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Pink Razr

Editor's Picks: 5 Hottest New Cell Phones
Did you know that more than 1.2 billion cell phones were sold last year? According to USA Today, most of these sales occurred during the fourth quarter. So, what were the most popular cell phones? Of course, smartphones from Apple and RIM were big stakeholders but the real winners were standard phones from Nokia, Samsung and LG ...

Pink Razr

Splurge vs. Steal: Bluetooth Devices
A few years ago, drunk drivers were one of the major dangers on the road. Now there's the phenomenon commonly known as 'Texting While Driving.' Don't think texting is that serious? Well according to The White House blog, "a driver operating a cell phone or texting while driving is six times more likely to be involved in an accident." That is a pretty scary statistic.

Cell Phones vs. Alarm Clocks

Will Cell Phones Replace Clocks?
Earlier this summer, I upgraded my cell phone from the Motorola KRZR to the snazzy LG EnV3. So far, I love it! It's got everything that I like: Qwerty keyboard, 3 megapixel camera and of course an alarm clock.

Every since I got my first cell phone a few years ago, I've stopped wearing watches and don't use a regular alarm clock. Apparently, I'm in the majority. According to The Telegraph (a British newspaper), alarm clocks are slowly disappearing from our night stands. Why?...


Cell Phone Myths

Cell Phone
Myths Debunked

You've probably heard a lot of urban legends about cell phones. They cause cancer. They crash planes. If you sneeze and hiccup at the same time while talking on one, you die ...

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