Lijit Does BlogWorld 2010

Lijit has been heading to Vegas since 2007 for BlogWorld and this year, was Lijit’s fourth show on the exhibitor floor. We’ve been there each year!

A Favorite: As we were setting up our booth and checking in last weekend we were warmly welcomed (you know, we’re veterans) and were told for the last two years the Lijit booth has been the attendee favorite! We like to think we’re fun and do it up but this was an accolade we didn’t know and the numbers confirmed it! Gold star for Lijit.

Giveaways and iPads, Oh My: This year we coordinated a double giveaway (an iPad each day!) as we released our new Lijit iPad Stats app (available for free, to all Lijit users with an iPad-iPhone and iTouch coming soon). Giveaways are all the rave and we had fun not only doing demos of our Lijit search and  advertising, but also our sharp and useful iPad stats app.

Check out these pictures to see a sampling of BlogWorld 2010 with the Lijit crew:

Fellow Boulder startup, Mike Lewis of Kapost and Lijit COO Walter Knapp trying a demo of the Lijit Stats iPad App. Keynote speech, Friday morning. Marketing Director, Sonya and Director of Product, Daniel Weiss kicking it at the booth. Part of the expo floor at Mandalay Bay. (Left to Right).

Not only do we meet lots of new blogging companies, applications, products and bloggers but we love meeting our current Lijit publishers (see, Cupcakes Take the Cake, Nichelle Stephens).

This year BlogWorld had a new food track, TECHmunch and we were happy to see many food bloggers (more than we’ve seen before in the past).

In other exciting news, we were next to the Guiness World Record Cup of Coffee (see photo above).

Thanks to everyone who stopped by the Lijit booth, your continual support and to the BlogWorld team! Until next year!

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