Nov 5,2010

The green movement in Singapore has received a boost – an eco label from the SEC (Singapore Environment Council) has become a recognized and sought after certification around the world. The label has become so popular that the non-profit SEC is planning to upgrade it and broaden its scope and reach.

Nov 5,2010

One of the world’s most famous vegetarians, former US President Bill Clinton is rumored to be in the running for PETA’s 2011 ‘Sexiest Vegetarian Celebrity’ contest. Bill Clinton has made a very public shift to a plant-based food diet, better known as vegetarianism for health reasons.

Nov 4,2010

Popular Mechanics has announced their list of winners for 2011, and the winner in the ‘fuel efficiency’ category is the Ford Fiesta. Although there were other worthy contestants in the running, PM says that the fact that the Fiesta is an inexpensive high quality fuel-efficient car swayed them in its favor.

Nov 4,2010

A few years ago, several banks went all out to ensure that they offered credit cards that were eco-friendly. Banks that hopped on the eco-friendly credit card wave include popular ones like Wells Fargo and Bank of America.

Nov 3,2010

A green revolution in the transportation arena is waiting in the wings to sweep across the nation of the UK. And the revolution is to be kick started by the first wireless electric car that was introduced in London recently.

Nov 3,2010

Malls and supermarkets in the Philippines will observe ‘Reusable Bag Day’ on Wednesdays from now on. They will not be giving free plastic bags to their customers, and they will also not be charging them a fee for preferring plastic bags. Plastic bags will absolutely not be available on Wednesdays.

Nov 2,2010

Stratasys Inc has developed an environmental friendly vehicle code-named Urbee. The automobile will be on display at the SEMA Show in Las Vegas from November 2 to 5. The Minneapolis –based company is partnering with Winnipeg engineering group Kor Ecologic to build this first-ever prototype car.

Nov 2,2010

A new study by researchers from the U.S. Forest Service suggests that there’s a relationship between the size and presence of trees in a neighborhood and a lower rate of criminal activity. It says that some urban trees may actually reduce incidences of property crimes and acts of violence. Study regarding the relationship between trees and crime are done by using neighborhoods in the city of Portland, Oregon as a case sample.

Nov 1,2010

In the US, the state of California has been known for being more environmentally conscious and for far longer than the rest of the country. In a move that will continue to set and example to the rest of the country and the world, a new plan has been announced that will bring an electric taxi program to the Californian cities of San Francisco and San Jose.

Nov 1,2010

Harnessing the sun’s energy for our energy needs is becoming a common concept, but have you ever thought of how, if at all, this energy could be stored? This thought is uppermost in the minds of a team of researchers at MIT, who have been trying to figure out a way of storing solar energy indefinitely. The process they are developing is called thermo-chemical solar energy, which works with reconfiguring molecular structure to facilitate the process.