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Entries Tagged as 'Elections'

Number-crunching the leadership ballot

September 29th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Politics

I was pleased to see the data behind the leadership ballot released, and also a little surprised. But mostly pleased.
The data is available as a Google Doc here and you can download it all to your own computer to pull it about in Excel.1
or Open Office of course [↩]


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BBC hustings – too much, too late

September 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Politics

I watched the Labour leadership hustings on BBC’s Question Time tonight.  It was the most I have enjoyed QT for a long time, but then it would have to be as I hardly ever watch it.   I think it would have been a lot more useful if it had been scheduled before a lot of [...]


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Council changes

September 13th, 2010 · 29 Comments · Politics

There are a few changes coming up in the local councils around here.   It would be nice to see some changes in the all-out district elections in Horsham and the one third of seats up for electin in Crawley next year (but don’t hold your breath for Horsham.  Historically the only challenge to the Tories [...]


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The dog that didn’t bark

July 31st, 2010 · 11 Comments · Politics, Technology

The 2010 election was billed as ‘the internet election’ , but just about every election since about 2001 has been hyped to be the internet election and one of them was.  The general feeling is that 2010 wasn’t the internet election after all, which is what the Hansard Society are saying in a new report.  [...]


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Crawley leadership hustings and vote

July 20th, 2010 · 13 Comments · Music, Politics

Another week, another Labour leadership meeting.  This time round was different for two reasons: as it was my own local party I could actually vote this time, and there was a hustings first.  Oh.  And there is a prog rock angle too.


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Keeping elections apart

June 1st, 2010 · 8 Comments · Politics

I am interested by this unanticipated objection to the fixed term election date in 2015.



Clinging on to power

May 20th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Politics

According to the Guardian Gordon Brown wanted to announce his resignation before the recent election.  I’m glad that he didn’t.  OK it might have got us a few more votes, maybe even a few more seats, but it was a disaster when Tony Blair did that – everything he did as PM after the 2005 [...]


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The Crawley News

May 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Politics

A little surprised to find myself not only mentioned a couple of times in this week’s Crawley News but also to be quoted.  I didn’t really think that , being an ex-councillor in Crawley they might be interested in what I have been up to.  Must remember that. They harvested a quote from this blog [...]


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Fantasy cabinet

May 9th, 2010 · 7 Comments · Politics

I do hope Gordon decides to withdraw and let the Tories and Lib Dems come to some sort of arrangement.  Personally I think the Lib Dems would be silly to have any formal coalition: better for them to let the Tories form a minority government.  With any luck they would be prevented from carrying out [...]


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I’ve seen all good people

May 7th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Music, Politics

At least it’s all over now, and we know what that means don’t we?   I can get back to my comfort zone of off-colour joke, blatantly partisan insults, and wittering about prog rock.
Talking of which, I had a text from the Northern branch of the family saying “I think the phrase is ‘yours is no [...]


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