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Thursday, November 04, 2010


Held over for one more day.
Senate GOP Leader Takes Aim at Health Law
That's the kind of news we want to hear.
New Midwest Governors Could Derail High-Speed Trains
Play "Christie" for Me: Like the New Jersey tunnel,
a lot of stuff isn't going to happen as
GOP governors stand athwart history shouting "Stop!"
Obama's India visit slammed for 'over the top' spending
This has got to be the weirdest presidential trip in history.
Republican victory was wide and deep
Catch up on what really happened and how serious it all is.
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Climate change is main barrier to
development - United Nations
Telegraph [UK], by Louise Gray    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 11:20:09 PM     Post Reply
Climate change and destruction of the environment are the biggest threats to improving wealth and happiness around the world, according to a major United Nations report. (Snip) But this rapid development is in danger of reversing because of the rise of global temperatures, that could cause an increase in natural disasters, especially in the poor world where countries are ill-equipped to cope. Highlighting the failure of last year's UN climate summit in Copenhagen, the report called for renewed efforts to make sure that talks in Cancun, Mexico next month can tackle global warming and protect the environment.

By George, his next chapter:
Bush breaks silence for
book 'Decision Points'
Washington Post, by Anne E. Kornblut    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:19:51 PM     Post Reply
If anyone had an excuse for wanting to vanish in January 2009, it was George W. Bush, his approval ratings in the 30s, his hair graying, his legacy of two long wars and a fractious tenure wiped away by the election of a charismatic young president promising to fix all the messes left behind. Then, as the months wore on, Bush's absence started to grow curious. Questions arose related to his time in office -- about the use of torture, or whether the war in Afghanistan had been mishandled, or whether the surge in Iraq had worked

Saudi envoy fears
new 'neocon' Congress
Washington Times, by Shaun Waterman    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:16:10 PM     Post Reply
A senior member of the Saudi royal family warned Thursday that Republican victories in this week's elections will encourage what he called "neoconservatives" and "warmongers" to push back against the Obama administration's peace initiative in the Middle East. Observers said that Prince Turki al-Faisal, the kingdom's former intelligence head who also served as ambassador to the United States, was likely delivering a message on behalf of the Saudi government when he launched an outspoken attack on the supporters of Israel in Washington.



India expects less-
mythical Obama
Washington Times, by Sujoy Dhar    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:14:50 PM     Post Reply
NEW DELHI | From schoolchildren and cabdrivers to business leaders and government officials, all of India has been swept up in a near mania in anticipation of President Obama's visit to the subcontinent, his first stop in a 10-day tour of Asia that begins Friday. "It has still not sunk in. It is like God's grace. I think he is pretty young and a youth icon," said Seher Pathan, a teacher at Holy Names High School in Mumbai, where Mr. Obama is to celebrate Diwali, the "festival of lights," with schoolchildren on Sunday.

US army base marks a
year since shooting
Agence France-Presse, by Sig Christenson    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 11:12:49 PM     Post Reply
When the first shots rang out in a deployment centre here, soldiers thought it was a drill. They were stunned to discover they were in a middle of a massacre, by one of their own. By the time it was over, 13 people were dead and dozens more wounded in an attack that brought home the war to this sprawling military base in the heart of Texas, and raised the specter of homegrown Islamic extremism.

G.O.P. Lists Sweeping Goals,
but Impact Is Uncertain
New York Times, by Jackie Calmes    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:11:53 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — Republican leaders in Congress are preparing to take power in two months with ambitious and sometimes contradictory goals for economic and fiscal policies, leaving little common ground with President Obama and much uncertainty about the potential impact on the nation’s problems. Republicans are standing by their campaign vows to slash spending for domestic programs immediately by at least one-fifth — $100 billion in a single year — even as many mainstream economists say such deep cuts could further strain the economy and should await its full recovery. Republicans also say they will try to deny

Qantas A380 Airbus emergency is
third scare for superjumbo
Telegraph [UK], by David Millward & John BIngham    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 11:09:55 PM     Post Reply
A mid-air emergency on an Airbus superjumbo is the third time an A380 powered by a Rolls-Royce engine has encountered problems during a flight, the Daily Telegraph can disclose. (Snip) It is the third emergency involving as A380, the world's largest commercial airliner, powered Rolls-Royce Trent 900 engines. In August a Lufthansa superjumbo flying from Tokyo to Frankfurt was forced to shut down one of its four Trent 900 engines shortly before landing, after crew detected a change in oil pressure. They did so as a precaution, rather than risk further damage to the engine which was later replaced. And



For Obama, Foreign Policy May
Offer Avenues for Success
New York Times, by Helene Cooper    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:09:55 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The elections on Tuesday gutted the Democrats on the House Armed Services Committee, paved the way for a pro-Israel Cuban-American to preside over the House Foreign Affairs Committee and removed the most antiwar Democrat from the leading Senate foreign policy committee. But for President Obama, a truism holds: While his domestic agenda may end up being stalled for the next two years, national security remains his domain, no matter how unfriendly Congress may be. And the United States’ relations abroad, political and foreign policy observers say, may be the broadest avenue left for Mr. Obama to accomplish anything

Obama Aide Adjusts
Course for a Comeback
New York Times, by Peter Baker    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:08:21 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — At a time of tumult, the corner office in the West Wing is a center of calm. With the rest of Washington in a frenzy over the “shellacking” President Obama’s party took in this week’s elections, his new chief of staff quietly and methodically plots out a refashioned White House to manage his recovery. Pete Rouse, who took over as interim White House chief of staff a month ago, began planning a reorganization weeks before the vote, and despite this week’s losses, officials expect less of a shakeup than a reformulation.

Partridge Family' Star David Cassidy
Arrested for DUI
Fox News, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: EatDonuts- 11/4/2010 11:06:47 PM     Post Reply
Former teen idol David Cassidy has been charged with driving under the influence in Florida. The Florida Highway Patrol says his Mercedes was stopped Wednesday evening for weaving and nearly causing an accident. Cassidy told cops he drank a glass of wine at lunch time and popped a painkiller a few hours before he was stopped.

Heisman Front-Runner
Is Focus of Investigation
New York Times, by Pete Thamel    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:05:53 PM     Post Reply
MADISON, Miss. — The N.C.A.A. is investigating Auburn University’s recruitment of Cam Newton, a star quarterback and front-runner for the Heisman Trophy. John Bond, a former Mississippi State quarterback, said on Thursday that he was approached by a former teammate about a “specified payment” that would be required to secure Newton. “He told me that Cam Newton wanted to play at Mississippi State, but that a specified payment would have to be made,” Bond said of Kenny Rogers, a former teammate who has financial ties to the N.F.L. agent Ian Greengross.


Tea Party Pushes G.O.P.
to Acknowledge Its Clout
New York Times, by Carl Hulse and David M. Herszenhorn    Original Article
Posted By: Dreadnought- 11/4/2010 11:03:02 PM     Post Reply
WASHINGTON — The incoming leadership of the new House Republican majority hardly had a chance to relish its dismantling of the Democrats before the Tea Party came calling in the form of Representative Michele Bachmann. Ms. Bachmann, the Minnesota Republican and Tea Party heroine often seen exhorting conservative activists at rallies and on cable television, announced that she intended to seek the No. 4 position among House Republicans. She said she could provide the viewpoint of a constitutional conservative, one she evidently sees lacking in Representatives

Burmese defector reveals truth about
junta's nuclear ambitions
Independent [UK], by Simen Saetre    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 10:58:13 PM     Post Reply
A senior missile scientist who defected from Burma after leaking secrets about the junta's suspected nuclear programme has revealed how senior generals were personally involved in plans to develop a weapons system. (Snip) International observers fear that the junta has tried to obtain nuclear weaponry as part of its strategy to retain power. But evidence from Sai Thein Win suggests that the programme is so mired in incompetence, corruption and delays that it would take years to develop a nuclear programme. Sai Thein Win – who has been compared to Mordechai Vanunu, who in 1986 exposed Israel's nuclear weapons programme –

Yemen's war on terror hampered by
belief al-Qaeda 'is only a myth'
The Scotsman [Edinburgh], by Mona El-Nagar & Robert Worth    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 10:48:51 PM     Post Reply
As Yemen intensifies its military campaign against al-Qaeda's regional arm, it faces a serious obstacle: most Yemenis consider the group a myth, or a ploy by their president to squeeze the West for aid money and punish his domestic opponents. Those cynical attitudes - rooted in Yemen's history of manipulative politics - complicate efforts to trace the perpetrators of the recent plot to send explosives by courier to the United States. (Snip) "What is al-Qaeda? The truth is there is no al-Qaeda," said Lutfi Muhammad, a weary-looking unemployed 50-year-old walking through this city's tumultuous Tahrir Square.

HMS Hapless: submarine
in crash No2 with tug
The Scotsman [Edinburgh], by John Ross    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 10:44:56 PM     Post Reply
Just when the Royal Navy thought the waters had calmed around the stranding of a showpiece submarine, it was hit by another embarrassment yesterday. (Snip) Now a new inquiry is underway after it was revealed that having survived the incident relatively unscathed, the submarine was damaged in a collision with the tug boat hired to free it. The Anglian Prince was contracted by the navy to help pull the sub to safety. But during the operation the towing rope became caught in the tug'propeller and pulled the vessels together, damaging the Astute's starboard foreplane. A navy spokesman said the sub


Obama, new GOP lawmakers
are on collision course
Washington Examiner, by Byron York    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 10:31:15 PM     Post Reply
Here's Barack Obama's problem when it comes to dealing with newly elected Republican members of Congress. They are convinced they won because voters rejected Obama's agenda of national health care, spending and bailouts. But Obama cannot admit that his agenda -- his legacy -- is fundamentally flawed and that voters repudiated it. The result will be irreconcilable conflict. (Snip) "For me, the final straw was when they passed the health care bill," Johnson said on the campaign trail last week. "I recognized that it is the single greatest assault on our freedom in my lifetime. It is absolutely designed to

ABC News Exclusive:
Nancy Pelosi Seriously
Considers Staying as
Democratic Leader
ABC News, by Jonathan Karl    Original Article
Posted By: BuckeyeRon- 11/4/2010 10:20:35 PM     Post Reply
In the wake of Tuesday's shellacking, outgoing Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, D-CA, has been widely expected to step down as the Democratic leader and leave Congress. Not so fast. High-level Democratic sources in the House tell ABC News Pelosi is seriously considering staying in Congress and running for the position of minority leader. Pelosi is methodically calling every Democratic House member who won on Tuesday, as well as many who lost, sources tell ABC News. (Snip) Some of Pelosi's closest allies are encouraging her to stay and to lead the Democratic effort to win back their majority.

Pelosi seriously considering bid for
minority leader after GOP rout
The Hill [Washington, DC], by Russell Berman    Original Article
Posted By: Photoonist- 11/4/2010 10:17:00 PM     Post Reply
Speaker Nancy Pelosi is seriously considering a bid for House minority leader, a campaign that could divide her decimated caucus. It would also upend predictions that she would step aside after her caucus suffered deep losses on Election Day. The Speaker has been calling lawmakers to gauge support, and she said Thursday she has “gotten a positive response” but hasn’t made a decision. (Snip) Pelosi (D-Calif.) launched a round of speculation about her future when she told ABC News on Wednesday that she would canvass the House Democratic caucus before deciding what to do.

Citing health overhaul, AARP
hikes employee costs
Associated Press, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: loosbolt- 11/4/2010 10:09:04 PM     Post Reply
AARP's endorsement helped pass President Barack Obama's health care overhaul. Now the seniors' lobby is telling employees their costs will go up as a result. In an e-mail to employees, AARP says health care premiums will increase by 8 percent to 13 percent next year because of rapidly rising medical costs. And AARP says it is changing copayments and deductibles to avoid a 40 percent tax on high cost health plans that takes effect in 2018 under the law.

Rossi Concedes to Murray
The Colombian, by Dino Rossi    Original Article
Posted By: goillini- 11/4/2010 9:58:01 PM     Post Reply
U.S. Senate candidate Dino Rossi made the following statement regarding the Washington Senate race: “This evening, I called Senator Murray to offer my congratulations on her re-election to the U.S. Senate.



Obama Blames Rahm for Disaster
The Daily Beast, by Richard Wolff    Original Article
Posted By: goillini- 11/4/2010 9:39:07 PM     Post Reply
As chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Rahm Emanuel built a Democratic majority in the House. As President Obama's chief of staff, he devised White House strategy toward Capitol Hill.

Obama's India visit: A glass
half empty or half full?
The Economic Times, by Walter K Andersen    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 11/4/2010 9:37:02 PM     Post Reply
President Obama comes to India in the wake of a major mid-term electoral defeat of his Democrat Party. His visit to India provides an opportunity to demonstrate leadership with a country of vital strategic importance to the US. From my perch on “think tank” row on Massachusetts Avenue in Washington DC , the Obama Administration’s support for the rise of India as a major world power seems clear. Administration officials over the past few months have said so openly and frequently, a stance that is in marked contrast to its early months in power when the new president and his

Boost for Keeping All
Bush Tax Cuts
Wall Street Journal, by JOHN D. MCKINNON*    Original Article
Posted By: loosbolt- 11/4/2010 9:34:11 PM     Post Reply
President Barack Obama is open to considering the extension of all Bush-era tax cuts for a year or two, the White House confirmed Thursday, putting to a likely end any debate over whether to extend the breaks for high-income families. Instead, Congress is poised to grapple with a different set of questions when it returns this month for a final session of the current term: How and for how long should lawmakers grant an extension? Until now, Mr. Obama and Democratic congressional leaders have said they wanted to extend Bush-era breaks for the middle class only,...

Michelle Obama making a difference
Press Trust of India, by Miloni Bhatt    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 11/4/2010 9:33:42 PM     Post Reply
Mumbai: From making America eat better to advocating social causes, US First Lady Michelle Obama is trying hard to make a difference. And perhaps that is why she's fitted in meeting a group of children from Mumbai's orphanages on her jam packed itinerary. For a year now, these children are preparing to meet the US First Lady - they are learning to speak and write in English, so that they can share their experiences with Michelle Obama. Their teachers , a bunch of volunteers from an NGO - Making a Difference -


Obama's focus is a job
factory for Americans
The Economic Times, by Staff    Original Article
Posted By: Desert Fox- 11/4/2010 9:29:32 PM     Post Reply
NEW DELHI: As political lines harden in the US after the commanding loss of public approval for the Democratic Party over its failure to jump start an economic recovery, US president Barack Obama has said that he would concentrate on creation of job opportunities for his countrymen during his trip to India. “As I plan for my trip later this week to Asia, the whole focus is on how are we going to open up markets so that American businesses can prosper, and we can sell more goods and create more jobs here in the United States

The Rise and Fall of Chicago Heights
Chicago Elections 2011, by Michael Volpe    Original Article
Posted By: goillini- 11/4/2010 9:26:35 PM     Post Reply
These days the South Suburban Cook County city of Chicago Heights, about 25 miles from Chicago, is known mostly for empty store fronts, dilapidated neighborhoods, and empty space where factories once stood. It wasn't always like this. In fact, once Chicago Heights wound up in the Guinness Book of World records. It had nearly 90 factories during World War II, giving it the most factories per person in the world. (Chicago Heights population is about 30,000)

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