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Countries Join to Halt Mass Extinctions

On October 29, 190 countries meeting in Nagoya, Japan agreed to an historic conservation agenda designed to protect earth’s biodiversity. The battle was long, the resolution uncertain, the participants divided, ... read more »
Michael Brune - Sierra Club

More like an Oil Spill than a Land Slide

The 2010 election was the year of The Empire Strikes Back. Big Oil, the coal industry, and corporate polluters are desperate to stop the momentum toward clean energy that's been ... read more »

World Population Infographic

Just how much is the world's population expected to grow over the next 40 years? Here's a look at how the massive population growth over the past 60 years has ... read more »
Jeanne - CalFinder

Hollywood Sign to Shout Solar Energy to the World

On Earth Day 2009, a group of five people met at the Roosevelt Hotel in Hollywood to talk with the 10 members of the Hollywood Sign Trust about adding solar ... read more »

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