One of my photos

Entries Tagged as 'Nostalgia'

Wallowing in it

September 1st, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life

I have been putting off going through my photos for a while because it was a bit daunting, but now I have started and it turns out to be a much better way to pass an evening than watching TV and I have already scanned in some of my favourites from two albums which cover [...]


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Thank you for the music

July 23rd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Music

I did something a little bit upsetting this evening: I got rid of all my remaining vinyl.
With all the preparations for moving house I realised that it was not sensible to take a load of old records out of one loft just to have them consigned to a different loft.
I had already let some friends [...]



Devil in Disguise

July 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

One last Vine review to clear the backlog.  This time it is Devil in Disguise by Julian Clary.
I enjoyed it on a couple of levels. Apart from the story, there was a more personal level of enjoyment which was an element of nostalgia.   Molly ans Simon, the two main characters, met while at Goldsmiths which [...]


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Busy week so far

March 16th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Politics

Is it only Tuesday?  The week seems old already, because ther has been a lot going on.  Yesterday I went out to a gathering of lefties at an informal meeting of the local UAF, but with the news about Laura’s retirement being fresh there was a lot of gossip and speculation before we got down [...]


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Ten years ago

December 31st, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life

There is a trending topic on Twitter at the moment called #10yearsago which got me thinking a bit about where I was and what I was up to ten years ago today, and it is a bit scary to realise how much has gone on.


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Not the Nine O’Clock News

December 29th, 2009 · 2 Comments · Life

I enjoyed the programme about Not the Nine O’Clock News this evening.   I had forgotten just how big it was back in the day, and had also forgotten that Chris Langham was in the first series.  I do remember that it was must-see TV at the time and if I look in the overflow bookcase [...]


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Well I’ll go to the foot of our stairs

December 14th, 2009 · No Comments · Music

When I finally caught up with reading Friday’s Guardian I learned something unlikely today in this article about what happened to several music acts that looked like being the next big thing but never were. Not only that but it gives me an excuse, as if one were needed, to put up a link to [...]


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The funny side of… Clive Anderson

August 6th, 2009 · No Comments · Life

What a strange programme that was on TV tonight – Clive Anderson presenting something called The Funny Side of Talent.  Clive has been presenting TV shows for over twenty years, and radio shows before that.   Whose Line Is It Anyway ran for 10 years, he had his own chat show on Channel 4 and another [...]


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Thirty years on – Spizzenergi in London

August 2nd, 2009 · No Comments · Music

I went online tonight and bought my ticket for the Spizzenergi 30th anniversary gig at the 100 Club.  I decided that it wasn’t worth the risk of just turning up because with all the publicity there is a real chance of it selling out.


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June 30th, 2009 · No Comments · Music, Technology

The BBC made a 13-year-old swap his ipod for an original Sony Walkman for a week and then asked him what he thought.   What he said, and I am paraphrasing here, is: “Skuds – you are so old!  How did you ever get by with one of these?”  Well that’s how I interpreted it anyway.


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