Free Mumia Abu_jamal

NYC Coalition

Hear Mumia's

columns on:

Prison Radio

Int'l Action

Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners v. U.S.A.
Book by
Mumia Abu-Jamal
Prisoners Defending Prisoners vs.
the U.S.A.

City Lights Books, 2009
The 6th book written by political prisoner Abu-Jamal during his 27 years
on Pennsylvania’s
death row.
order online at

Why Mumia
is a hero to

young people

An interview with author
J. Patrick

The Framing
of Mumia

Rainbow Flags
for Mumia

Posted Sept. 30, 2010
Oct. 9 and Nov. 9 in Philadelphia:
All Out for Mumia Abu-Jamal

Read background article   (Download article and halfpage leaflet)

Posted Sept 23, 2010

Several key members of U.S. anti-death penalty organizations have recently made a move to exclude political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal from the movement to abolish the death penalty, arguing that Mumia’s inclusion alienated potential law enforcement supporters of the abolition movement! This position caused an international uproar.
October 9 will be a reaffirmation of a real & unifying abolition movement:
We demand 100 percent abolition Now!
No exceptions (including MUMIA)!

Oct. 9 at 9 a.m. RALLY at Fraternal Order of Police Headquarters, Broad St. & Spring Garden
We demonstrate at the FOP because of their long-term, vicious commitment to executions, even in cases of innocence, and their terrorist attacks against those who fight for justice.
10 a.m. MARCH begins
11:30 a.m. INDOOR RALLY
at La Familia, 1310 N. Broad St.

Scheduled Participants: Welfare Poets, former death row prisoners, journalist Linn Washington and many others

Sponsors: Texas Death Penalty Abolition Movement, Texas Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, Texas Moratorium Network, Campaign to End the Death Penalty, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal, International Action Center, Witness to Innocence (Philadelphia), exonerees from death row

For more information, including Oct. 9
NYC transportation to Philadelphia, visit
or call 212-330-8029



Posted July 18, 2010

Supporting a Civil Rights Investigation for Mumia Abu-Jamal
can help save his life!
 The time to Act is NOW!

Donate NOW to help the campaign to win Mumia’s freedom!

U.S. Supreme Court ruling on Jan. 19 could bring back the death penalty for Mumia Abu-Jamal
No Death Penalty for Mumia! 
Sign two International petitions for Justice for Mumia Abu Jamal
Petition Attny. Gen. Eric Holder
Petition Pres. Barack Obama

From CNN
Washington (CNN) -- The Supreme Court has tossed out a lower court ruling that nullified the death sentence for former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. He has been an outspoken activist from behind bars, claiming there were procedural errors during his capital sentencing, and that too few blacks were on the jury. Pennsylvania officials were appealing a federal court ruling on the sentencing question that went in Abu-Jamal's favor in 2008.

The justices made their announcement Monday, ordering a federal appeals court to revisit its earlier ruling granting a new sentencing hearing. The high court last year denied Abu-Jamal's separate petition for a new trial.

The appeals court now has the option of re-imposing the death sentence or ordering a new federal trial to hear other claims of injustice raised by Abu-Jamal.

Posted April 21, 2010
Supporting a Civil Rights Investigation for Mumia Abu-Jamal
can help save his life! The time to Act is NOW!

Join us in Washington, D.C. on April 26!
Donate NOW to help the campaign to win Mumia’s freedom!

Posted April 16, 2010


This is Stage II of Our Campaign for a CIVIL RIGHTS INVESTIGATION of the CASE of MUMIA ABU-JAMAL
Buses leaving from NYC at 5 AM from 33rd Street and 8th Avenue, North end of the Main NYC Post Office.

Call 212 330-8029 to make a reservation. $25 roundtrip (some partial scholarships are available).

For transportation from Philly, call 215-476-8812. Folks also coming from Pittsburgh and Upstate New York.

PRESS CONFERENCE: 11:30 AM, New York Avenue Presbyterian Church, 1313 New York Avenue

1:00 PM RALLY AT DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE: 915 Pennsylvania Avenue

3:30 -5:00 PM FOLLOW UP MEETING: New York Avenue Presbyterian Church

Read more

Writers for Mumia

Saturday April 24
2:30 - 6 p.m. Program starts promptly at 3
St. Mary’s Church
512 West 126th S.
(between Old Broadway & Amsterdam Ave.)
For more information, contact
Writers for Mumia
through the International Action Center, 212-633-6646;
the New York Chapter of the National Writers Union at 212-254-0279 ext. 18;
or the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC), 212-330-8029.

To celebrate Mumia’s birthdate (April 24, 1954), the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC) and the National Writers Union (NWU/New York Chapter) are co-sponsoring Writers for Mumia, an afternoon of readings and testimonials in Harlem.

The event immediately precedes a rally scheduled for Monday, April 26, in front of the Justice Department in Washington, D.C., to demand a civil rights investigation of Mumia’s case.
Mumia’s book ‘Jail House Lawyers, Prisoners defending prisoners v. the U.S.A.’
is available online at

Dwnload leaflet

Natioanal Writers Union for Mumia




Posted March 19, 2010

An appeal from Pam Africa

'We need your help again
for justice for Mumia!' 

Dear Friends and Supporters of Mumia Abu-Jamal

The time has come to ante up for Mumia. We are writing to invite you to join our Civil Rights Investigation Campaign (CRIC) on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal with your checkbooks and credit cards. As many of you know, the campaign is urging the Justice Department to open an investigation into the decades-long violations of Mumia's civil rights. As you also know, Mumia recently suffered a setback when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled for the Philadelphia district attorney, vacating earlier rulings that had overturned the death penalty and granted a new sentencing-phase trial. Now, the Third Circuit Court will decide whether or not to execute Mumia without having a new sentencing trial. It's no exaggeration to say that Mumia's life is in grave danger — more than ever. Read more

Feb 13., 2010 Philadelphia organizing meeting to stop the murder of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Leaflet for Mumia Abu-Jamal Teachin


Ramona Africa speaks at MUmia teachin
To see PVN
video of

Listen to Mumia
Abu-Jamal's statement on the Law


Victor Toro says Free Mumia
To see PVN
video of
Victor Toro

Nana Soul

from Lynne Stewart

Free the
Cuban 5


Pam Africa
Call for a
Civil Rights
Investigation of
the FOP with
Suzanne Ross,
Lawrence Hayes
and Pam Africa


Linn Washington
To see
PVN video
with Linn Washington

Bolvilarian Support




Suzanne Ross
To see PVN
video with Suzanne Ross

For the complete collection of videos from the Feb 13th Teach in for
Mumia go to Web-site

Posted Jan. 28, 2010
Now is the time to act on dangerous legal exception for Mumia

Jan. 19 Bulletin:  U.S. Supreme Court ruling today
could bring back the death penalty for Mumia Abu-Jamal

No Death Penalty for Mumia! 
Sign two International petitions for Justice for Mumia Abu Jamal
Petition Attny. Gen. Eric Holder
Petition Pres. Barack Obama

From CNN
Washington (CNN) -- The Supreme Court has tossed out a lower court ruling that nullified the death sentence for former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal. He has been an outspoken activist from behind bars, claiming there were procedural errors during his capital sentencing, and that too few blacks were on the jury. Pennsylvania officials were appealing a federal court ruling on the sentencing question that went in Abu-Jamal's favor in 2008.

The justices made their announcement Monday, ordering a federal appeals court to revisit its earlier ruling granting a new sentencing hearing. The high court last year denied Abu-Jamal's separate petition for a new trial.

The appeals court now has the option of re-imposing the death sentence or ordering a new federal trial to hear other claims of injustice raised by Abu-Jamal.



Posted January. 15, 2010
Please help to spread the petition
to President Obama against the death penalty
and for Mumia Abu-Jamal:
Read more about petition

December 2009
Dec. 9 Protest and organizing meeting on Mumia's Birthday and 28th year of incarceration
Nov. 12 D.C. protest demands‘Justice for Mumia’

Posted Dec. 17, 2009
Legal update on Mumia's case - Grave danger presists

Statement by Robert R. Bryan,
lead attorney of Mumia Abu-Jamal,
San Francisco:

Today, on Dec. 14, 2009, the U.S. Supreme Court has taken its last decisions for this year, taking X-mas holidays till January 11, the day it will officially resume its work.

Surprisingly, in the case of my client Mumia Abu-Jamal the Supreme Court hasn't yet taken a decision whether he will live and get a new jury trial determing his sentence, or whether he will die under the hands of the executioner. Actually, we had won a partial victory last year before the U.S. Appeals Court since the federal judges with their March 27, 2008 decision held out the prospect of a conversion of the death verdict into a life sentence. All the same, Mumia is still on death row because the prosecution filed an appeal wit the Supreme Court in order to push through his execution. Mumia is now in the greatest danger to be executed since his arrest on December 9, 1981.

Posted Oct. 27, 2009
Call for Nov. 12 Protest in Washington , save Mumia’s life

Civil rights investigation demanded Massive outreach and publicity are needed.

For more information visit

Posted Sept. 30, 2009
A visit with Mumia Abu-Jamal

Monica Moorehead, Larry Holmes and Larry Hales travel to Waynesburg, Pa.,
from Tent City in Pittsburgh before the G-20 protests to visit political prisoner
Mumia Abu-Jamal on death row at the State Correctional Institution-Greene Unit.

Mumia's speech broadcast at the Rally leading to the March for Jobs
'G20 Speech' Played In Pittsburgh on Sept 20 before the G-20 Summit. Recorded Sept 13

Mumia: G-20 or more G-money
Mumia's audio column from August 18.

Rev. Tom Smith speaks at Sept 20 rally leading to March for Jobs before the G-20 summit  in Pittsburgh
Rev. Tom Smith speaks at Rally leading to Jobs March in Pittsburgh Tent City before the G-20 summit.
Mumia's column on G-20 was broadcast to the rally.
Photo by Brenda Sandburg

Black Waxx and Artisit and Activists

Celebrate the release of On the Move – Sounds Inspired by
Mumia Abu-Jamal and tthe voices that have come together to
demand through words and song that Mumia Abu-Jamal be set free!

New York—On Aug. 21 the Solidarity Center here was filled with five hours of inspiring sounds: music and spoken word from talented artists (photo right) brought together to support the case of political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal, known worldwide as the “voice of the voiceless.”

Black Waxx Recordings and Artists and Activists United for Peace organized the celebration to officially release a powerful two-disc CD called “On the Move—Sounds Inspired by Mumia Abu-Jamal.” It aims to help raise broader awareness of the political significance of Mumia’s case and why he should be set free immediately after spending more than 27 years on Pennsylvania’s death row. Throughout the evening, the audience clapped, sang, cried and chanted during the performances. Some of the artists who lent their voices to the CD—such as Nana Soul, Stephanie Rice, SoSoon, Maya Azucena, Spiritchild, Latisha Devine, Melinda Davis and others—gave live performances. The acclaimed, legendary film director Melvin Van Peebles and Pam Africa from International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal gave special remarks. U-Savior Washington, a film director and a producer of the CD, presided over the program.

August 21 has been designated “Black August” because on this day, 38 years ago, Soledad Brother and Black Panther Party leader George Jackson was assassinated by prison guards in San Quentin prison.

Report & photo by Monica Moorehead


nnouncing ON THE MOVE
Sounds inspired by MUMIA ABU JAMAL
To order the CD, e-mail

This 2-disc album is a triumphant tribute to Mumia’s living legacy and the excellence of all of the artists who have contributed to this masterpiece!
Those lending their voices to this powerful collection range from renaissance to world-renowned artists such as Grammy winners Public Enemy, Maya Azucena and Living Colour, Abiodun Oyewole of the world-famous Last Poets, who are internationally credited as the godfathers of rap, Philadelphia born Res whose song “They Say Vision” hit number one on Billboard charts, internationally acclaimed jazz and R&B vocalist Stephanie Rice, Immortal Technique—one of the most well-known unsigned rappers in the world, two-time National Endowment for the Arts winner Fred Ho and two-time John Lennon Songwriting Contest winner Nana Soul. Other artists on the compilation include Kahlil Khan, Latisha Divine, Kobe James, Hasan Salaam, AKIR, The Hard Wash, SoSoon, Spiritchild, Kafele Bandele, Voice of the Children, Yaw and Melinda Davis. On the Move also features commentary by Larry Holmes, Monica Moorehead, Richard Kossally, Sara Flounders, Michael Kramer, Larry Hales, Brenda Stokely and Johnnie Stevens.

Posted June 25
U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder to address NAACP 100th Anniversary Convention
JULY 13 at the Hilton Hotel, 1135 Ave. of the America and W. 54th St. New York, NY
NOON PRESSCONFERENCE 5 pm - 8 pm, Educational Rally, Flyering inside & outside for main opening plenary

NAACP:  Join the Campaign for a Civil Rights Investigation of the Case of Mumia Abu-Jamal  

In 2004, the NAACP voted unanimously (with one "nay" vote) to "reiterate its support of the international movement for a new and fair trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal."  Yet the organization has done nothing since that time to ensure justice for Mumia. This April, the US Supreme Court ruled on Mumia Abu-Jamal's 27- year struggle against injustice and racism in the courts:  no new trial, no hearing, no opportunity for the mounds of evidence of Mumia's innocence to be presented, no recognition of the widely denounced violations of Mumia's constitutional rights, especiall, of racial bias.

RESULT:  Mumia will get either EXECUTION - What the State of PA. is seeking

Eric Holder and the Justice Department have the power to review Mumia's conviction and officially air the evidence that can overturn it!  The NAACP, as the oldest civil rights organization in this country, has to live up to its promise of 2004 and to its historic mandate.

For more information contact the Free Mumia Coaliton or call 212.330.8029

Free Mumia Coalition

Posted May 7, 2009
Emergency Rally Friday, May 8, 4-6 pm
Adam Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building 163 West 125th Street Community
Meeting will follow at 6:30 pm at St. Mary’s Church, 521 West 126th Street between Broadway and Amsterdam

The following call was sent out by the Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC): We call on our elected officials to speak out on the threatened execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal Despite mounds of evidence of his innocence and ample legal basis for overturning his conviction, and after 27 years of police, prosecutorial, and judicial misconduct, Mumia has been denied a new trial by the U.S. Supreme Court. He now faces execution or life in prison without parole.

All indications are that the District Attorney of Philadelphia, the Fraternal Order of Police, and the media supporters of both will be relentless in continuing to seek Mumia’s execution. We are demanding that Attorney General Eric Holder conduct a civil rights investigation of this case based on the ongoing conspiracy to deny Mumia his constitutional rights.
Sign the International Online Petition for Justice for Mumia!

A report on book release and birthday events in Solidarity with with Mumia Ab-Jamal

Posted April 18
Attention:  On Friday, April 24, Mumia's 55th birthday, International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal are calling for worldwide "Honk for Mumia" celebrations of resistance. Pick as many sites as you can in your local area at 12 noon or after work with signs and banners at intersections saying "Honk for Mumia"!

Posted April 15
URGENT Sign the
International Online Petition for Justice for Mumia!

Where: Church of the Advocate, 1801 W. Diamond St., Philadelphia, PA
When: 6 pm Contact: International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal 215-476-8812

Saturday 4/25, NYC, More Than a Book Party: A Tribute to Jailhouse Lawyers
Where: Riverside Church, 120th St. & Claremont Ave., Room 411, MLK Wing
When: 4 pm Contact: 212 330 8029 or

Posted April 2009
Supreme Court denies review

Struggle intensifies to free Mumia

Posted April 10
On Wednesday Evening, April 29th 2009 · Newark Public Library · 4th Floor Auditorium · 5 Washington St.
Come and Participate in an Emergency Community Forum and Book Party!


Listen to the April 9, 2009 WBAI Radio show "Where We Live"
focusing on the case of death row journalist Mumia Abu-Jamal, and the April 4 U.S. Supreme Court ruling which rejected Abu-Jamal's appeal for a new guilt phase trial. The show is hosted by Suzanne Ross, who is Co-Chair of the New York City Coalition to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal, and features as guests:
Pam Africa, Coordinator of the International Concerned Family and Friends of Mumia Abu-Jamal
Linn Washington Jr, Philadelphia Tribune columnist and Temple University professor of journalism
Vincent Southerland, Assistant counsel at the NAACP Legal Defense Fund

April 9 - EMERGENCY MOBILIZATION - Meeting Sat., April 11 - 6 pm - Solidarity Center 55 W 17 St, 5C Fl, NYC with Mumia's vicious kaptors putting out a rumor that Mumia had been found dead in his cell, please treat this announcement withthe utmost seriousness. ...

Posted April 6
The US Supreme Court has turned down Mumia's perfectly precedented appeal re striking Blacks from juries.  In the historic Batson decision in 1986, as well as in the recent Texas case of Thomas miller-El, the Supreme Court ruled that prosecutors cannot strike jurors on the basis of race.
upreme Court lets Mumia Abu-Jamal's conviction stand

EMERGENCY MEETING The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition NYC and Millions 4 Mumia present: “In Prison My Whole Life”
Saturday April 11 at the Solidarity Center 55 West 17th Street 5th Floor (btw. 5th & 6th Ave)
Directions: take 1,2,3, F,V,A,C,E to 14th Street

Posted April 2
Sign the petition from the German Network Against the Death Penalty
and to Free Mumia Abu-Jamal 

Posted April 1
Concerned Family and Friends Leaflet
Download leaflet for the Philadelphia Celebration
of Mumia Abu Jamal's New book:
"Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners vs. the U.S.A.”
(City Lights Books, 2009).

Posted April 1
The latest twist in the Mumia Case
Supreme test
By Linn Washington

Legal Update: Feb 8, 2009
Mumia Abu-Jamal’s appeals
Petition for Writ of Certiorari

Legal Update: December 15, 2008
from From: Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel
U.S. Supreme Court developments regarding
Mumia Abu-Jamal, death row

Dec 6 Int’l Day of Actions in cities across the U.S. & the World
U.S. activists in solidarity with political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal

People's Video Network in NYC has produced 2 videos from the demonstration supporting Mumia Abu-Jamal in Philadelphia on Dec. 6, 2008.

The first video titled "New Evidence for Mumia" features Ramona Africa of MOVE, a solidarity message from Venezuela, a presentation at the crime scene by Journalists for Mumia focusing on alleged eye witness Robert Chobert's missing taxi and testimony from Billy Cook's trial, and most dramatically Pam Africa in front of DA Lynne Abraham's office detailing the different new evidence of both DA misconduct and Mumia's innocence. Africa focused particularly on the newly discovered crime scene photos that were suppressed by the DA in 1982 and 1995. Africa handed the new evidence to Civil Affairs Captain William Fisher for him to deliver to DA Abraham.

The second video titled "Youth for Mumia" is from the conclusion of the protest march in front of the Federal Court at 6th and Market, where Mumia's oral arguments took place on May 17, 2007. Featured are Pam Africa and Isolina from Iglesia San Romero de las Americas.  Also featured are Monica Moorehead of the International Action Center, and Larry Hale of Fight Imperialism—Stand Together (FIST)

Marching toward the Federal Building in Philadelphia

December 6, 2008
Lucasville, Ohio Political Prisoners support Mumia Abu-Jamal

A Journalists for Mumia flyer to reflect the news that the DA is appealing to execute Mumia without a new sentencing trial, as well as the new deadlines for the petitions to the US Supreme Court, and the flyer is also at the link here:

Posted Sept. 12, 2008
U.S. Supreme Court litigation on behalf of
Mumia Abu-Jamal, death row, Pennsylvania

From:      Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel

Posted July 24,2008
PLEASE Be on Point for Mumia! Friday, July 25
Given the bad news we just received regarding the Third Circuit's refusal to reconsider Mumia's appeal, and the limited legal options now open to him, we have decided to call this open meeting for all interested and able to come. We know it is very short notice but Attorney Soffiyah Elija, who is one of Mumia's attorneys at this stage of the proceedings and who just visited Mumia this past Monday, is only available this Friday. So join us to better understand the legal situation and to plan our next steps of RESISTANCE! ONA MOVE! The Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition (NYC)

July 17, 2008
Legal update on Mumia Abu-Jamal

On July 7, the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit in Philadelphia filed a petition on the case of death-row political prisoner Mumia Abu-Jamal. Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel for Abu-Jamal, submitted the petition on June 27 focusing on the racist exclusion of Black jurors during Abu-Jamal’s original trial in 1982.

Abu-Jamal was convicted of first degree murder of a white police officer on July 3, 1982, and has been fighting for the right to a new trial to prove his innocence. He was denied the right to legal representation at his trial and was railroaded to Pennsylvania’s death row due to his revolutionary politics.

If the Third Circuit rules against the petition, the next appeal will be sent to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- from Monica Moorehead

Read July 8 Report from Mumia's lead Council Robert Ryan

July 7 Article on developments by David Lindorf


June 10, 2008
egal Update on behalf of Mumia Abu-Jamal, who is still on Pennsylvania’s death row.
From Robert R. Bryan, lead counsel

April 11, 2008
The third circuit court of appeals ruled against a new trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal. They have called for a sentencing hearing which can result in either an execution or life in prison without parole.
To read the third ciruit court opinion document click here
April 11, 2008
Legal Update from Robert Bryan

March 30, 2008
This Is No Victory”—Analysis of recent court decision by Linn Washington Jr.

April 19 mobilization New York and Philadelphia and St Denis, France

NYC, April 23 In the Struggle to Free Mumia and in Honor of his 54th Birthday …
an evening of music, performance, and film Master percussionist of Jazz and World Music

April 1, 2008
Cuba Granma International: Mumia: “Unshakeable determination”

Posted April 7, 2008
Communique du comité Martiniquais

Posted April 7, 2008
Communiqué de presse du comité Mumia Saint Denis

TOUT ESPOIR ANNULE POUR MUMIA ? French protest planned for April 19

March 28
Following mixed court ruling, Mumia Abu-Jamal’s lead attorney maintains hope
for overturning conviction. Interview with Robert Bryan, Mumia's lead attorney,
by Amy Goodman & Juan Gonzalez on the court decision

Two other important articles on the recent Third Circuit Court decision
denying Mumia a new guilt-phase trial are written by Dave Lindorff
and Michael Schiffmann.

Day after protests report from Monica Moorehead:
Friday, March 28 - New York City - Houston - San Diego - San Francisco

New York Free Mumia Abu-Jamal Coalition
Hotline 212.330.8029 P.O. Box 16, College Station, NY, NY 10040

There will be a massive protest in Philadelphia on April 19
Spread far and wide!

Mobilize for Mumia's Life!

Free Mumia Abu-Jamal and All Political Prisoners!