candid camera

That was all this kind of icky.

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/17 at 08:53 PM •
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do as they do do

...Democrats have made a campaign issue over speculation that the U.S. Chamber of Commerce is using foreign dues to help pay for a $75 million pro-Republican ad campaign, a charge the organization denies. White House adviser David Axelrod, appearing on CNN’s “State of the Union” on Sunday, attempted to shift the thrust of the criticism to the more general issue of undisclosed donors.

But neither Democrats nor Republicans have drawn attention to PACs linked to global companies, a source of campaign funds that benefits both parties

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/17 at 06:51 PM •
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Just sayin…

Popping in quick to let you all know that yes, I am alive and well just overwhelmed with overwhelming overwhelmness and anything other than focusing on the spazz that was my weekend/whole last week was convoluted and complicated and just took too much energy.
And on top of everything I was house/dog sitting and away from my husband, my bed, my garden, MY little turds and YOU all…

A crappy lap top and stupid wifi doesn’t help when your windows of opportunity present themselves either.

Right now I have to catch up on chores, gather my wits a bit and put my house, car and thoughts back together for NEXT week so I can resume the normal sass and ass that you’ve all come to expect around here. Maybe in the mean time you can all catch me up on what I haven’t even noticed missing.

Me to JR: the sponge is totally dry
JR to me: Oh yea? Well you’re home less than an hour and already the kitchen’s trashed.

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/17 at 05:40 PM •
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Whittle’n Part-2*

~ vid ~
Nine minutes with Bill Whittle is always time well spent. Trust me.

* Part-1

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/17 at 06:03 PM •
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“poor choices,” indeed

Is is Just Me™, or is this becoming so damned tiring?

At a Saturday-evening fundraiser held in the home of a wealthy Massachusetts hospital executive, President Obama ...told the assembled Democrats, who paid $15,200 a person to attend…

“Part of the reason that our politics seems so tough right now, and facts and science and argument do not seem to be winning the day all the time, is because we’re hard-wired not to always think clearly when we’re scared ... And the country is scared.”


Facts like the Laffer Curve?  Like your economic theories have never worked? Like there is no such thing as AGW or a skittles-shittin’ unicorn?  Like the PTOTUS is a shallow pompous cretin incapable of learning from his mistakes—and the Congress is right behind him?  Facts like that, Captain Bullshiite?!?

oh how far we’ve come *pfaff*

[April 2008]

“It’s not surprising then they get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”

If I may sound “just downright mean”:  KMA.

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/17 at 02:49 PM •
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Elections Have Buffoonery Has Consequences

look around

When Supreme Court justices enter the House of Representatives in their black robes for the president’s next State of the Union address, Samuel Alito does not plan to be among them.

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/17 at 08:46 AM •
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your Sunday ripoff homage

You get Muir, today, not only because it’s Sunday and in color,
but because this terrific summary prob’ly won’t fit in Stilton’s format.

sigh ... Okay, if you must know, visit Day by Day for the rest of the story.
I posted it this way, because I agree with Muir — nobody wants to deal with the fictional* part.

* As of this posting. Stay tuned for “update” graphics as required.

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/17 at 09:33 AM •
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Just for Knowing


Thursday it was 100°.  For about a week.

Today it’s 45° and raining.

California Dreamin’ bay-bee.

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/17 at 08:29 AM •
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cuz you’re Steward fanz are idiots

Jon Stewart is having a “Copy Glenn Beck” rally in DC ...some time this month.  Yeah, I know.  But this is getting amusing.

[Arriannnna Huff’n’Puff:] “Jon and I were talking in the green room about the rally. I said, ‘Oh my God, how are those people going to get there?’

erm… like this?


“On the air I decided to make that offer, it was spontaneous, and nobody knew. My people were in the green room with me, and even they had no clue.”

To Stewart’s delight and apparent surprise, the new-media mogul *cupcakes* pledged “as many buses as there are people to fill them” from Huffpo’s headquarters in Manhattan to the comedian’s Oct. 30 rally on the Washington Mall.

Commence groveling gratitude here:

“Oh my God, Arianna just Oprah’ed the buses!” Stewart said the following night. “By the way, I hope that her announcement was real and not some Huffington Post thing where it’s not like actual transportation, it’s just embedding a link to Greyhound. Like, I hope they’re not just being bus aggregators in this situation.”


This is how generoooosity and suppoooort “work” in the Prog Comuuuunity:

Coleman is working to entice sponsors to underwrite the gesture, and turn the surprise into a revenue bonus.

[HuffPo’s President Greg Coleman said:] “We were surprised when she made that offer. She didn’t tell us. But inside the Huffington Post this does nothing to hurt our revenues.”

Yep… that’ll work. 
1] Find a sucker.
2] Skim off the top. 
3] Profit!
BONUS:  No Underwear!

...But the announcement was a “shock to the system” back at HuffPo, according to one insider, where employees were left to deal with curiosity seekers wandering by to sign up for the buses.

...over 11,000 who have signed up.

Not to be out-Oprahed, Oprah pulled, well, an Oprah:

Oprah Winfrey appeared on the “Daily Show” video wall and announced herself as a member of Team Sanity by telling the audience to look under their seats—where tickets to Washington, D.C., and the rally were waiting

[no mention of hotel reservations in sold-out DC… BTNIN]

“No!  I’m Teh Oprah!, Bitch.”
*facepalm* *faceslap*


Side-Nugget of The Week:

[HuffPo] was in talks to be acquired by Yahoo!—where HuffPo CEO Eric Hippeau is on the board of directors—in the spring, but those talks broke off inconclusively after the two sides could not agree on a valuation for the site.

A knowledgeable insider said there are no current talks ongoing at the portal, which is experiencing its own internal turmoil with executives leaving in droves.


Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/17 at 07:47 AM •
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your morning blither*

Now, let’s talk about skull thickness and numbness, Joe.

~ vid ~

Reckon that explains The iWon’s™ jackassedness, forgetfulness, and irrationality.

* No, I don’t mean more blithe.
via I Hate the Media

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/17 at 08:23 AM •
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cheezes Chris

a truth, a hole truth, and nothing but a-hole truth

~ Stilton’s Hope n’ Change ~

Just ... just go read it.

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/16 at 03:58 PM •
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jackass, please!

New record for how much crap
can be stuffed into a span of six sentences.

~ vid ~

• “We have enough wealth ...”
• “… get every kid into this school that can qualify. ... everyone – whether they are documented or not.”
• “If they went to school, they ought to be here.”
• “… until we get the budget solved, and that may take me a couple of months.”

via Breitbart

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/16 at 03:17 PM •
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ToDaZeD Must Read

kidz - get a grown-up to explain the format

YOU HAVE A . . .

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/15 at 07:18 PM •
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Best GOP Campaign Slogan evah

unintended consequences

Blow ‘em Back!

“Reelect me, keep Democrats on the field. And when we come back next year, maybe we will get to the public option,”

-- Majority Whip James Clyburn (S.C.)

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/15 at 07:01 PM •
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The Seattle Weekly has had this issue pulled from Washington State Ferries because WSF found it “distasteful” and reflecting a ”disrespectful attitude toward a public figure."…

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/15 at 03:51 PM •
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no no no! I meant fired UP

As Toledo Public Schools teacher Amanda VanNess stood in the Oval Office and watched President Obama sign an education stimulus bill, she already knew she’d lost her teaching job back home to budget cuts and low seniority.
The $26 billion stimulus bill, designed to save 160,000 teacher and other government jobs across the nation, couldn’t save her position at Pickett Elementary.
In fact, Ms. VanNess has been laid off twice from TPS this year.
TPS hasn’t spent a dollar of the $7.6 million in teacher rehire money it received from the Aug. 10 bill, opting instead to save it for next school year to rehire or retain a myriad school employees - probably not teachers…

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/15 at 08:23 AM •
(14) Extra CreditPass it on...

today’s winner!

A New Jersey car dealer plans to keep his word after offering Florida pastor Terry Jones a new car if he promised to not burn a Koran.
Brad Benson made the offer in one of his dealership’s quirky radio ads.
He says he was surprised when a representative for Jones called to collect the 2011 Hyundai Accent.
Jones never burned a Koran but he tells The Associated Press that the offer of a car was not the reason. He says he learned about the offer a few weeks after Sept. 11.

The Gainesville, Fla., pastor says he plans to donate the car to an organization that helps abused Muslim women...

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/15 at 07:44 AM •
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I’m sure this was not representative . . .

[On] MTV, BET and CMT, Obama took one critical question after another from among the 225 young men and women in the studio audience and thousands more sending their thoughts via Twitter.

...saying she had “very much respected” his pledge in his 2008 campaign for more bipartisanship but “to be frank, when all was said and done, I don’t think that actually happened.”

A young man from Mississippi thought Obama was too soft on illegal immigration.

A young man from Washington said despite the bailouts and stimulus, unemployment’s still above 9 percent and college graduates can’t find work.

“Why should we still support you going forward with your monetary and economic policies, and if the economy does not improve over the next two years, why should we vote you back in?”

... via Twitter ...

“My greatest fear is that we are turning into a Communist country”

“My greatest fear is that Obama will be re-elected.”


On a question about racial tensions, Obama blamed the economy, saying that people out of work or afraid of losing their homes become more worried “about what other folks are doing, and sometimes that organizes itself around kind of a tribal attitude, and issues of race become more prominent.”

So your “explanation” for racial tensions in America is the same as your “explanation” for terrorism—poverty/economic difficulty.  If that were true NOT, why are you still supporting your admittedly failed “stimulus” spending?

...He realized too late that “there’s no such thing as shovel-ready projects” when it comes to public works....

wait… Whaaa?!?!

...a lot of time talking about Obama 2.0

Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite Claire, Ideologically Stubborn Heatist Ruralite
10/15 at 07:01 AM •
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flippin’ Aaaay!

Oh, gosh!
(Can we say that on the web?*)

~ vid ~

* You betcha!

via HotAir via KenB in NC

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/15 at 05:33 AM •
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SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 08:57 PM •
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oh, progressivist new world

(What? No, that would be premature.)

Anybody got a chisel & hammer handy? (TRKOF in comments)

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/14 at 09:17 PM •
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tonight’s deep question o the day

Who would you rather be stuck in a mine for 69 days with:
32 Sarah Palins or 32 Chris Matthews?

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 07:34 PM •
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oh snap

...A French woman accused of ripping off the full face veil of an Emirati tourist and biting and scratching her when she put it back on…
...The retired English teacher, known only as Marlene, had told police she asked the woman from the United Arab Emirates in English to remove the veil. When the woman refused, she ripped it off. When the woman put it back on again, she punched, scratched and bit her, according to the police report.

I knew I was going to crack one day,” 63-year-old Marlene said, according to police. “This burqa story was beginning to annoy me.”

The incident, for which she also faces a 750 euro ($1,000) fine, occurred in a luxury Paris boutique…

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 07:23 PM •
(7) Extra CreditPass it on...

I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!

TOTUS unmasked !

~ vid ~

Sure, it might be apocryphal, but because it should be true, I believe it.
You know, like Leftists’ mythologies.

via TheChive

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/14 at 08:04 PM •
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democRATS and sinking ships

Emphasis on the “RATS”

~ vid ~

Yep, as far as I can throw ‘im.

via Viral Footage

DougM (commissarophobe) DougM (commissarophobe)
10/14 at 07:14 PM •
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tonight’s KisPSA

Someone could sure cheer me up by hitting the PalPal for a few bucks so I can buy that real wool handmade Sock Monkey Minkee hat those pin striped bra and panties with seamed stockings I re-saw yesterday that I’ve been coveting since last fall when I saw it them first but waited too long and it was too late............

It’s $31.95 plus tax.

( I KNOW!!! What a STEAL :)

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 05:29 PM •
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todaze Lympians

...A 19-year-old woman is accused of stabbing another woman at an anger management class at Bellevue College.

The victim told police the 19-year-old complained about a video they were watching Saturday. When the victim said it was good and to give it a chance, the other woman swore at her. The two started talking trash.

Police say the 19-year-old came from two rows behind the victim to stab her. She suffered two puncture wounds to the right shoulder and one to the left arm. The attacker threatened to kill her and her family…

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 05:20 PM •
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there’s a whole lotta words for this %#*&%@$#*&

The U.S. Department of Justice is investigating whether military personnel overseas received Illinois absentee ballots in time for their votes to count....

( * )

Early voting has already started here in Illinois. In fact, I’ll be voting (Thursday) morning myself. And we need you to get folks to the polls so they can start casting their ballots this week.
We also need you to find those folks who are planning to sit this one out, and we need you to tell them that they can’t vote just once and then just hope for change to happen.
They’ve got to vote all the time, every time....
.........President Obama plans to vote absentee..........

SondraK, Lympian Slayer SondraK, Lympian Slayer
10/14 at 03:26 PM •
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um ...isn’t this illegal?

Social Worker Amanda Deisch was the second voter to show up Thursday morning. She snapped a cell-phone photo of the first lady as she took the voting machine next to her and began voting.

Voter Anna Roberts took the next machine and as Mrs. Obama was finishing up voting, she allowed Deisch to take another cell phone photo and she shook hands with both women.

Obama went back to the desk and handed in her voting machine key, saying “Make sure everybody’s voting early.”

She let more voters including electrician Dennis Campbell, 56, take some photos with her.

“She was telling me how important it was to vote to keep her husband’s agenda going,” Campbell said.

“I told her we supported her and her husband and we were praying for them,” Deisch said.

You’d think a Harvard-educated lawyer would know that electioneering within 100 feet of a polling place, not to mention taking cell phone pics, is illegal.

Oh well ...this is the Chicago Way of voting, I guess.

The Ugly American The Ugly American
10/14 at 01:11 PM •
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loose meat

  It has a ghostly quality,” Dixon, 30, told the Journal. “You don’t know when it will appear. It’s the girl who you are in love with who has always been a tease to you. 

What ethereal agent could possibly move a man to such flights of poetic hyperbole, you ask?

The Aurora Borealis?

The Loch Ness Monster?

Duke Nukem Forever?


apotheosis, unrepentant milkaholic apotheosis, unrepentant milkaholic
10/14 at 01:47 PM •
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