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Entries Tagged as 'Internet'

All change in West Sussex

September 13th, 2010 · No Comments · Life

In the same month both the West Sussex County Times and West Sussex county council have revamped their websites.  The council have gone for the big band and changed their live site, while the local paper launched the new version as a beta site alongside the old one.  Having said that, they quickly ditched the [...]


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The dog that didn’t bark

July 31st, 2010 · 11 Comments · Politics, Technology

The 2010 election was billed as ‘the internet election’ , but just about every election since about 2001 has been hyped to be the internet election and one of them was.  The general feeling is that 2010 wasn’t the internet election after all, which is what the Hansard Society are saying in a new report.  [...]


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Virtual visits

July 29th, 2010 · No Comments · Technology

Microsoft Research say:
By combining 360-degree panoramic zooming with dynamically adaptive multi-perspective panoramas, Street Slide provides both an immersive and an informative experience for exploring street-side imagery and geo-located information.
Skuds translates:
It’s cool
If phrases like “adaptive multi-perspective panoramas” leave you cold then this demo of Microsoft’s answer to Google Street View is best watched with the sound [...]


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Desperate Russian Housewives

June 2nd, 2010 · 6 Comments · Technology

This is an interesting FoI request – about what domain names the BBC has registered to it.
Along with the long list of expected domains, like, and there are a few amusing ones like and


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For The Win

May 6th, 2010 · No Comments · Life, Technology

Another book I recently finished is For The Win by Cory Doctorow.   At nearly 500 pages it is a substantial read, but I got through it really quickly, which is usually a sign that I am enjoying it.  Given my circumstances it is hardly surprising that I enjoyed a story of oppressed workers organising themselves [...]


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No more Ning

April 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Technology

Well not for free anyway, according to this report.  This is really bad news for a lot of people.  Ning is a great system for setting up user groups and forums, either on an open or closed basis and it is used by loads of charities, community groups and other organisations to set up their [...]



Google 3D

April 7th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life, Technology

Love the 3D version of Google Street View – just need to find one of the many pairs of 3D glasses that are knocking around the house somewhere.  Talking of Google, this advert popped up the other day…

My first thought was to doubt the expertise of so-called experts in Google analytics who can’t even spell [...]


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Pointless, unproductive and fun

February 26th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Technology

If you saw a link on a website that pointed to I bet you would think twice before following it – and then decide not to.  If you received an email with a link to it would probably get stopped by your mail filters and marked as spam or potential malware.  But you [...]


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Facebook fail

February 13th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Technology

The recent Facebook redesign has not been popular.  I’m quite sanguine about Facebook layout changes: I figure that if I don’t like it that is not a problem because it will change soon anyway, but a lot of people are still upset about.  A few of them are even upset about a major change that [...]



Guess who

February 11th, 2010 · No Comments · Technology

I am currently just a little obsessed with Akinator.
I know how it is done and all that, but I’m still amazed how it still managed to get people like Harriet Harman, Carlos Santana, Daara O’Briain, Trevor Brooking, Geddy Lee, Tom Baker, Alan Sugar, Richard Dawkins, Jimmy Saville, even Andrew Collins in twenty questions.
Caught it out [...]


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