The Ten Novels that Every Girl Should Read

The Ten Novels that Every Girl Should Read The Ten Novels that Every Girl Should Read

41 Shirtless Dudes for Shirtless McConaughey’s 41 Years

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41 Shirtless Dudes for Shirtless McConaughey’s 41 Years 41 Shirtless Dudes for Shirtless McConaughey’s 41 Years

The History of Women in the Workplace [Infographic]

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Taylor Swift Is No Better Than John Mayer or Kanye West

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Taylor Swift Is No Better Than John Mayer or Kanye West Taylor Swift Is No Better Than John Mayer or Kanye West

Inside His Head: What Your Drink Says About You

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One Month Challenge: Gymvember, Week One One Month Challenge: Gymvember, Week One

[Everyone’s got a vice, a bad habit, something they know they need to change.... 

A Letter to My Freshman Self A Letter to My Freshman Self

"Dear Freshman Me. Let me start by saying, damn girl, you look good! That being... 

Duke It Out: NCAA’s First Transgender Player Duke It Out: NCAA’s First Transgender Player

[It's pretty obvious that the average CollegeCandy reader has some very strong opinions.... 

Addressing the Demi Lovato Backlash Addressing the Demi Lovato Backlash

To our wonderful (and outspoken) readers, Like many of you, we were really upset... 

Greek Speak: So You Didn’t Get Your First Pick… Greek Speak: So You Didn’t Get Your First Pick…

[We scoured the country to find the ultimate sorority girl to share her sisterly... 

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Daytime Romance? Not In College Daytime Romance? Not In College

If a milkshake brings all of the boys to the yard, I know a way to keep them out.... 

Are You ACTUALLY Ready For Love? Are You ACTUALLY Ready For Love?

[The following post was written by dating coach, Kira Sabin, a keg of dating and... 

Ask a Dude: Does Almost Cheating Count? Ask a Dude: Does Almost Cheating Count?

[Got a Dude itch you just can’t scratch? Sick of trying to come up with a... 

A Few Signs You’re About To Get Dumped A Few Signs You’re About To Get Dumped

I think we can all agree: getting dumped sucks.  Especially when you don’t see... 

Sexy Time: The “College Experience” Sexy Time: The “College Experience”

We all make mistakes. One of the biggest ones I’ve made in a while was dating a... 

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5 Things to Know About Being Home for Thanksgiving [CONTEST]

It’s about that time again. Right as you’ve settled into campus life quite comfortably, you’re packing your backs and buying mini-bottles in preparation for a Thanksgiving spent with your sometimes-endearing, usually well-meaning family. Brace yourselves, because the transition back isn’t as easy as the one you made upon leaving home. Here are 5 Things to Know About Being Home for Thanksgiving.

November 12, 2010 10 Read Story
November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Weekly Wrap Up: Is It Time To Go Home Yet!?

Gwyneth Paltrow sang country, Lindsay Lohan and her father have been hanging out, John Mayer has moved on to married women…what hasn’t happened this week!? Trending topics this week have ranged from the slightly surprising (come on, it was only a matter of time before John lost ALL his morals) to the immensely bizarre.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Gossip Cheat Sheet: Preggo Pink! Kanye’s Outrageous

I don’t know why I still act surprised when something crazy happens with celebrities. It’s not really shocking anymore, but some things do give me a “if this shizz didn’t happen all the time, I might be surprised” kind of vibe. This week Lindsay Lohan seems to be doing well in rehab, Kanye lost it once again, celebs are pregnant, and Taylor Swift is still with Jake Gyllenhaal (and still can’t sing).

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

College… Quidditch?

It’s no secret that Harry Potter and his fantastical friends have taken the Muggle-world by storm. As we anxiously await the release of Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 1, it’s not tough to lose hours daydreaming of charging through the brick wall to Platform 9 ¾, hopping on the Hogwarts express, and challenging evil with a wand in hand.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Budget Stylista: Going Cray Cray for Chambray

I can’t explain it, but I love chambray. It looks stylish but oh-so-comfy all at the same time. And you know what makes chambray even better? Mixing a dressier necklace with this casual-feeling top. It’s totally unexpected yet totally works and can be worn to just about anything.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story


CC Beauty Live: The Body Deli CC Beauty Live: The Body Deli

Like I mentioned last week, skin care is one of the most important things in a beauty... 

Budget Stylista: Wear Those Shorts Through Winter Budget Stylista: Wear Those Shorts Through Winter

Shorts have been around for a few seasons now and (after getting over that whole... 

Fashion Porn: Tweed Orgy Fashion Porn: Tweed Orgy

Tweed might make you think of a stereotypical professor - the old man (who doesn’t... 

8 Under $20: Sequin Overload 8 Under $20: Sequin Overload

Here at CollegeCandy, we’ve sort of been obsessed with sequins lately.  And... 

From CollegeFashion: 3 Picks for Semi-Formal Season Under $100 From CollegeFashion: 3 Picks for Semi-Formal Season Under $100

The following is a guest post from our gal pals at Have you... 

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WTF Friday: This is a Youtube Disaster WTF Friday: This is a Youtube Disaster

Do you have low self-esteem?  Have you been shot at or stabbed before?  Are... 

Friday Faves: Telltale Signs of a Douchebag Friday Faves: Telltale Signs of a Douchebag

[After four years of writing in our undies, we've accumulated a lot of great content... 

Career Tips for Speidi Career Tips for Speidi

Jump-starting your music career: $2 million Cultivating a collection of magic crystals:... 

Jersey Shore: Until January… Jersey Shore: Until January…

Since last week’s letdown of an episode, it’s time to come to terms with... 

We’ve All Been There: Class Registration We’ve All Been There: Class Registration

We’re well into another new school year and to honor that, we at CollegeCandy... 

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WTF Friday: Saki! Saki! Sushi!?

Everyone knows finding an amazing sushi place close to campus is an important part of college life. The drink specials, the waitstaff that will inevitably become your second family, the all-you-can-eat for $14.99 Thursdays. Forget a good bathroom, this is the single most important discovery you will ever make during your undergraduate endeavors.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Ingredients For The Perfect College Bar

Earlier this week, released a list of more favorite college watering holes from around the nation, and we’re thrilled because they clearly follow College Candy’s winning recipe for a perfect college bar. What’s the winning recipe? We’re letting you in on it so you can determine if your favorite college bar belongs on the list — or if it needs a little work.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Friday Faves: The 6 Most Common Facebook Photos

People can learn a lot about you from your Facebook profile. By considering your favorite movies, pictures, quotes and the things other people write on your wall, it is quite easy to get a good idea of who you are as a person. And knowing that, many of us are extremely careful about what we throw on there.

November 12, 2010 0 Read Story
November 12, 2010 0 Read Story

Do I Have a Sex Addiction?

I’ve always been very sexually charged in relationships (and again, very safe and exclusive) and even more so on my own. I can still remember my first orgasm like it was yesterday and how I repeated that feeling over and over every day when I was “showering” from age twelve on. I think it got even crazier with my first serious boyfriend in college. I’d had boyfriends but never got intimate with them and then I started mixing alcohol with romance.

November 12, 2010 8 Read Story
November 11, 2010 0 Read Story

Not Everything About Your Ex is Bad

Just about everyone out there seems to have dating horror stories. Seriously, ask anybody; chances are they’ll tell you that they have a relationship that they wish had just never happened. I myself went through a pretty nasty break up earlier this year. I’ve spent the past 7 months trying to put my life back together and pretty much hating my ex for how nasty he got post-breakup.

November 11, 2010 10 Read Story

Fashion Porn: Getting Sweaty in Sweaters

While it might seem tempting to stay curled up in bed and hibernate as the temperature starts to drop, it’s getting to that time of year when you probably can’t afford to be skipping class. Yes, you might of realized this and reluctantly headed to class in what you consider your comfiest outfit ever (read: sweats and Uggs).

November 11, 2010 0 Read Story

11 Biggest Celeb Crushes of Your Teenage Years

In fact, I remember making my babysitter look through the entire magazine with me every time she came over so I could talk about how I was going to meet Leo one day, and we were going to get married. My babysitter did not have to worry about playing Barbie-and-Ken-take-Miami with me. All they had to worry about was my heart self-combusting with love and excitement in the presence of a shiny photo of Leo. Therefore, in ode to Leonardo’s birthday week, we are going to talk about our biggest celeb crushes of our teenage years.

November 11, 2010 5 Read Story
5 Things to Know About Being Home for Thanksgiving [CONTEST]

5 Things to Know About Being Home for Thanksgiving [CONTEST]

It’s about that time again. Right as you’ve settled into campus life quite comfortably, you’re packing your backs and buying mini-bottles in preparation for a Thanksgiving spent with your sometimes-endearing, usually well-meaning family. Brace yourselves, because the transition back isn’t as easy as the one you made upon leaving home. Here are 5 Things to Know About Being Home for Thanksgiving.