As the President of The International Literary Quarterly, I am delighted to welcome you to Issue 12 of the review.
With regard to new additions to Interlitq's editorial team, the Board of Editors would like to take this opportunity to introduce the following distinguished literary figures, all of whom have kindly agreed to act as Consulting Editors of the review: Sampurna Chattarji, Sally Cline, Siobhan Harvey and Paschalis Nikolaou.
In terms of contributions to Issue 12, I hope that you will enjoy the powerful poetry of Richard Berengarten, Jorge Luis Borges, Sampurna Chattarji, Rosalía de Castro, Marion Jones, Suzanne Jill Levine, Paschalis Nikolaou, Maree Scarlett, Nasos Vayenas and Alison Wong; the evocative prose of María Teresa Andruetto, William Bedford, Rubén Darío, Carla Guelfenbein, Siobhan Harvey, Andrea Labinger, Nicolás Poblete, Wena Poon, Polly Samson, Ana María Shua, Katri Skala, Elizabeth Smither, Sridala Swami, Mauricio Wacquez and Peter Wells; and the lucid criticism of Hernán Neira and Richard Reeve.
And, last but not least, all of these texts have been thrown into perfect relief by the subtle artwork of Catalina Chervin, Guest Artist for this issue of Interlitq.
I very much hope you will enjoy Issue 12 of The International Literary Quarterly, and that you will return to visit us many times in the future.
Peter Robertson
Estimado Invitado,
Como Presidente de The International Literary Quarterly, me es un placer darle la bienvenida al número 12 de la revista.
Respecto a las adiciones al equipo de redacción de Interlitq, el consejo editorial aprovecha esta oportunidad de dar la bienvenida a los siguientes distinguidas figuras literarias quienes actuarán como Editores Consultores de Interlitq: Sampurna Chattarji, Sally Cline, Siobhan Harvey y Paschalis Nikolaou.
En cuanto a las contribuciones a la edición 12, espero que disfrute de la poesía potente de Richard Berengarten, Jorge Luis Borges, Sampurna Chattarji, Rosalía de Castro, Marion Jones, Suzanne Jill Levine, Paschalis Nikolaou, Maree Scarlett, Nasos Vayenas y Alison Wong; la prosa evocativa de María Teresa Andruetto, William Bedford, Rubén Darío, Carla Guelfenbein, Siobhan Harvey, Andrea Labinger, Nicolás Poblete, Wena Poon, Polly Samson, Ana María Shua, Katri Skala, Elizabeth Smither, Sridala Swami, Mauricio Wacquez y Peter Wells; y la crítica lúcida de Hernán Neira y Richard Reeve.
Y por último, todos estos textos van perfectamente complementados por las sutiles ilustraciones de Catalina Chervin, artista invitada de esta edición de Interlitq.
Espero que disfrute del número 12 de The International Literary Quarterly, y que vuelven a visitarnos muchas veces en el futuro.
Peter Robertson |