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Entries Tagged as 'DVD'

The Crazies

September 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

As I had to go into town anyway this afternoon to pay in a cheque, I decided to have a browse in HMV.  I came out with a nifty DVD of The Crazies, which has the 1973 original on a second disc.
Watched the film tonight and really enjoyed it.  I suspected that I would because [...]


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Lock, Stock & Smoking Pipe

May 18th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

Jayne bought the Guy Ritchie Sherlock Holmes film on DVD today in an attempt to wipe out the memory of the appalling mockbuster version we watched last week.
The attempt was only partially successful, not through any great failing of the Ritchie film but because the other one was so memorably bad.
Looking at the two covers [...]


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Worst film ever?

May 8th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life

I thought it would never happen but I have finally found a film that is worse than Forrest Gump!   It is called Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s Sherlock Holmes, although on the DVD box the first part is in tiny letters so it looks like it is just called Sherlock Homes. I also learned a new [...]


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The International

March 21st, 2010 · No Comments · Life

We watched The International on DVD this evening and it didn’t really do much for us.  I picked up the DVD on one of those 3-for-£12 sort of deals, so at least didn’t waste too much money on it.   I didn’t know a lot about it but could remember Clive Owen being interviewed by Jonathan [...]


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It’s in Belgium

March 14th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

Jayne and I sat down to watch In Bruges this evening.  What a fantastic film that is.  Neither of us knew much about it: she didn’t know anything and I just knew it was about a couple of hit men hiding out in Bruges.  It was violent in parts, but absolutely hilarious.
Bit of a bargain [...]


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Français pour une nuit

February 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Music

My copy of Français pour une nuit, the new Metallica concert DVD arrived today.  I haven’t watched it totally from beginning to end, but I have dipped into it and watched about half of it.  While it is a great DVD I don’t think it really does them justice, and it certainly did not bring [...]


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Survive Style 5+

February 2nd, 2010 · No Comments · Life

Tonight I watched a Japanese film called Survive Style 5+.  It is another one I got from Amazon’s Vine programme.  I actually got it last month but kept putting off watching: I never really felt in the right mood.  Tonight I decided to give it a try and found it to be a remarkable film, [...]


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January 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Music

After Christmas I treated myself to a couple of things on Amazon, notionally using some xmas money from Mum (happy birthday today BTW – 70 candles!).  Unfortunately they had not quite arrived when the snow fell and so they didn’t get delivered here until today, when the postman brought a huge backlog of mail – [...]


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Dirty Jokes

October 29th, 2009 · 1 Comment · Life

This evening I watched a DVD called Dirty Jokes – a standup comedy DVD by American comedian Gilbert Gottfried.  This was another of my Amazon Vine freebies.  I am finally getting through them all now.
Any regular visitors here will know that I do enjoy comedy, but I didn’t really enjoy this one much.  For a [...]


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The gift that keeps on giving

October 19th, 2009 · No Comments · Life

I watched Goldmember again tonight.  There were a few jokes or references I didn’t get before because I have been catching up on stuff in recent years so there are some things I hadn’t heard of the first time round, though I probably should have.
Prime example was in the Japanese sub-titles bit where Austin Powers [...]


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