Search Engine Optimisation

Search Engine Optimisation

Search engine optimisation or SEO is the practice of creating, modifying or repairing a website so that it can be fully read and indexed by the major search engines. The main search engines taken into consideration are Google, Yahoo and Bing, all of which use computer programs known ...

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Links Do Not Have To Be Indexed To Count!

When I hear things in the SEO or internet marketing industry I always like to check them out for myself. I am a typical questioner, despite the authority of the source I have to go out there and trial it anyway, this is sometimes a good thing and ...

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Analytics + Optimised Content + Anchor Text Links = More Traffic

Yes the title sounds obvious right? Of course optimised content and traffic equate to more traffic duh! But where do analytics fit in? Well I have banged on enough about long tail keywords on this blog but guess what? I am going to do it again as this is ...

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Facebook Search - Open Graph

This is my first post on SEOWizz and you may have heard Tim mention me before as the guy who jazzed up the blog. My name is David my primary job is managing a small new media business and Tim has kindly invited me to share some information ...

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Recent Articles

Many of you will remember the article I released on brand anchor text and how I thought it was playing a role in rankings, plus I insinuated that over optimised link profiles were been filtered to give a more natural look to the SERPs? Well it seems I was wrong and anchor text is still the king after all, this shows the difference between correlation [...]


Keyword Stuffing & Link Spam Will Make Google Love You! What Are Google Doing?

The new features Google introduce have been coming thick and fast, previews is live in the UK now, does nothing from an SEO point of view but could effect CTR, places is still running despite the ugly lay out and a floating map down the left disguising the cheap clicks, brand ‘related results’ is slowly filtering in making everyone wonder what Google considers a brand, [...]

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Related Results Showing at the Top of SERPs???

Are we all enjoying the Google roller-coaster over the last couple of months? Places nightmare? Deep page prominence? And now we have Google pushing the organic results even further down the priority pile, showing related results at the top of the SERPs just below the sponsored listings!! This was carried out using Google Chrome Incognito window Not only are they showing the terms but they [...]

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Has SEOwizz Got a Penalty??

Just a real quick announcement type post, but I am sure some will find it interesting….. I have received a significant number of emails over the past few weeks asking me why I no longer rank for some of my core terms, many were presuming some kind of penalty or filter…. Well first of all I’d like to thank you all for your concern, however [...]

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Have Google Scrapped Their Local Listing Algorithm? How Will Google Places Produce Results?

The hype surrounding integrated local results is just about dieing down, however it has left a large amount of businesses who don’t have a physical address in multiple locations, wondering how they are going to maintain rankings for local results. Directory style websites that used to lap up geo targeted terms will now find their organic results replaced by the new but messy Google places [...]

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Deep Page Power! Just What are Google up to?

In terms of search engine optimisation your homepage has always stood more chance of ranking for any given term, if you wanted to compete on a competitive term your home page or top level domain was always the place to get the ball rolling. Late last night I noticed something interesting in the SERPS which was subsequently tweeted out by Patrick Altoft this morning, it [...]

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Relevancy and Creating A Defensible Profile

I get a lot of emails every week about various SEO related issues, so much so that I am considering launching a forum in 2011 so the readership as a whole can benefit from the queries and subsequent answers. One question that has been raised multiple times this week is the issue of relevancy; “Do links have to be relevant to count?” Now I have [...]

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