One of my photos



This is where I could (if I could be bothered) write all about myself for other people to read (if they cared).

I could write all about my upbringing in Essex, my move to London, my meteoric rise in the IT world, the string of broken hearts across three continents, the Nobel prize, the move out to Sussex and all that.

But I don’t think I will. I did it all before on Circuitcity and don’t feel like duplicating all that here just yet.

For now let’s just say that the story so far is:

  • Born
  • Grew up
  • Left home
  • Got fat
  • Got married
  • Got happy

In that order. I can fill in the details later.

E-mail address is skuds [at] or andrew [at]


11 Comments so far ↓

  • Coralina Cattrell

    Okay i give up – I have looked at the photo til my eyes hurt, no clue there, Who is Skud? and family – the nickname seems so familiar, I was known as Tina Cattrell, my brothers were also at Fyfields, and yes we went swimming in the covered pool and If you knew Jamie you’ll remember Mr Hollingsworth’s car – If you knew Jason you’ll remember what happened to his arm. Not many remember me – i was just short.

  • Skuds

    Are your brothers older or younger than you?

    You would have been a senior when I started at the school wouldn’t you? (In the same year as Vidhu & Steggles? Or a bit above that?) and in the early 70s there was not a lot of interaction between juniors & seniors – except for the dorm monitors of course.

    I started at the school in 1974 (I think) and my sisters started a couple of years later.

    I can remember a few of the older boys’ names from then (Sebastian Kareh, Paul Hume-Miller, Andrew Bennett) and Cattrell rings a vague bell. You were probably all out of our league though.

    Hollingsworth though. There’s a name to conjure some memories… “B/B- A fair term’s work” As far as I know every single pupil got the comment “A fair term’s work” for music in their report every term.

  • Tina

    Same year as Paul – in fact i think he lived out near colchester or manningtree way, which was not far from our home base. well Hollingsworth was never the kindest of persons if he took a dislike and i am not sure why but Jamie hated him with a passion.
    but Mr Lawrence was there (Drama) and Mr Ainsley – remember him? got married to the Head girl eventually and went to teach at an all boys school.

  • Skuds

    Mr. Lawrence? You mean Lawrence Ireland? I did some plays with him after I left the school.

    I used to see Bob Ainsley about once a year until about 10 years ago. He did school trips to the Regents Park theatre and a few of us tagged along. I also went up to Cheshire for a summer school he was running about Vietnam films.

    Bob was one of my favourite teachers as he actually encouraged us to have our own opinions.

  • skud's sister

    My memory of Mr Hollingsworth was that he picked his nose in class (a lot) and always seemed to write his bit on your report in green ink. Fascinating when you are 12.

  • Mimi Porter

    Hi.. I just found your little site.. I also grew up in Essex.. Laindon then Basildon…. escaped for a few years then went back for the past 25… finally escaped to Crawley area on 1st May 2008.. I hope I never have to go back to Basildon.. Incidently Crawley Town is how Basildon was 20 years ago.

  • Skuds

    Little? Little??!?

    Superficially Crawley might be like Basildon was 20 years ago, but in some ways it can be like 40 years ago ;)

  • Mimi Porter

    Yes .. Crawley seems pretty good compared to where I have just come from.. even when I read that weekly paper that all the violent crime seems to happen in broadfield and ifield.. it still seems really nice ;-)

  • David Flint (Dinalt)

    Hi mate,

    Was looking at some turntables theother day and realised we hadn’t spoken since I met you at Waterloo – how’s tricks ?

    Fancy meetign up / going to a concert sometime?


    • Skuds

      I sent you an e-mail. I’m always up for concerts, as you know.

      It is about time there was another African Proms, or have they now been superceded by the ‘African soul rebels’ package tours?

      • David Flint (Dinalt)

        Got your e-mail – wow now there’s an idea, love to do that again .
        I’ll look into it but if you see anythign upcoming you think we might enjoy let me know (might even bring Emma along for her first real concert assuming it’s not too late (ie not the proms :) )

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