
I’ve eaten a lot of “hummus triangles” in the past year. I pick them up at World Market every so often.

Wild Garden’s handy hummus packs are convenient, nutritional, and delicious.

So when I saw that they were now selling 5-packs of their hummus at Kroger for less than World Market, I was quite happy.

Then, I saw they had the sundried tomato lavor there.

Even bigger happy.

I keep telling myself that this is not the same damn mush I’ve been eating nearly every day, but an exciting and new flavor of mu-

I mean… um…

(Perhaps I should imagine that it’s actually packets of Soylent Orange, the pureed remains of only the finest Oompah Loompahs?)

Mmmmmmmm… Wonkalicious!


Lunch and a party-dinner were catered at work yesterday, but I did my best not to overdo it.

And, I suppose, the dinner was really just one soft taco for me, understuffed and only half-eaten.

Social events with catered food means eating and eatina and eating and…

Until things are to the point where I can exist in moderation and let others eat to excess without being tempted by it, I just have to be careful and occasionally excuse myself.

I’ll get there eventually. Just need to step it up again.

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Short week…

This might be a short week at work.
This might not be a short week at work.

I don’t know if training goes on through the two scheduled holidays or not.
I don’t know if I’m needed for vacation relief if there’s no training.

I just know that I’ve got two turkey dinners ready to go in 90 seconds, no matter what.

The feeds appear to be working for iTunes, but I’ll leave all the redirects and kludges in place for a week before taking them out and cleaning up the 404 and registration pages.

I figure I’ll have time this long weekend.

(Although I’d rather just make a few kittymovies… perhaps I should pick up some deli roasted turkey from the store on the way home so they have something to enjoy while I wait those 90 long seconds for my Thanksgiving Feast In A Puck to be ready.)

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Working on the feed for 100 word stories…

This site used to run on Moveable Type with a few hacks here and there.

Now, it runs on WordPress 3.x in Networked/Multiuser mode and BluBrry’s plug-in for podcasting on a shared hosting account. It was a bit of a rush job, but I’ve got most everything back to normal.

Yeah, there’s some mod_rewrite and .htaccess and wildcard DNS magic going on behind the scenes, but the foo necessary to get the old feed URL repointed to the new feed URL of is stumping me.

I’ve followed the directions, but I guess I’m going to need to bang my head against a different wall to make it work.

Apple doesn’t provide a simple “I moved my feed” process in iTunes, of course. Instead, it’s all code-based and assumes you can make it all work.

Oh well.

While I work on getting the feed forwarded, you can keep track of new episodes by:

Step by step instructions for manually entering a feed into iTunes:

  1. Run iTunes
  2. Click on Advanced
  3. Click on Subscribe to Podcast
  4. Type
  5. Click OK
  6. Enjoy 100 Word Stories

And here’s some screencaps of the relevant menus and popup windows:

how to manually add the new feed

Good luck! And, as always, keep it brief

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Planning the Thanksgiving Feast

This is what happens when you ask a man to plan the Thanksgiving Feast…

thanksgiving dinner

Yeah, the Mrs. has got to work that evening, and if I cook up a whole mess of stuff I’ll end up eating it all and…

Oh, I’ve got Sugar Free Pumpkin Pie syrup to make a snow-cone out of.

Just like the Pilgrims and Indians, baby.

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Snuggly Baby Panthers

When things get cold overnight…

baby panthers on the bed 2

The baby panthers snuggle up on the bed on a regular basis.

(Nardo just hangs out by my pillow.)

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Yes, I’ve finally turned to the dark side…

Goodbye, Moveable Type.
Hello, WordPress.

It’ll take me a while to get everything configured.
Until then, just hold your horses.
If you don’t have any horses, find someone with horses and hold them.
If that person only has one horse, hold it multiple times.
And if you don’t know anyone with a horse, well, um…

That’s not my friggin problem, eh.

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