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Entries Tagged as 'Life'


November 8th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

I think we are just about settled in properly now.  Over the weekend we got some lamps for the living room and we are happy with that now – even happier when the new dining table and chairs arrive on Friday to replace the temporary ones we have, but still happy enough.  I haven’t actually [...]

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Unsolicited testimonial time

November 1st, 2010 · No Comments · Life

Sounds like a Fall song title doesn’t it?  Maybe it is… so hard to keep track.  Anyway, we moved in a week ago and everything is now nearly sorted out. Just a box or two to go through…
I’m so glad I took a few days off work to get everything straight.

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The final countdown

October 22nd, 2010 · 2 Comments · Life

Not long before we move out now.  All the paperwork was signed this afternoon and I’m hoping we can get through a day without any crises or sudden spanners in the works.   Still not all packed, but I am off work tomorrow and should get everything done in time.  The broadband and TV goes off [...]

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What will tomorrow bring

October 20th, 2010 · 12 Comments · Life

For the time being my personal anthem will be Femi Kuti’s masterpiece What Will tomorrow Bring – the remixed version naturally.
On Sunday night I wrote about how we were only six days from moving house.  On Monday got a text from Jayne saying there was a hitch do do with the electrics at the new [...]

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October 18th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

If I have been quiet here, and let’s face it I have, there are several good reasons.  Mostly they are do do with an impending house move and several aborted house moves.

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False alarm

October 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

I thought for a brief moment that I had made it.  Got a tweet from somebody whose name I didn’t recognise, looked at their profile and saw they they follow 7 people:

Stephen Fry
Dave Gorman
Sarah Millican
Chris Addison
Doug Naylor
Bill Bailey

Then realised that their real name, as opposed to Twitter username, was the same as my brother-in-law and [...]

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Some forthcoming attractions

October 15th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Music

Always lots to do and see in the last few months of the year.  This is a very selective sample (i.e. the ones I intend to go to).  If anybody else is going to any of these I’ll see them there.
October 22nd – Covered at the Queen’s Head, Horsham
Covered are a seven-piece covers band doing [...]

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I’ve seen all good people

October 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Music

Last night I went out to see Rick Wakeman and Jon Anderson playing at the Hawth theatre in Crawley.   Rick Wakeman. Jon Anderson.  In Crawley!
This was the second date on their 20-date ‘Anderson-Wakeman Project 360′ tour, coming to a provincial town near you soon, and the ticket was a birthday present from Chrystal which makes [...]

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A cheeky little vintage crime

September 30th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

According to the Guardian, thieves stole a French winegrower’s entire harvest – 30 tonnes of grapes over 2 hectares.   A few thoughts:

How do winegrowers survive if their entire harvest, a whole year’s work, is only worth £13,000?
How much do grape-harvesting machines cost?  Presumably this bloke has one for his own harvest and it sits in [...]

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Confusing headline

September 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

The BBC News website had a link to a story with the headline Research widens height gene hunt.  It took a while for my poor old brain to drag any sense out of it.  Subconsciously I was isolating ‘gene hunt’ as the character from Life on Mars and being left with something widening height.  The [...]

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