Nov 12th 2010 By Teresa Wu

Lemondrop's Week That Was

Are women comedians less messed up than their male counterparts?

Does your significant other climax too soon? Here's how to make sex last longer.

How long do you get to be "not over" your breakup?

The 10 hottest cold-weather trends we love.

The 20 flirtiest countries on Earth. Guess where we rank?

Nov 12th 2010 By Paula Kashtan

Five Awesome Alphabets

In continuing with the ABC-123 theme we started yesterday, we present to you this: five amazing alphabets (four more favorites are after the jump), and tons more at ShareSomeCandy. Who knew the alphabet could be so darned interesting?

At left, an alphabet made entirely out of cute little birdy drawings.

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Nov 12th 2010 By Teresa Wu

Lemondrop Shots -- The Best of the Web, On Us

american-apparelCan dressing in American Apparel make you look like a tasteful young lady? (TheGloss)

Failure to launch: why it's OK to live with your parents in your 20s. (DoubleX)

Should marriage proposals be planned or spontaneous? (TresSugar)

This writer's tells us why it's OK to have regrets. (TheFrisky)

The 11 biggest celeb crushes of your teenage years. (CollegeCandy)

Nov 12th 2010 By The Fug Girls

The Fug Girls -- The Ludicrazy CMA Fashion You May Not Have Seen

The Country Music Association Awards are a highly underrated fashion spectacle. Because we're not very familiar with many of the artists in that genre, the red carpet is rife with people we've never seen or heard of before -- like a brand-new all-you-can-eat buffet opening up around the corner from all the restaurants you're used to and, frankly, a little sick of after all these years.

So, cheers to the new blood for giving us a fresh serving of fugly fashion as a break from the usual Carrie Underwood ruffle explosions and Taylor Swift sparkles.

Here are five people who most thoroughly placed themselves on our radars at the CMA Awards ... and probably shouldn't be that happy about it.

Rory and Joey
Apparently Rory and Joey, a husband-and-wife team, found a measure of success after placing third on a CMT duet-singing competition show in 2008, and Joey's overalls are part of their shtick. Which is all well and good (except for how boring we imagine his closet must look, being simply a rack of overalls in different hues), but it fails to explain why Rory looks like she just popped into the ceremony on her way home from Costco.

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Nov 12th 2010 By Emily Tan

'Memba Vonda Shepherd?

Vonda Shepherd might not ring a bell, but her music will definitely take you down memory lane. This singer soared to fame when her song, "Searchin' My Soul", became the theme song for the hit '90s show "Ally McBeal." Click here to find out if any of her other songs made it onto a TV show!

Nov 12th 2010 By Jennifer Barton

Are You Still Best Friends With Your CC Bloom?

It's hard to forget your first best friend, that kid you sat next to on the school bus the first day of class whom you were inseparable from during childhood. (Just like in "Beaches"!)

And while making cootie catchers and choreographing dances to "Ace of Base" songs may have been your favorite pastimes back then, these days you're more likely to spend the night dissecting relationships or knocking back a few cocktails. Yes, amazingly, a quarter of us are still hanging out with our first best friend from school, says a new survey.

Women are more likely to keep the same friends through the years, with three out of 10 saying they were still close to their first friend (versus two out of 10 men).

We wonder why the remaining 70 percent lost touch. Stolen boyfriends? Long distances? Maudlin endings?

Nov 12th 2010 By Emily V. Gordon

Nerd Fantasies Come True -- Ira Glass on 'The Simpsons'!

We're sure there's a huge intersection between fans of "The Simpsons" and fans of "This American Life."

Which is why we're thrilled that Ira Glass agreed to lend his dulcet tones to the show to playfully skewer his amazingly popular radio show. Watch as Lisa decides she wants to just "chill out" with some "This American Life." Watch as her eyes get that faraway look the way ours do once TAL comes on. Enjoy!

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Nov 12th 2010 By Sarah Crow

Feed Your Brain / Rot Your Brain



Primal Gameboy Therapy
Playing "Tetris" may reduce flashbacks to traumatic events for those suffering from PTSD. (CNN)

Double (Down) or Nothing
Being offered healthy choices on a menu may actually cause diners to choose the most artery-clogging choice out there. (Lifehacker)

Hot List Exclusive Sexy Bikini Pilates Brangelina
Finally, your favorite classics, retitled for SEO purposes. (McSweeney's)

Can Your BBMs Do That?
A LEGO Mindstorms kit controlled by an Android phone has solved a Rubik's cube in 12.5 seconds. (Device Guru)

Spider Sex: Like High School All Over Again
A recent study finds that when finding a lady to mate with, male spiders are all about virgins. (MNN)

(Photos: Wikipedia, Getty)

Special Porpoise
Surprising facts: Dick Van Dyke is still alive, Dick Van Dyke's life was saved by porpoises. (Guardian)

Burn It!
This Japanese robot is here to act, terrify, dismember. (Gawker)

Lindsay Lohan Is a Terrible Liar
The actress says she wants to leave rehab to work, an excuse that only sounded valid pre–"Labor Pains." (The Superficial)

Heineken Ousted As World's Douchiest Beer
The only acceptable way to spend $800 on one bottle is if it's made with Antarctic ice and it's way exclusive. (TheGloss)

Disney Stars: They're Not Like Us
Forget the cocaine and cutting rumors, Demi Lovato is in rehab for tubing-related grief. (Radar)