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Evil Twin Booking Agency
215 473 0308
liz (at) eviltwinbooking (dot) com

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  • The Family Jewels
    A Veteran’s Story

    by Greg Palast

    In 1930, when my father was an 8-year-old kid in Chicago, he asked his older brother why people were outside in the cold snow in a long line.

    His brother Harold said, "It's a bread line. They don't have anything to eat. They're hoping for bread."

    My father ran to his mother's bedroom, grabbed her diamond brooch, ran downstairs, and gave it to a man in the line.

    Gil Palast (1921-2010)
    (click to enlarge)

    Later in the Depression my grandfather lost all his money.

    The important thing is, that after my father gave away the jewels, no one in his family chastised him.

    Here's what you need to know about my father and maybe about me:
    My father worked in a furniture store in the barrio in Los Angeles, where he sold pure crap on lay-away to Mexicans.  Then, later on, he sold fancier crap to fancier people in Beverly Hills and he hated furniture, and he hated the undeserving pricks and their trophy wives who bought it.

    Dad figured it this way:  The bankers, the union-busters, the Bushes — whoever ran the show — were all a pack of vultures and the rest of us were just food.

    And when I turned 8 myself, my dad gave me some important jewelry:  His medals from World War II.  He wanted me to lose them, to throw them away, anything.  It was March 8, 1965.  I know the exact date because the US Marines had landed at Da Nang, Vietnam.

    My father won the medals in the Pacific jungles for freeing the oppressed. Then, on that day in 1965, that degenerate Lyndon Johnson ordered my dad's Army to return to the jungle to oppress the free.  Johnson and Nixon, and the rest of the gangsters, had turned my dad's medals into garbage.

    But life wasn't all garbage and Nixon and furniture.  My parents danced — in fact, they were champs. Even in their 70s they won a medal in the tango.

    Today my mother needs oxygen to breathe and my father, after his stroke, needed a walker frame to move. A little while back they decided to have a nice day out.  My mom dressed up in her goofy red, white and blue patriotic garb, strapped on a canister of oxygen, and my father, limping a few inches at a time, made it to the local grocery store - to join the union picket line.

    This past Saturday was my mother's birthday, her 89th.  My father, in the hospital, told her to have a real blowout of a party.  She did.   It was a hell of a celebration.

    But the next day, as we had expected, my father died.

    He was happy my sister and I had flown in on time.  He was especially happy that we don't sell furniture.

    His last words were to my mother, "Happy birthday."


    My mom and dad don't want anyone to send flowers. My mother asks that if you'd like to honor Gil Palast to please send a donation to our not-for-profit Palast Investigative Fund. My father was damn proud of what we do.

    I'd be just as happy, if you have a couple bucks, to take your mom and dad out dancing.

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    Rove's Vote Trickster: Caging Explained

    On Tuesday, Tim Griffin, former chief of research of the Republican National Committee, is on the ballot for Congress to represent Little Rock, Arkansas. He's favored to win. But Griffin is just as happy to win by stealing votes. Here's a clip from the Elections Files, the Palast team's investigations for BBC Television and Democracy Now. ...

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    The Petroleum Broadcast System
    Owes Us an Apology

    by Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash

    Tonight, my dog Pluto and I watched the PBS 'Frontline' investigation of BP, "The Spill."

    PBS has uncovered a real shocker:  BP neglected safety!

    Well, no shit, Sherlock!

    Pluto rolled over on the rug and looked at me as if to say, Don't we already know this?

    Then PBS told us — get ready — that BP has neglected warnings about oil safety for years!

    That's true.  But so has PBS.  The Petroleum Broadcast System has turned a blind eye to BP perfidy for decades.

    If the broadcast had come six months before the Gulf blow-out, after the 2005 BP Refinery explosion in Texas, or after the 2006 Alaska pipeline disaster, or after the years of government fines that flashed DANGER-DANGER, I would say, "Damn, that Frontline sure is courageous."  But six months after the blow-out, PBS has shown us it only has the courage to shoot the wounded.

    But hey, at least PBS is now on the case.

    Or is it?   (Show me more...)

    Was Tim Griffin merely a "Rove-bot"?
    Did Karl Rove write the memos that dunked candidate Griffin in hot water?

    Special to the Arkansas Times
    by Greg Palast (New York, London)

    Steal Back Your Vote Comic BookIllustration from Steal Back Your Vote Comic book voterguide.
    To learn more click on the image.

    Greg Palast, the journalist who blew the whistle on Republican vote suppression activities in Florida ("caging"), has communicated with me further following an e-mail I passed along this morning. He has a theory on Republican congressional candidate Tim Griffin's involvement in the scheme
    Palast's report:

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    SarahPAC Candidate "Should Be in Jail"
    NBC TV airs vote "caging" exposé on Tim Griffin

    by Greg Palast for Truthout/Buzzflash

    "What he [Griffin] did was absolutely illegal and he should be in jail."

    Illustration from Steal Back Your Vote comic

    That's hardly the kind of endorsement a candidate for Congress expects. But that is the conclusion of voting rights attorney Robert F. Kennedy Jr. after digging into the evidence of Congressional candidate Tim Griffin's role in directing the Republican National Committee's racially biased attack on voters known as "caging."

    A brutal mano-a-mano race in Arkansas' Second District has become a showdown between Sarah Palin's banner carrier Griffin (funded by SarahPAC) and Democrat Joyce Elliott who has drawn homeboy Bill Clinton back to Little Rock.

    The ex-President, in Arkansas this week, was especially worked up about Griffin's caging list vote suppression scheme. (Our Good Ol' Boy in Chief told me back in 2008 he would bust out the story, and it only took him two years to do the right thing, a personal best for Bill.)
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    Arkansas NBC TV:
    Greg Palast busts Rove-bot

    Tim Griffin, Congressional candidate, exposed

    Tim Griffin
    NBC Arkansas television anchor and investigative reporter Melissa Simas confronted Griffin, a candidate for a Little Rock congressional seat, with the latest information Palast has uncovered on the "Tim Crow" caging scheme.

    Watch the Report

    It's not Tim Griffin's day. In 2004, BBC Television exposed Karl Rove's crony Tim Griffin, for running an operation to challenge the right to vote of active duty soldiers, especially those of color. (Show me more...)

    Decision 2010:
    Tim Griffin and Voter Caging

    Reported by: Melissa Simas, KARK 4 NBC News

    After two years, and several resignations among Department of Justice staffers, in July, a special prosecutor wrapped up her investigation of the nine U.S. Attorneys fired in 2006. Bud Cummins, a Republican from Arkansas, was one of the U.S. Attorneys fired. Tim Griffin, another Republican, and the current candidate for Congress in Arkansas was named as his replacement.

    Though no criminal charges were filed, the report indicates, "the process used to remove the nine U.S. Attorneys in 2006 was fundamentally flawed."

    The report itself makes reference to Mr. Griffin's alleged involvement with voter caging. Because of Mr. Griffin's candidacy, we sat down with him to discuss the allegations. He told KARK he was not concerned about the Department of Justice report when he decided to run for Congress.
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    Crisis in Ecuador
    Greg Palast Interviews President Correa

    Palast Interviews President Correa

    Ecuador's president promises punishment
    after day of chaos.

    Rafael Correa promises 'no forgiveness' for those involved in uprising, as opposition politicians are accused of staging a coup.

    Ecuador remains in a state of siege with the military in charge of public order.
    President Rafael Correa is promising to punish his enemies a day after a police rebellion triggered mayhem.

    In February 2008 Greg Palast met with Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa. They discussed the Lawsuit against Chevron, Eradicating Foreign Debt and Why He Says "Ecuador is No Longer for Sale"

    Watch part of the interview.
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    Fighting Bob Fest Attracts Big Names

    By Tim Damos, News Republic

    Greg Palast doesn't pull any punches.

    His investigative stories are written in classic muckraker style; hard-hitting in both the juiciness they uncover and the language they use.

    Author of the New York Times best sellers "Armed Madhouse" and "The Best Democracy Money Can Buy," Palast has become a familiar face at Fighting Bob Fest, the annual gathering devoted to carrying on the progressive spirit of the late Wisconsin Congressman and Gov. Robert "Fighting Bob" La Follette.

    WATCH Palast's keynote speech at the Barrymore Theater on September 10, 2010.
    WATCH Palast's talk at the outdoor 2010 Fighting Bob Festival in Baraboo, WI on September 11, 2010.

    Greg PalastBrian D. Bridgeford / News Republic File photo
    (hover cursor to enlarge)

    For Palast, serious investigative journalism is not about projecting an image of objectivity by presenting both sides of an argument in a "he said, she said" story. It's about getting down in the trenches, relentlessly seeking truth and relaying it to readers untainted by any "spin."

    "Impartial is not failing to say it like it is or to provide the information," Palast said in a phone interview Thursday, adding that many American mainstream reporters are afraid to pursue stories that are "threatening to (the elite's) agreed upon view of the world.

    "If you're out of that channel, if you're out of their stream, they say, you're out of the mainstream."
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    Bush'd again?
    New Orleans, Mr. O and Mr. Go

    by Greg Palast for The Huffington Post

    Five years ago this week, a beast drowned New Orleans. Don't blame Katrina: the lady never, in fact, touched the city. The hurricane swept east of it.

    You want to know the name of the S.O.B. who attacked New Orleans? Locals call him "Mr. Go" - the Mississippi River-Gulf Outlet (MR-GO).

    MR-GO was undoubtedly the most bone-headed, deadly insane project ever built by the Army Corps of Engineers. It's a 76-mile long canal, straight as a gun barrel, running right up from the Gulf of Mexico to the heart of New Orleans.

    In effect, MR-GO was a welcome mat to the city for Katrina. Experts call it "the Hurricane Highway."

    Until the Army Corps made this crazy gash in the Mississippi Delta fifty years ago, Mother Nature protected the Crescent City with a green wreath of cypress and mangrove. The environmental slash-job caused the government's own hydrologist to raise alarms from Day One of construction.

    Unless MR-GO was fixed or plugged, the Corps was inviting, "the possibility of catastrophic damage to urban areas by a hurricane surge coming up this waterway." (I'm quoting from a report issued 17 years before The Flood.)

    A forensic analysis by Dr. John W. Day calculated that if the Corps had left just 6 miles of wetlands in place of the open canal, the surge caused by Katrina's wind would have been reduced by 4.5 feet and a lot of New Orleaneans would be alive today.
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