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Take Action: Call Gov. Quinn, ask him to sign the repeal bill!

Illinois is just one signature away from becoming the 16th state without the death penalty! The General Assembly passed SB3539 to repeal the death penalty on January 11, 2011. Now the legislation is awaiting final approval from Gov. Quinn.

Please contact Governor Quinn right away to tell him you hope he’ll sign the death penalty repeal bill.

You can leave a message at one of these numbers below. You can say, "I'm from [city] and I want Gov Quinn to sign the bill to end the death penalty."

Chicago Office - 312-814-2121
Springfield Office - 217-782-0244

If you don't get through to a person or voicemail, please try again.

A Huge Thank You to our Bill Sponsors

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Yesterday, our bill sponsors in the House and Senate received the thank you cards that many of you signed at our recent events. We are so grateful for the courageous leadership that both Rep. Karen Yarbrough and Senator Kwame Raoul have taken in the effort to repeal Illinois' death penalty.

Now, we are still waiting for Governor Quinn's signature that will turn the bill into law. Repeal is near, so please keep the letters and phone calls to the Governor's office coming!

Write a Letter to the Editor

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Before he'll make a decision to sign the legislation to repeal Illinois' death penalty, Gov. Quinn has said that he wants to hear from the people. He's getting hundreds of calls a day (from many of you!), received letters from Illinois and abroad and heard from Editorial Boards.

Let's make the voice for repeal loud on the Opinion Pages of local newspapers. Write a short letter this week (less then 250 words) about why you think you Gov. Quinn ought to sign the repeal legislation. In leiu of providing a stock sample letter, we're sending some guidelines that you may find useful. If your paper has a "speakout" section where readers can call in their opinion, please do so.

Let's give Gov. Quinn the support he needs to do the right thing.

Sign the ACLU petition to deliver to Gov. Quinn


Our friends at the ACLU are collecting 50,000 signatures on a petition to Gov. Quinn that they'll deliver the last week of January.

Click here to sign the ACLU petition.

Ask friends, coworkers, your church and organizations to call Gov. Quinn

Gov. Pat Quinn hasn't made up his mind if he'll sign the death penalty repeal bill. But he's said he wants to hear from the people of Illinois.

Help us expand our reach so that Gov. Quinn hears that Illinois supports repeal. Click on attachment below to download and print a quarter-sheet PDF flyer you can bring to work, church and upcoming meetings, to encourage others to call.

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