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    5:26 PM NOV 12
    While some celebrities are willing to put their whole lives online for an extension of their 15 minutes, Bow Wow doesn't want to be one of them. Read More
    5:05 PM NOV 12
    Source: Spinner
    These slick black patent leather boot s were worn by Nelly Furtado for her performance at the 2007 JUNO Awards, for which she was also the host. Read More
    5:03 PM NOV 12
    Source: The BoomBox
    In this week's round-up of the Top Five Tweets of the Week, Nicki Minaj counts down to 'Pink Friday,' and The Game attempts to contact 50 Cent for the second week about a G-Unit reunion. Read More
    5:03 PM NOV 12
    Source: The Boot
    While we definitely wouldn't recommend this path for aspiring singers, songwriters or starlets, it did seem to work out for Joshua. Read More
    4:45 PM NOV 12
    Source: Spinner
    "Truthfully, when Bruce gave me the tape and I listened to it, Bruce had already arranged the song," Smith tells Spinner. Read More
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