
Press Release - April 6, 2010

Lijit Networks Exceeds Half Billion Monthly Pageviews

Torrid growth pace looks to continue throughout 2010; publisher adoption of Premium Advertising Services grows by 300% in Q1 to over 40% of Network volume

BOULDER, CO - April 6, 2010 - Lijit Networks, Inc., the leading provider of site search and discovery tools for online publishers, announced today network pageview growth of more than 49% since the beginning of Q1. Simultaneously, growth in publisher pageviews using Lijits premium display advertising services grew by over 300% during the quarter.

Publishers rely on Lijit to engage and measure the intent of their readership in ways that are unavailable from other sources. Using intent data collected on-site, publishers can tailor content that appeals to their particular audience. Lijit aggregates this same reader intent across their collective network of publisher sites to connect premium brand advertisers with high-quality, intent-based audiences where they are the most actively engaged. This win-win value proposition is responsible for driving the extreme network growth in the first quarter.

Q1 growth of publisher pageviews utilizing Lijits search and premium ad services grew at an incredible rate and shows no sign of abating said Todd Vernon, CEO and founder of Lijit Networks. Mid and long-tail publishers absolutely love Lijits ability to bring them premium brand advertising that has been traditionally difficult for them to obtain due to their smaller size and lack of very specific data and targeting capabilities.

Ive been using Lijit as my site search for several years and the understanding I get about my audience is critical to knowing what my readership is interested in and actively looking for said Dave Taylor, a top information technology blogger. The addition of Lijits premium ad service compliments my site monetization strategy and raises the overall CPMs Im getting on

Lijits embedded site search technology includes content from the publishers site as well as their array of social and networked content (e.g. Blogs, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, and a publishers affiliated network of sites). This effectively exposes all of a publishers content which helps to engage readers more and keeps them around longer. Lijit provides the service free to publishers of all sizes.

About Lijit Networks, Inc.

Lijit Networks, Inc. was incorporated in June 2006 and is headquartered in Boulder, Colorado. By providing innovative content discovery and search tools to over 12,000 individual publishers, commercial web sites and content networks, Lijit enhances reader engagement, lengthens time on site and increases page views. Lijit offers revenue generation programs that feature premium online advertising campaigns, which are highly targeted and contextually relevant to the publishers audience and readership. Learn more at

Sonya Caprio, Director of Marketing
720.266.5193 (office)
303.493.5495 (fax)
sonya at lijit dot com