jg ballard
Dedicated to the work & life of J.G. Ballard: November 15, 1930 - April 19, 2009
POSTED: 17 November 2010

More JGB scans posted to the Terminal Collection.

I've been busy lately on a mission to fill in the endless number of JGB's softcover reprints which have popped into existence over the years, only to quickly fade from the scene. My plan, when this is completed, is to set up a series of pages where JGB enthusiasts can review each publisher's output, and compare the often very strange cover art which generally ties together these surprisingly regular flurries of editions.

And if you'e looking to find a copy of one of JGB's favourite novels, I'm happy to report Westholme Publishing has recently reprinted Bernard Wolfe's 1952 classic, Limbo 90, even if they've used the American title of simply Limbo. Oft-praised by JGB, Limbo is a dystopian romp which combines prosthetics and Freud in a cyborian study of sex, power, politics and mankind's dualistic ambivalence to life. In 1956 JGB told New Worlds: "Writers who interest me are... Bernard Wolfe, whose Limbo 90 I think the most interesting science fiction novel so far published." Yeah, I've read it -- wacky!

JG Ballard WebLinks

Simon Sellars.
The Man.

JG Ballard:
A Collector's Guide

Mike Holliday.
The Sleuth.

Mike shows and tells with tips for anyone interested in collecting books, stories, and other material by and about JGB.

The JG Ballard Concordance
Mike Bonsall.
The Scanner.

An amazing site in which Mike's scanned every word used by JGB in all his short stories and novels. Yes, all two million of them!

JGB Chat Group
Join in the fun, or voyeuristically eavesdrop on a buncha JGB fans.

RE/Search Publications
V. Vale has lots of great Ballard books.

Chris Mitchell.
The Link.

Dan O'Hara
Dan teaches literature & philosophy at a university in Germany.

JG Ballard: 20th Century Chronicler
Jim Goddard runs this site as an offshoot to his Solaris bookstore, but it doesn't look like he's paid much attention to it recently.

99 Stella Vista
Cronenberg’s Crash
Who2 Profile
The Metro-Centre

jgballard.ca was born on March 4, 2009 and is administered by
Rick McGrath
POSTED: 6 November 2010

Eighteen new JGB Interviews posted.

Finally catching up with the backlog of new interviews found and transcribed. This batch includes a 1973 oldie from Jim Goddard, a 2003 classic by John Walsh, Phil Halper and Lard Iyer's investigative hit for Hardcore magazine, and a wonderful piece that ran on National Public Radio in 1988.
POSTED: 19 January 2010
UPDATED: 9 April 2010
UPDATED: 3 September 2010

Images of the destruction of
the JG Ballard Home in Shanghai.

This started with two photographs of the reconstruction going on at the Ballard family home on Amherst Avenue in Shanghai, but recent update posts from Shanghai reveal the home has basically been destroyed, not redone. With the destruction of G Block at Lunghua, and the conversion of Lunghua Airport into housing, there's now very little left of what was JG Ballard's Shanghai. And so it goes...


The Terminal Collection: First & Variant Editions

Hello, and welcome to my JG Ballard collection and archive. I think I have all of JGB's print output from 1951 to the present. This link will take you to the Terminal Collection index page, where you can see all JG's output in one file -- The Terminal Timeline -- or go to specific years.

The Complete Run of David Pringle's News from The Sun and JGB News

David Pringle has generously allowed all 25 issues of his JGB newsletters to be reprinted. They stretch from 1981 to 1996, and report on a fascinating period of JGB's career. Complete with copious bibliographies of JGB's non-fictional outputs, updates on new publications, lists of reviews, letters from fans and JGB himself, the publication of Hello, America, Low-Flying Aircraft, Empire of the Sun, The Kindness of Women, Rushing to Paradise, plus much, much more. Text transcribed by Mike Holliday and David Pringle.


Non-Fiction by JG Ballard

From 1963 to 1971 JGB wrote a number of "editorials" explaining his position on "Inner Space". Here they are, as well as a number of old journalistic pieces on Martin Amis, Vermillion Sands, WS Burroughs, Mein Kampf, and writing fiction in a technological culture.

Articles & Essays About JG Ballard

Scholarly and interesting articles from such critical luminaries as Scott Bukatman, Paul Crosthwaite, Mike Holliday, Sarah Blandy, Matt Smith, Jerome Tarshis, John Boston, David Pringle, Benjamin Noys, Peter Brigg, Richard Walls and Luc Sante. To name a few.


The Ballardian Videos of Jesús Olmo

It is always an exciting and happy time to introduce and help disseminate the work of a young artist entranced with and influenced by the ideas of JG Ballard. Click over and you, too, will discover Jesús Olmo has created a stunning visual cache of Ballardian short stories, each one mesmerizing in form and thought-provoking in content.

JG Ballard Short Stories
Dramatized on The Vanishing Point

In 1988, Canada's national radio corporation broadcast a series of 30-minute radio dramas, based on the short stories of JG Ballard, for its long-running program, "The Vanishing Point". The series was produced by Bill Lane in the CBC's Toronto studios. Lauded at the time, these forgotten gems explore the dramatic aspects of JGB's early short stories within an auditory medium, and you can listen in or download them.

The Shanghai To Shepperton
International Conference on JG Ballard

This conference was held at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, United Kingdom, on Saturday 5th & Sunday 6th May 2007. I was there with my camera & recorder, and managed to catch a number of very interesting presentations. You can listen in to such Ballardian luminaries as Roger Luckhurst, Jeannette Baxter, Phil Tew, David Pringle... or download these 17 MP3 files.


JG Ballard Interviews

This bibliography/archive contains over 150 JGB interviews from George MacBeth's 1967 BBC talk about JGB's "condensed" technique to a James Campbell piece in The Guardian in 2008. Have a question about any of JGB's books? Odds are you'll find his answer in one of his very many interviews.


Various Ballard Bibliographies

• The Critical Exhibition by Umberto Rossi. Umberto manages The James Graham Ballard Secondary Literature Online Bibliography. Over 150 essays and articles from over 140 writers and critics are currently listed.
• The Terminal Timeline
• The complete bibliography of all JGB's short stories
• JGB's early secondary sources
• Dave Pringle's fascinating study of what JGB read as a youth.


JG Ballard's Shanghai Days

Lots of photos, videos and my "travelogue" of finding and visiting JGB's childhood home in Shanghai in September 2007. Also many photos of JGB's Shanghai neighbourhood and childhood haunts, the Lunghua Camp, and a whole section of interviews with other Lunghua internees.

JG Ballard: Autopsy Of The New Millennium Exhibition in Barcelona's CCCB Museum

Hola, and buenos dias from Barcelona. It's 24 July 2008 and I’m currently standing in the Carrer de Montalegre, a narrow street deep in the university section of Barcelona. I’m standing in the overbright sunlight, looking at an imposing 18th century building which is currently the home of the Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), and even more currently the home of the very first museum exhibition dedicated to the life and work of JG Ballard.

The JG Ballard Memorial at the Tate Modern

My full report on this heartwarming event has been posted as Letter From London at Simon Sellar's Ballardian site, but this is an excuse to post more of the photos I took during the mingling part after the formal ceremonies were complete. Yes, quite a few name brands showed up.


Deep Ends

Here you'll find little oddities, stories, reviews, maxims, notes, etc, from or about The Man that have popped up along the way, but were too odd to list on their own, such as:
an interview with Ambit Art Director Michael Foreman
scans of the original Manuscript of Stewart McKenzie's 1969 ICA Multimedia Adaptation of JG Ballard's The Assassination Weapon
my recounting of doorstepping JGB at home
Will Self's BBC homage to JGB
JGB's first story, the student award-winning The Violent Noon
the real art exhibition brochure referenced by Kline in The Atrocity Exhibition
and dozens of other short hits