The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for discussion about such news.
From Anarchist Writers Blog - by Anarcho

A vision of a co-operative commonwealth has always been at the heart of socialism. The earliest socialists suggested co-operative villages, workplaces and consumer societies. This was echoed by libertarian socialists.

Bakunin was "convinced that the co-operative will be the preponderant form of social organisation in the future" and could "hardly oppose" their creation under capitalism. Proudhon called his vision of a co-operative economy mutualism, arguing workers’ associations were "a new principle and model of production that must replace present-day corporations." This was seen as part of the transcendence of capitalism:

From UK Guardian - by The Anarchist Studies Network

Direct action is part of creating direct democracy, but the student protests saw the media painting a caricature of anarchism

Protesters are never a homogenous group, but those who protested under the anti-cuts banner last week were united in the view that the marketisation of higher education should be opposed. Typically, however, property destruction magically transformed a sizeable subset into "anarchists", and gave a green light to the general dismissal of their concerns.

It's certainly true that anarchists were among the protesters.

Asheville 11 defense

Eleven people arrested in Asheville, NC on May 1 still face outrageous felony conspiracy and rioting charges simply for being in a neighborhood in which some windows were broken. Although support for the defendants has been growing steadily, the District Attorney is stubbornly clinging to this opportunity to defame and demonize anarchists. It is increasingly clear that the outcome of the case hinges on the attention and support the 11 receive.

Last month, an appeal went out for solidarity actions to take place on the first day of every month, in support of the Asheville 11. In response, on November 1, banners were dropped in Asheville and Oklahoma City. In San Francisco, 11 banks, businesses, and construction sites were sabotaged, and a lengthy communique emphasized the importance of solidarity in an era when communication itself is criminalized as "conspiracy." Some beautiful new support posters and stickers appeared, as well.

From Anarchist Writers - by Deric Shannon

I haven’t blogged in a while, so I thought I’d share some thoughts on this last weekend I spent in Baltimore (a city chock-full of radical history for anyone interested in reading up). I attended the Renewing the Anarchist Tradition (RAT) annual conference—a conference for developing anarchist theory collectively and having conversations about anarchist thought and practice. I’d never been to RAT before and was excited to attend this year’s gathering, as it was organized to be different than other conferences.

From Void Network

All we,...

the students, the working people, the unemployed and the lazy ones, girls and boys from Void Network / Athens Greece we express our solidarity to the occupation of Sussex university and to all people that will participate in this and all other actions until the great demonstration of 24 November and beyond that....

The news coming from U.K. about the student's struggle are making us all here in Athens having great hope about the arising of critical mind and the radicalization of a whole generation in all U.K.... Our thoughts and hearts are there with you...

From The St. Petersburg Times - By Sergey Chernov, Staff Writer

Five Years On, Antifascists Mourn Kacharava’s Death

As antifascist activists marked the fifth anniversary of the murder of the 20-year-old antifascist activist and punk musician Timur Kacharava on Saturday, they claimed that they are under increasing pressure from the police, while the threat of attacks from nationalist radicals has not decreased.

Antifascist Filipp Kostenko filed a lawsuit against the Prosecutor’s Investigative Committee last week after four anti-extremism Center E operatives broke into his apartment, searched it and arrested an activist, Rinat Sultanov, who was there at the time.

From: Gothamist

Here's a lesson to anyone thinking about setting off a crude explosive device: Even if no one is injured, the Manhattan DA's office wants you to know you're going to prison. Nineteen-year-old Kyle Shaw, who at age 17 set off an explosive outside an Upper East Side Starbucks in May 2009, was officially sentenced to 3 1/2 years in prison as part of a plea deal. Manhattan assistant DA Christopher Ryan said, "Any one considering setting off a bomb in New York City should know they will be caught. You will be pursued by the best detectives in the world, and you will be found, and you will be brought to justice."

From Radical History Conference

Below is a sneak peak of what to expect at the 2011 Radical History Conference in Windsor Ontario during February 4th, 5th and 6th. Join fellow workers in exploring past stories of revolt, stories of genocide, stories of community solidarity, stories of liberation and stories from a decaying world of corporate hegemony. Heck, we got more incendiary stories than an Ottawa RBC branch. They don't teach this stuff in school boys and girls!

Several groups and individuals are collaborating to bring you a weekend long conference that examines a narrative of history focusing on working peoples and their struggles toward a more equitable, sustainable, and beautiful world. Please stay tuned at for more information as the conference approaches. Its not too late to submit a proposal of your own! We still need contributors and volunteers!

From Ekathimerini

Arson attack

A homemade explosive device placed in front of a private journalism school in the central Athens district of Kolonaki by unidentified arsonists caused serious damage to the five-floor building housing the enterprise when it detonated early yesterday but no injuries were reported. The force of the blast blew out all the windows on the first three floors, according to police, who said the device had comprised 27 gas canisters and cans of petrol.

From Matt and Maggi blog

We are asking for your support of two Olympia activists, Matt (Matthew Duran) and Maggi (Margaret Belknap), who have been charged with perjury in connection with their participation in an anti-police demonstration in Olympia, WA on April 8th. The demonstration occurred in reaction to recent police murders in Olympia, Portland, Tacoma, and the Bay Area and the unaccountability that surrounds them.

The march had attendance and support we haven't seen in years. During a mass arrest, 29 people went to jail (The State Street 29) of the original approximately 50 participants , most of which were not charged. Several people were beaten or pepper balled, sat on the ground for hours in the cold waiting to be escorted off one by one, without being told what they were charged with, without being fed, without being allowed to call attorneys... you know the story. Like many experiences people have in jail, their treatment wasn't the best - they were singled out for harsher treatment based on their political views.