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Entries Tagged as 'WTF'

Confusing headline

September 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

The BBC News website had a link to a story with the headline Research widens height gene hunt.  It took a while for my poor old brain to drag any sense out of it.  Subconsciously I was isolating ‘gene hunt’ as the character from Life on Mars and being left with something widening height.  The [...]



Montana woman fights bear with courgette

September 24th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

A very eye-catching headline from the BBC News website -  Montana woman fights bear with courgette.   It is almost impossible to not click on it to read the story, which is worth doing because it includes this:
The woman, whom police have not named, grabbed the closest object – a courgette from her garden – [...]


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George Osborne: what a cock!

September 10th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life

The Daily Mail website has a story about ‘Osborne’s plans to hit workshy’. Scroll down to the bottom and there is this remarkable image.
Not the first time I have looked at the DM website and felt like clawing my eyes out, and it won’t be the last I am sure.


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Love bomb

August 23rd, 2010 · No Comments · Life

President Ahmadinejad has unveiled Iran’s new weapon: a UAV which can carry 500 pounds of bomb and drop it 620 miles away.
He says that ‘the key message is friendship’.  So its a friendly 500-pound bomb?   He also said:
This jet is a messenger of honour and human generosity and a saviour of mankind, before being [...]


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Outbreaks of perversity

July 22nd, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life

A couple of news stories today that caught my eye.  First of all from the Telegraph: Transvestite had sex with a dog at English Heritage castle and then closer to home there is the Lewes knob-poster.  Just a couple of comments and observations to make.



A glitch in the matrix

June 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Music, Technology

According to Spotify’s ‘related artists’ feature, “users who listen to Nightwish also listen to…  “  Within Temptation, Disturbed, Iron Maiden, Linkin Park, Rammstein, Bullet for my Valentine, System of a Down and…  um…   Enya.
They are not wrong though.  I saw the name and thought, yeah.  Haven’t heard any Enya for years, let’s have a bit [...]


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Only two weeks to go

April 23rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Politics

Yes it is only two weeks until the big wobbly sausage!
If that makes it sound like I am losing my marbles a bit, I refer you to this story in the Telegraph, specifically the end bit.


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Subheadline of the week

March 18th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

I can’t find any way to read this story from The Register without my mind boggling.  The headline is eye-catching enough (Florida woman prangs car while shaving her privates) but the subheadline is pure genius.


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Golden Brown – with a touch of grey

March 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · Music

Apparently the Stranglers will be playing at Glastonbury this year.  I was astonished to learn today that their drummer, Jet Black, is 71.  No wonder they decided to pack in touring.  I know it is a job you can do sitting down, but I still think it requires a lot of energy to play the [...]


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Pointless, unproductive and fun

February 26th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Technology

If you saw a link on a website that pointed to I bet you would think twice before following it – and then decide not to.  If you received an email with a link to it would probably get stopped by your mail filters and marked as spam or potential malware.  But you [...]


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