “Iran has always backed Lebanon’s territorial integrity, national unity and resistance... Over the past years economic cooperation [with Lebanon] has been high on the agenda,” Mottaki said. Iran’s Embassy in Beirut said Sunday Hariri would visit Iran on Nov. 27 at the head of a high-ranking political and economic delegation. Mottaki recalled President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s visit to Lebanon last month, which he said was sought to cement bilateral relations. During the visit “we [Iran and Lebanon] signed 17 documents which indicate the quality of two-way relations,” he was quoted as saying.  


 China Collaboration Has Potential 


  SNSC Chief: China Collaboration Has Potential Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Saeed Jalili has emphasized that the Iran-China relations are of international significance because the two countries are seen as among Asia’s top potentials. Speaking in a meeting with the visiting Chinese deputy foreign minister, Li Yu Jin Min in Tehran on Monday, he said “Expansion of ties between Iran and China, as two of Asia’s main potentials, are important in the international arena,” a fax statement obtained by Iran Daily from the SNSC headquarters said. According to the statement, Jalili referred to the “wrong approach” of some world powers towards Iran in recent years and said “Such attitude would cost them [hostile powers] dearly.” The SNSC chief was apparently referring to the accusations by the five permanent members of the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) – the US, Britain, France, Russia and China -- in which they claim Iran is secretly trying to develop nuclear arms. Tehran says it has no such intention. It has declared at the highest levels of power that its nuclear program is peaceful and in line with its rights under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). Elsewhere Jalili said Iran’s national and regional potentials cannot be denied and admitting the country’s unique status and its legitimate rights is a pre-condition for any meaningful cooperation between Iran and foreign states and organizations. Li delivered a written message form a senior member of China’s Government Council Dai Bingguo to the SNSC chief. The SNSC’s deputy for foreign policy and international security, Ali Baqeri told reporters after Jalili’s meeting with Li that negotiations are Iran’s strategic choice in dealing with other states…But in recent times talks have become the only option for some big powers because “they have used all other options against Iran and gained nothing.”  


 IAEA Report 


 An informed diplomat close to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Yukiya Amano’s report on Iran’s nuclear activities will be presented before the end of this week. Speaking in an interview with IRNA in Vienna on Monday, the source who spoke on the condition that he not be named, said “Amano’s secret report [on Iran] will be handed to representatives of the IAEA member states for an initial study.”  Political Desk  An informed diplomat close to the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) said Yukiya Amano’s report on Iran’s nuclear activities will be presented before the end of this week. Speaking in an interview with IRNA in Vienna on Monday, the source who spoke on the condition that he not be named, said “Amano’s secret report [on Iran] will be handed to representatives of the IAEA member states for an initial study.” The report will most probably be distributed on Tuesday, he said. The diplomat stressed that “Amano’s report on Syria’s nuclear program will also be distributed among the members at the same time [as the report on Iran].” According to the UN nuclear watchdog’s regulations, the director general’s report is distributed among the agency’s member states 10 days to one week prior to the IAEA board of governors’ seasonal meeting. The next meeting of the board is scheduled for December 2. Despite the fact that such reports carry confidential labels, sections of the western media publish selected parts of the reports with covert aims. All periodical IAEA reports on Iran’s nuclear program during former IAEA Chief Mohammad ElBaradei’s tenure and also Amano’s time in office, have said there is no diversion toward a military nuclear program by the Islamic Republic.  By Direction However, points in the reports that create ambiguities over Iran’s nuclear agenda have normally been raised under heavy pressure from the US and some western states. Despite Iranian calls, the West has not been able to provide a single evidence to back its claims regarding Iran’s nuclear program, which it claims is a cover for developing atomic arms. Iran has cooperated with the UN nuclear agency over and above its obligations under the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and IAEA safeguards, allowing the agency’s inspectors to conduct thousands of hours of unprecedented inspections of its nuclear sites. However, the IAEA and the West have failed to demonstrate good will and fulfill their obligations towards Iran. This is more than evident in the repeated failures of the agency and Western powers to provide Iran nuclear fuel to keep a Tehran medical reactor running. Experts say western claims regarding Iran’s nuclear activities are aimed largely to distract world public opinion from Israel’s atomic arsenal which contains more than 200 nuclear warheads. While the West pressures Iran over the alleged arms claims, Israel -- as the sole holder of an atomic arsenal in the Middle East -- freely continues to expand its formidable nuclear arsenal without international inspection. Hence, Tehran has slammed the West’s double standard policies on the nuclear issue, accusing it of monopolizing nuclear technology to get an upper hand in the future energy markets.  


 iran dailiy 


 Number 3832 ● Tuesday November 23, 2010 ● Azar 2, 1389 ● Zihajjeh 16, 1431 ● Price 2,000 Rials ● 12 Pages 

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