Edelman Change and Employee Engagement
The organizational communications consulting practice of Edelman

"When you are serious about change"

We help organizations strengthen their ability to implement corporate strategy and initiatives: establishing stronger management-employee relationships that condition the behaviors necessary to build brands, improve performance and achieve business goals. Learn More

In the blink of an eye
2010-12-14 That's just how quickly an organization can go from hero to goat.Taking a page from the sports world, look at the NY Yankees in baseball. Missing out on another World Series appearance this past season, the organization needed to just sign a couple of popular veterans and get another quality pitcher to shore up a competitive weakness. And one was available. But alas, all the money in the world di... Read More

Best Reads: 2011
2010-12-13 It’s that time of year again; exchanging gifts, sharing time with family and friends, enjoying a sip or two of eggnog and curling up with a good book. This year’s list includes an interesting array of topical areas for your holiday enjoyment. Cheers!Inside Larry & Sergey’s Brain Richard L. Brandt, Penguin GroupStarting with the title, this is a terrific read. Written and packaged in the same... Read More

Social media: Getting it right
2010-12-13 In a meeting with the chief marketing officer for a well-known business-to-business service provider, the subject of social media came up. In this case, the context was around the use of social media as a growing platform for reaching customers and employees.But the premise is all wrong.Social media is not a platform. It’s a presence! It’s about translating your brand and its promise to a diffe... Read More

Coaches and spectators
2010-12-01 They're different. Spectators watch the action, reacting to events as they arise. Coaches watch the action but see the same play through multiple perspectives, dissecting what's going on to discern what causes events to arise.Spectators applaud the touchdown pass, while coaches look for the patterns and rhythms that allowed the quaterback to have just enough time to find the open receiver. Doing s... Read More

Can't Buy Me Love...or Loyalty?
2010-11-11 Google announced this week that every employee - all 23,000 - will receive a 10% raise in an effort to stave off further defections of key talent to rivals, most notably Facebook.The move, unprecedented in its size and scope, underscores the competitive battle for talent in a highly attractive industry.But where does Google - or anyone for that matter, employing a similar program - go from here? ... Read More

A view from the east: Employee engagement, more than a growing curiosity
2010-11-01 On a recent trip to Asia, it became increasingly apparent that the state of employee engagement in this important region has become more than a passing curiosity. From CEOs to P&L executives to communications professionals to employees at all levels of an organization’s hierarchy, effective, consistent and clear communications with employees, coupled with open progressive management policies,... Read More

Welcome to the age of context
2010-10-29 Context…Today it’s the essential ingredient in breaking through, turning connections into conversations, and translating decisions into knowledge, confidence, and actionable truths.Context builds and sustains trust.It should be the single-most important element of organizational communications, and yet, context is often missing in public and business discourse.The latest issue of Strategic Intent ... Read More

No logo: Finding deeper meaning in the Gap debacle
2010-10-21 Who owns your brand? Who owns your strategy?My initial take surrounding the recent controversy involving the new Gap brand identity (logo) was along the lines of “when all else fails, change the logo."Another company desperate to right a foundering ship resorting to a cosmetic change to jump start its business.But then they said, "Never mind," and reverted to the original logo, so it kind of beca... Read More

War on Talent: A Formula For Success?
2010-09-22 Recently, we had the chance to spend time with senior HR professionals at leading global companies. Inevitably, these conversations led to discussing the greatest opportunity or threat facing them today - talent acquisition and retention.It's tough to argue that even in recessionary times the quest for talent is a struggle. Making matters more challenging is the changing demographics and habits ... Read More

Missing the point
2010-06-22 One of our blog's readers recently shared with me an internal message from the CEO of a large, global organization (identity protected), which caused some concern. Here's the gist:Know Our StrategyListening to feedback from our all-employee survey last year, we have directed leaders across our businesses to make a concerted effort to present our strategy. Starting with me and my keynote presentati... Read More

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