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Pat Patterson about Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria

Stewart has an audience of 1.3 million.Comments ()

Pat Patterson about Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria

Joerg-The only thing different about O'Reilly and Olbermann is that compared to the [...]Comments ()

Joerg Wolf about Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria

If you don't like Stewart, you can get basically the same analysis from Ted Koppel: [...]Comments ()

Joe Noory about "German Ecological-Industrial Complex"

So what? The entire obsession with "green" identification the natural outcome of a [...]Comments ()

Joe Noory about Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria

So much for the {url= lic/101110_1.htm]armies of the [...]Comments ()

Joe Noory about Like America, Germany Needs More Sanity, Less Hysteria

That's a fig leaf. Just because the left don't think him leftish enough, that [...]Comments ()

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