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December 2, 2010
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Ear to the Ground

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Tag: baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Explosions Bring Fresh Devastation to Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Some Former U.S. Allies in Iraq Reconsidering Loyalties

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Gets a Call for Help in Iraq Attack

Ear to the Ground: Maliki: Iraq Is Now ‘Independent’

A/V Booth: ‘Rebranding’ U.S. Combat Troops in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: At Least 50 Killed in Iraq Bomb Attacks

Ear to the Ground: Suicide Bombing Kills at Least 59 at Baghdad Army Center

Ear to the Ground: Obama: Iraq Drawdown Is ‘on Schedule’

Ear to the Ground: 35 Killed, Scores Wounded in Baghdad Bombings

Ear to the Ground: Soldier Facing Criminal Charges for Leaking to WikiLeaks (Update)

A/V Booth: Biden Does Baghdad, Finds Occupation ‘Delicious’

Reports: Newest National Security Strategy Is an Elaboration of the Old

Reports: No One Cares

Reports: Collateral Murder in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Baghdad Bomb Attacks Kill 50

A/V Booth: Video Shows Gunning Down of Journalists and Iraqi Civilians

Ear to the Ground: Suicide Attacks Rock Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: 25 Dead in Baghdad Shooting

Reports: Here We WMD Again: Iraq and the Mythical Pakistani Package

Ear to the Ground: Three Bomb Blasts Kill 32 in Baghdad

Reports: Europe Needs to Believe in Its Own Adequacy

Ear to the Ground: Female Suicide Bomber Kills 54 in Baghdad Attack

Ear to the Ground: Justice Department Investigating Alleged Blackwater Bribes

Ear to the Ground: Triple Bomb Attack Targets Baghdad Hotels

Reports: The Source of America’s Imperial Presidency

Reports: Obama’s Alternate Universe

Ear to the Ground: Federal Judge Dismisses Charges in Blackwater Shooting Case

Ear to the Ground: At Least 127 Killed in Baghdad Bombings

Reports: The Crushing Legacy of Bush and Cheney

Ear to the Ground: Google Goes to Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Baghdad Shaken by Worst Attack in Two Years

Ear to the Ground: Iraqi Death Toll Hits 13-Month High in August

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Commander ‘Frustrated’ by Training Pace in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: The Pentagon Can’t Stop Baghdad Bombs

Reports: Only Time Can Heal Some Iraqi Wounds

Ear to the Ground: Another Deadly Day in Baghdad

Reports: Gulf War Legacy Flares as Kuwait Puts the Squeeze on Iraq

Reports: It’s Time for the U.S. to Declare Victory and Go Home

Reports: U.S. Foreign Wars Not Going According to Plan

Reports: So This Is What Victory Looks Like?

Reports: U.S. Troops Leave Iraqi Cities, but Unsettled Issues Remain

Ear to the Ground: We’ll Always Have Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Bomb Rips Baghdad Market Ahead of U.S. Pullback

A/V Booth: ‘Colbert Report’ Invades Iraq

Reports: British Government Gives Iraq Story a Final Spin

Ear to the Ground: Clinton Signals Support for Iraq During Baghdad Visit

Ear to the Ground: Deadliest Bomb Strikes in Months Kill 78 in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Soldier Gets Life in Killing of Iraqi Prisoners

Ear to the Ground: Shoe-Thrower Catches a Break

Ear to the Ground: Obama Shows the Troops Some Love

Reports: It’s Now a ‘Soft War’ in Afghanistan, but It’s Still a Disaster

Ear to the Ground: Awakening on the Wrong Side of the Bed

Reports: If Only the World Had Listened

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Soldier Found Guilty of Murder in Iraq Killings

Ear to the Ground: The Shoe-Thrower Speaks

Reports: The Road Out of Iraq Begins in Vietnam

Reports: Pondering the Inner Meanings of Bill’s Big List

Ear to the Ground: British Troops to Begin Iraq Withdrawal in May

Reports: President Bush and the Flying Shoes: A Cautionary Tale

Reports: Blundering U.S. Should Spare the World Any More Nation Building

Cartoons: Flying Shoes

A/V Booth: Shoe Ambush Sparks Pride and Protest Among Arabs

A/V Booth: Bush Survives Shoe Attack

Reports: Sweeping Blackwater Under the Rug

Reports: Confronting the Terrorist Within

Ear to the Ground: Thousands Protest U.S. Pact

Reports: No End to the Savagery in Afghanistan

Reports: Virtual JFK: The 44th President’s Foreign Policy Challenge

Ear to the Ground: Thousands of Iraqis Protest U.S. Occupation

Ear to the Ground: Over 30 Killed in Baghdad Bombings

Ear to the Ground: Odierno Takes Petraeus’ Place in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Rice Pops Up in Baghdad

A/V Booth: City of Walls

Reports: It’s the War, Stupid

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Blasts Kill Dozens

Ear to the Ground: Blackwater Plans to Back Away From Security Biz

Ear to the Ground: Petraeus Shows Obama the Sights

Ear to the Ground: Obama in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Obama Commits to Afghanistan Escalation

Reports: Military Action Against Iran ‘Would Destabilize Iraq’

Reports: Snapshots of Life and Death in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Private Contractors in Iraq to Lose Immunity

Reports: The Illusion of Saving Nations From Themselves

Reports: The Unsung Victims of the Emerald City

Reports: A Better Iraq? That’s What Saddam Said

Reports: Truthdigger of the Week: Adrienne Kinne

Reports: Trading Spaces, Iraq Edition

Reports: Whistle-Blower Points to Target List in U.S. Attack on Hotel

Reports: Iraq’s Mosul a ‘Ghost City’

Reports: Baghdad’s Other Power Struggle

Ear to the Ground: Blackwater Bounces Back

Reports: Business Stirs in a Walled Neighborhood

Arts and Culture: Geoffrey Wheatcroft on ‘Muqtada’

Ear to the Ground: Preparations Made for Sadr City Assault

Ear to the Ground: Aziz Trial on Hold

Reports: Bloated in Baghdad

Reports: Sadr’s Dark Warning

Ear to the Ground: Maliki Asks for a Pass

Ear to the Ground: Sadr Warns of ‘Open War’

Ear to the Ground: The Imperial Palace of Iraq

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Builds Wall in Sadr City

Ear to the Ground: Sadr: U.S. Will Always Be Enemy

Reports: Semantics Can’t Mask Bush’s Chicanery

Ear to the Ground: No Exit (Yet)

Reports: Consider Iraq Defined

Ear to the Ground: Kidnappers Free Baghdad Security Spokesman

Ear to the Ground: Sadr Cuts a Deal

Ear to the Ground: Fighting Rages for Fifth Day in Iraq Offensive

Reports: Iraq Exploding as Shiite Fights Shiite

Ear to the Ground: War’s Harsh Echo

Reports: War Started With Lies, Continues With Lies

Reports: The Only Lesson We Ever Learn Is That We Never Learn

Reports: Dinner With Ahmed

Ear to the Ground: Inside a CIA Black Site

Ear to the Ground: Bomb Kills 5 U.S. Soldiers in Baghdad

Reports: ‘Great Satan’ Gets Struck Out

Reports: Visit Trumpets Iran’s Power in Iraq

Reports: The Calm Before the Conflagration

Reports: Iraq’s Tragic Future

Ear to the Ground: Iraqi Official: Suicide Bombers Had Down’s Syndrome

Ear to the Ground: Dual Bombings in Baghdad Kill 64

Ear to the Ground: Blackwater Gassed Baghdad Checkpoint in 2005

Ear to the Ground: Another Take on Death Toll Among Iraqis

Reports: The Five Iraqs

Ear to the Ground: Baghdad Bombers Target Familiar Market

Ear to the Ground: Circling the Wagons in Baghdad

A/V Booth: Rep. Poe:  Halliburton/KBR Gang Rape Not ‘Isolated Case’

Ear to the Ground: Gang-Rape Victim Accuses Halliburton/KBR of Cover-Up

Ear to the Ground: Tentative Security Gains in Baghdad?

Ear to the Ground: Violence in Basra Drops 90% After British Withdrawal

Ear to the Ground: FBI Blames Blackwater in 14 Civilian Deaths

Reports: Profiles in Courage: Women Journalists Speak Out

Ear to the Ground: State Dept. Gave Blackwater Shooters Immunity

Ear to the Ground: Front-Line View: Iraq Isn’t ‘Worth Another Soldier’s Life’

Ear to the Ground: Rice Takes a Licking in Congress

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Awards Iran Contracts, U.S. Sulks

Ear to the Ground: Security Guards Kill 2 Women in Baghdad

Reports: The State Dept.‘s Murderous Guardians

A/V Booth: Iron Maiden Meets IEDs in ‘Heavy Metal in Baghdad’

Ear to the Ground: Iraqis Unite Against Splitting the Nation

Ear to the Ground: More Bad News for Blackwater

Ear to the Ground: Canadian Mag Calls Bush ‘The New Saddam’

Reports: Privatizing Murder

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Diplomats Confined to the Green Zone

Ear to the Ground: Whistleblowers Expose State Department Bushie

Reports: Checkbook Imperialism:  The Blackwater Fiasco

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Bans Blackwater, Launches Investigation

Reports: Help With Petraeus’ Testimony

Ear to the Ground: Security Crew in Deadly Baghdad Shootout

Reports: Coming Apart at the Seams

Reports: The Illusion of Progress in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: The Iraqi View: ‘Surge’ Has Failed

Ear to the Ground: Looking Beyond the ‘Surge’

Reports: Reporting From Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: GAO Report Gives Iraq Gov’t an ‘F’

Ear to the Ground: Got Debt?  Head to Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Congressmen’s Plane Dodges Fire in Iraq

A/V Booth: ‘Daily Show’ in Iraq: Just Like Home

Reports: Bye-Bye Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: U.N. to Expand Iraq Mission Despite Protest

Ear to the Ground: Baghdad Raid Kills 32, Sparks Protests

Ear to the Ground: Iraqis Celebrate Asian Cup Win

Ear to the Ground: The First Victims of America’s Mega-Embassy

Ear to the Ground: Car Bombs Target Soccer Celebration

Ear to the Ground: Al-Qaida Blamed for Iraq Village Massacre

Ear to the Ground: Your Tax Dollars at Work

Ear to the Ground: Inside the Green Zone Bubble

Ear to the Ground: U.S. Death Toll for June Climbs to 78

Ear to the Ground: Bloody June in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: Mosque Bombing Kills Dozens

Ear to the Ground: No End in Sight

Reports: The ‘Surge’ Bait and Switch

Ear to the Ground: Pentagon Report: ‘Surge’ Only Shifts Violence

Reports: The Lose-Lose War

Ear to the Ground: Pelosi, Reid:  ‘Surge’ Has Failed

Reports: ‘President’ Lieberman: A Cautionary Tale

Truthdig Podcast: The Lose-Lose War

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Bridge Blast Kills 3 U.S. Soldiers

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Casualty Surge Continues

Ear to the Ground: Troops Prepare Reality Check for Lieberman

Ear to the Ground: 5 Suspected Militants Captured in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Blackwater Opens Fire in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: A Grim Memorial

Ear to the Ground: Sectarian Violence Surges in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Two ABC Journalists Slain in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: We’ll Always Have Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Manhunt Intensifies in Iraq

Ear to the Ground: U.S. General:  American Troop Deaths Will Rise

Ear to the Ground: Iraq Violence Claims 12 U.S. Soldiers and Dozens of Civilians

A/V Booth: Losing Hearts and Minds

Ear to the Ground: Chief of U.S. Prison in Baghdad Arrested

Reports: Mr. Bush, Tear Down These Walls!

Ear to the Ground: Nine U.S. Troops Killed in Suicide Attack

Reports: Mr. Bush, Tear Down That Wall

Ear to the Ground: Iraqi PM Shuts Down Wall Construction

Ear to the Ground: Walling ‘Em In (and Out)

Ear to the Ground: Surge Stalls, Fear Builds in Baghdad

Ear to the Ground: Mass Casualties in Baghdad Blasts

Ear to the Ground: Iraq’s ‘Hidden War’

Ear to the Ground: Bombing Surge

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A Progressive Journal of News and Opinion. Editor, Robert Scheer. Publisher, Zuade Kaufman.
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