Cutline Theme for WordPress

One Giant Leap for Mankind

Cutline Theme for WordPress header image 1

Cutline Support Forums now at Performancing Hive

June 25th, 2010 · Site Updates

IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: The Cutline Support Forums have moved to Peformancing Hive. Please CLICK HERE and update your bookmarks!

Your accounts should be still intact, but since we’re still moving things around, some links may no longer work. But as of today, premium support via the Forums can now resume. Other support services continue, as listed here.

Again, visit the Cutline Forums at Performancing Hive here. Thank you for your continued support!

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Cutline Forums Tips & Tricks: unique header images, fix tags list, dropdown menus

June 25th, 2009 · How To

A lot of you are still asking questions via the comment form, which is not too easy to keep track of compared to the Support Forums. And it just so happens that the questions you’ve been asking have been answered over there! Let’s go over them, shall we?

Head over to the Forums for more!

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Cutline Forums Tips & Tricks: column widths, AdSense, custom link lists and categories

May 6th, 2009 · How To

We’ve had a good amount of questions answered at our new Cutline Support Forums (join now!) so if you have a burning question about using the Cutline theme you might want to check out these helpful mods and fixes:

Want more? Head on over to the forums and make some new friends!

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New Cutline Forums Online

February 27th, 2009 · Site Updates

It took quite some time, as we had to wrack our brains to see how we can better organize the new forums. And so the new Cutline support forum is online. This includes two new main areas: the community support forum and the premium support forum.

The community support forum will, like before, let Cutline users exchange ideas, tips, mods, and fixes. Anyone is free to post and respond here (and we do encourage everyone to do so).

The premium support area is basically the paid version of the community support. This will not only include discussions among community mebmers, though. The folks who currently maintain Cutline (meaning Splashpress Media) will also directly respond to inquiries here. We know we’ve been a bit busy with replying elsewhere, but now that the forum is part of our business plan (meaning we get a small return in exchange for our time and effort in responding), we will definitely have a faster turnaround.
Monthly subscription is $3.99 per month, charged annually.

If you have more urgent concerns, we would be happy to help you if you can get in touch with us directly. Simple fixes would, of course, be free (or you can send us beer, tea or espresso), but more complicated ones would have to be charged the usual rate.

The old forum is archived here, as we know there is still a treasure chest of knowledge (and discussion) stored there.

We hope to see you at the new forum!

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We’re Installing New Forum Software

February 2nd, 2009 · Site Updates

Folks, the Cutline forum is currently offline. Well, at least the one found over at is. We’re currently installing new forum software, with a new design and with some new features that I’ve previously discussed (particularly the premium support).

I’ve moved the old forum to another directory. If you need to refer to information stored on the old forum, please head on to We’re keeping the old content archived.

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Cutline versions 2.2 and 1.4 3-Column Released

January 12th, 2009 · Release Notes

We are pleased to inform everyone that the following versions of Cutline have been released:

As I’ve written previously, the upgrade is for compatibility with the new features of WordPress 2.7. A summary of fixes in these editions:

  1. Gravatar support (which replaces the comment numbering)
  2. Threaded comment support (if activated within WordPress settings)
  3. Post classes (you can differentiate the look of sticky and other posts)
  4. Image class support (compatible with the classes used by WordPress image uploader)
  5. Some under-the-hood tweaks

I’m currently working on setting up a preview site for all four versions. If you’re upgrading your theme, be sure to upload the entire thing, as many of the files have been edited. Don’t forget to backup.

Enjoy Cutline!

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Cutline Version 1.4 Released

January 10th, 2009 · Release Notes

As we earlier noted, the present versions of Cutline will not work perfectly with the recently released WordPress 2.7. Well, Cutline will not exactly break your site; the theme will still work with WP 2.7, although some of the new features, like threaded comments, post classes, and the like will not be present.

And so we are pleased to announce the release of Cutline 1.4, which is an upgrade of Cutline 1.3 (two-column, right sidebar). This stems from the original Cutline release, in contrast to version 2.1 and the three-column versions, which are newer variants.

We consider this new release to be a major one, but users might not notice the difference from the outside. Much of the improvements we did are under the hood. Cutline 1.4 was an update by our resident designer, Sophia Lucero, who has also done several other designs in Splashpress Media’s blog network.


The following editions have also been updated. Same basic release notes apply.

What’s in this Release

1. Threaded comments

WordPress 2.7 allows up to 10 nested levels, but in this case, we recommend only a few (up to 5 perhaps), especially because of the width of the main column, which might not accommodate more.

We replaced comment numbering with gravatars. The comment permalinks can be accessed through the comment time stamp.

2. Post classes

Each post in The Loop is now wrapped with its own DIV. Sticky posts have the corresponding CSS classes. These are unstyled as of now, but the update gives you the option of changing the styling of sticky posts.

3. Image CSS classes

Cutline 1.4 now supports WordPress’ built in image classes (.alignnone, .alignleft, .aligncenter, .alignright), image captions, and image galleries.

4. Minor tweaks to several other theme files.

5. wp_page_menu() was not used.

Why? It’s just a wrapper around wp_list_pages and adds extra code that we don’t need for the top menu.


Note that you should only use Cutline 1.4 with WordPress 2.7 up. Cutline 1.4 is not compatible with older versions of WP.

If you are upgrading from an older Cutline version, we recommend that you replace all your existing theme files with this one (be sure to make a backup, if you made some customizations). While you might not notice many changes from viewing your blog, much of the work we did here were under the hood.

Also, we wanted to release all the updates in one go, but since we’re still working on the other editions, we will just update this post with incremental releases.

You can download Cutline 1.4 here.

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Yes, We Will Upgrade.

December 11th, 2008 · Release Notes, Site Updates

WordPress 2.7 has been released, and the big question by some Cutline users (we’ve received a few emails) is whether we will be updating Cutline to support the requirements of the new version. This is in the works. At the very least, we will be updating the existing releases (if you wish to retain the same look and feel) to make them compatible with WordPress 2.7. But the bigger news would be that plan to come up with an upgrade once we have the underlying structure (i.e., compatibility with WP 2.7) in place.

This might take some time, though, but we’ll do our best to come up with the updates before the year ends.

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Cutline Premium Support Pricing

December 4th, 2008 · Release Notes

After much research, thought and deliberation, we’ve come to what we think are reasonable rates for premium support for the Cutline theme. Recall that I’ve mentioned this idea before, and it seems some folks would be willing to spend a few bucks to get quick support or fixes. And we’ve also thought about those who don’t only want quick fixes, but rather a whole slew of modifications and fixes to their Cutline-themed blogs.

And so, let me introduce our rates:

  • Email consultation for $50. We can provide technical and design-related support via email, wherein one of our designers or programmers would delve deep into your blog’s design or code, and do the edits on-site. Here we can walk you through how you can do these edits yourself.
  • Design overhaul or customization for $200. We can help with design customizations and big changes, as long as it still works within the Cutline framework (meaning no major changes to the underlying WordPress code will be done). This also includes creating custom headers and other graphics, so your site will look unique. The pricing is just enough to give our designer an incentive to primp up your site, but it’s just a fraction of the cost of designing a theme from scratch.
  • Cutline premium forum subscription for $3.99 per month. In the premium support forum we can directly respond to user/reader inquiries in a timely manner. We will still maintain the existing forum free, but this would be mostly for user-to-user discussion and support (and all content that was previously free will still remain accessible to the public).

We already welcome consultations and design overhauls–please get in touch with us through our Contact Form and we can discuss your needs.

We do hope these rates are reasonable enough. But of course, if all you need are really quick fixes that would likely only take us five minutes to do, then you don’t have to worry about paying a cent for those.

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Why Don’t Header Links Work and How Can I Edit Post Slug?

November 24th, 2008 · How To

One of the more popular support inquiries we’ve been receiving recently is why header navigation links don’t work, and how to enable or change post and page slugs. This has been discussed here before, but for the benefit of users who have not had the chance to review the previous discussion, we hope to shed some light on this issue.

Most of the time, the problem here lies with a blog’s permalink structure. Cutline was designed for use with blogs that use search-friendly URLs or permalinks. If your site uses a URL structure that looks like this:

Then in all likelihood your site still uses the default WordPress permalink structure. There are drawbacks to this, and it’s mostly with searchability and user familiarity. It’s easier to recall than The added benefit is that it makes it easier for search engines to pick up your site using keywords found in the URL.

It’s easier to recall friendly permalinks than ID or number-based ones. The added benefit is that it makes it easier for search engines to pick up your site using keywords found in the URL.

And so it makes sense to use a permalink structure that uses the post slug rather than just the post or page ID number.

And as for Cutline, the default header links (aside from the Home link) look like this:


The part that comes after the URL is what you call the slug, and this is usually derived from the name of a post or page, unless you specifically edit it.

Activating friendly permalinks

To activate friendly permalinks, you go to your WordPress dashboard, and then to SettingsPermalinks. You are then given a few choices, which can reflect the date, category, name or other details specific to a post or page.

At Cutline, we use /%postname%/ which means the post or page slug comes right after the site’s URL. So a title named “Test Post” will usually have a slug test-post and a URL, unless I edit the slug.

I usually recommend using the post category in the URL structure, as this helps by adding more keywords to the URL.


If you prefer a shorter URL structure, then you can perhaps just use the /%postname%/. Some others would prefer adding the post year, month or day in the post field, but this can get messy, since in the event that you change post dates, links to the original URL will be broken. Static WordPress pages are unaffected by this, though, and their URL structures are usually the page slug appended right after the site’s URL.

Now if you’re editing the permalink structure through the WordPress admin panel, WordPress assumes your site’s .htaccess file is editable by the server. Otherwise, when you save the new URL structure, you would have to edit .htaccess yourself.

If that still doesn’t work, perhaps your server doesn’t support mod_rewrite. Check with your hosting provider if this can be activated.

You can check out this section of the WordPress codex for more information.

Editing the Slug

On latter versions of WordPress (2.6 up), the slug editing field can be found right below a post or page title, and this is highlighted in yellow, with an Edit link right after.

On older versions, the slug field can be found at the right sidebar of the post editor. The post and page slug usually follows the title of the post. So be careful when writing long titles–this also means your post slug will be lengthy. In those cases, it would help to manually edit the post slug for brevity.

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