You know what also makes me happy? That I’m the first woman editor of Newsweek, which is very exciting. You know that in the 1970s, the women editors of Newsweek launched a lawsuit against the management because there were hardly any women doing anything of any consequence on the magazine. And women’s liberation took over and they hired the great lawyer, Eleanor Norton, and they went to battle for their rights. I feel that it - you know, a merger has created what the lawsuit couldn’t.

Tina Brown (via)

Ain’t that always the way, though?

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The Secret Word Is: Audio’s Up For Pee-Wee!

For those about to laugh, we salute you. 


They do indeed. Hope Tina’s paying attention.

They do indeed. Hope Tina’s paying attention.

BlackBook: Welcome to Whisky Season.


I’m a little fuzzy on seasonal fashion rules - these days I’ll wear whatever’s clean - but I find the liquor calendar much more intuitive. Clear liquors are grand when the weather’s warm, but once the autumnal equinox passes, spirits should take on the auburn hue of the surrounding…

Interesting. But, believe me, whiskey has no season…



YM: A Proper-name free blog since 2008.

“Bombs Over Tumblr” is our new Favorite Song


The Beatles on the cover of Life Magazine. July 24, 1967. 
Paul was 25, John was 27, George was 24, Ringo was 27.  

They were just babies, man. 


The Beatles on the cover of Life Magazine. July 24, 1967. 

Paul was 25, John was 27, George was 24, Ringo was 27.  

They were just babies, man. 

In which we learn GQ was on to Mel long before the rest of us.

In which we learn GQ was on to Mel long before the rest of us.


In Which We Learn from Our Former Colleague that Newsweek and Daily Beast Will (Allegedly) Merge

Congratulations to everyone if this, in fact, does come to pass; it will be good to end the uncertainty around the place.

: Greetings, Good People of Tumblr


It seems like every three days or so for the past year, you’ve had to hear about some well-known media outlet being all, “Hey, we’re on Tumblr now. Please, hold your applause.” And it’s kinda sad, because it’s always kinda clumsy and frantic, and you get second-hand embarrassment watching the whole train wreck unfold. Have you noticed this?

In that spirit, GQ is now on Tumblr!

This is our actually third day on Tumblr—and this is actually our 16th post—but so far, we have been operating in “silent” mode. We have been following no one, and no one has followed us. (Well, except for this one dude who was following us even when we didn’t exist. Thanks, chrisjcoffin! You’ll always be our first!) That ends now. We are officially open for business. But before we spread our arms wide and let the affection of the world smother us, a few solemn promises to the good people of Tumblr:

Welcome! Looks and reads really nice, and if the GQ Tumblr puts the same great thought into doing its Tumblr as it did into creating it, the thing is going to be fantastic.
