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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion: Saturday Night Card Game (Bill Maher Out Juan-Williamses Juan Williams, Media Silence Erupts)

Yet, there have not been similar howls regarding left-wing superstar Bill Maher, who recently expressed concern about the spread of Islam in the West, as reported by Mediaite:

Those who accuse the once libertarian Bill Maher of becoming too much of a liberal apologist might want to clean their ears. Maher made a Juan Williams-esque confession on his program when he apprehensively noted that Mohammed has just become the most popular baby name in Britain. “Am I a racist to feel alarmed by that?” Maher asked his panel. “Because I am. And it’s not because of the race, it’s because of the religion. I don’t have to apologize, do I, for not wanting the Western world to be taken over by Islam in 300 years?”

300 years? Optimistic. Very optimistic. If things continue as they have, 60 years is more likely, with the first falling within 40.

I suppose we should be grateful that Maher even conceives of Islam as an existential threat to the West. In that, at least, he’s far ahead of most of his peers.

If you like action films,

Go see RED. For some reason a film about retired CIA agents kicking ass makes me feel good. Maybe it’s the fact that Bruce is only three months older than me and still doing ass-kicking action flicks.

There is absolutely no need for tort reform.

None whatsoever. New York child sued for woman’s death after bike crash

A New York child can be sued for crashing a bicycle into an elderly pedestrian and causing injuries that led to her death, a judge has ruled.

Juliet Breitman and another child were four years old when they raced their small bicycles on a Manhattan street and ran into Claire Menagh, 87.

Juliet’s lawyer had argued Juliet was too young to be held negligent.

The judge disagreed, ruling Juliet’s lawyer had presented no evidence she lacked intelligence or maturity.

How fucking mature can a four year old be?

The children struck Ms Menagh, knocking her to the ground. She underwent surgery for a fractured hip and died three months later.

Ms Menagh - and later her son, acting as executor of her estate - sued the children, arguing they were “negligent in their operation and control of their bicycles”. The estate also sued Dana Breitman and Rachel Kohn, saying they had consented to the race.

What? They didn’t sue the hospital? Funny my father in law at 84 had a hip replacement(2 actually, something went wrong with the first one) and pacemaker installed and lived. At 88 he survived 6 months of radiation treatment for cancer (something else stopped working).

While he noted that the law presumes children under age four are incapable of negligence, “for infants above the age of four, there is no bright line rule”, he wrote in the decision.

The judge is clearly an idiot. “Infants above the age of four” are classified as children by all federal agencies.

Good news for alcoholics.

Miniature livers ‘grown in lab’

Scientists have managed to produce a small-scale version of a human liver in the laboratory using stem cells.

The success increases hope that new transplant livers could be manufactured, although experts say that this is still many years away.

Should I buy fava beans and chianti now?

For The Fat Guy

Charles Krauthammer - The great campaign of 2010

My prediction: The Dems lose 60 House seats, eight in the Senate. Rangers in seven.

We’ll see.

Remember Who We Are

A couple of vids by Krista Branch via Atlas Shrugs

I Am America
Much better than that crap by “Lady” GaGa.

Medical Need, Dood

Dallas’ Newy is the City’s Newest Star | NBC Bay Area
San Francisco has a new celebrity: Dallas sports anchor Newy Scruggs, whose comment about people smoking weed outside AT&T Park before Game 1 of the World Series became a viral video on the Internet.

Scruggs noticed the smell of marijuana Wednesday during a live shot that aired in Dallas. He declared, “Right over there, there’s people smoking weed.” He said it in a good natured way, but he was clearly a little put off by the outdoor scent.

In his next report he added, “And the police aren’t doing anything.”

Of course not. Pot is, for all intents and purposes, legal in SF.

Newy isn’t the only one commenting pot and Giants fans. Slugger Josh Hamilton, who battles addictions, told the New York Post, “I could smell weed in the outfield. It was crazy. I was looking at the cops a couple of times during the game.”

Yeah, let’s put umpty-ump gazillion people in jail and corrupt our entire justice system just because you can’t control yourself. Asshole.

Steyn Counts Down

Essential pre-election reading, from Master Steyn:

It Starts With the Money
Stimulating Government
The Republic of Paperwork
The Decrepitude of Liberty

As usual, he’s right to the point, with wit and flair. Start your weekend off right with these.

File Under: Expensive Futile Gestures

Great. Obama is coming to C’ville, subjecting the city to snarled traffic, street closings and rumors of such.

The whole downtown area is a madhouse, as every hippy freak around comes out of the woodwork.

The Moron-In-Chief is flying into C’ville on Air Force One from DC, a three hour drive. It would be a short hop in Marine One, but Obama has to bring the big ride, shutting down 8 miles of the only north/south highway into town in both directions. Twice. No time given except “between 6 and 9.”

All this to stump for Tom Perriello, who I expect will be soundly whipped on Tuesday. Even though ole Tom “doesn’t always agree with the President.”

The Jefferson Area Tea Party and the Repubs are in full mockery mode and milking it for all it’s worth, to the point that the Perriello camp had to come out and say that they would pick up the tab for the city’s expenses.

Welcome to C’ville, Mr. President. Do us a favor and take Tom with you, ok?

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

Equal Protection Is Only For People of Color

Report: Justice Department tried to hide officials involvement in dismissing voter-intimidation lawsuit

The Justice Department has tried to hide the involvement of high-level political officials in the dismissal of a controversial voter-intimidation lawsuit against members of the New Black Panther Party, a federal commission concluded in a draft report.

The U.S. Commission on Civil Rights said the department’s reversal in the case, which drew criticism from conservatives, indicates that its Civil Rights Division is failing to protect white voters and is “at war with its core mission of guaranteeing equal protection of the laws for all Americans.'’

The Obama “Justice” Department is nothing more than a vehicle for institutionalized racism. Of course, that can be said for much of the entire Obama administration, including its nominees to the Supreme Court like “wise Latina” Sotomayor.

Nobodies Now Former Nobodies

Instapundit » Blog Archive » DOUBLING DOWN: Political-Class Republicans who backed Obama say they may vote for him again. “The …

DOUBLING DOWN: Political-Class Republicans who backed Obama say they may vote for him again. “The Hill contacted 17 prominent Republicans and members of ‘Republicans for Obama’ groups that launched across the country two years ago. Most of them defended the president and indicated they might vote for him again in two years.”

What struck me most about this list of “prominent” Republicans (most of whom nobody has ever heard of) is how many of their names and positions were preceded by the word “former.” Apparently almost all of them lost their jobs.

Glenn Reynolds askes: “How’s that hopey-changey stuff working for you guys?”

Did I mention that almost all of them are now “formers?”

Lumbering Dumbass Blast From the Past

Kerry voices frustration with US political scene -

BOSTON—Massachusetts Sen. John Kerry unleashed a broadside Thursday against Republican “obstructionism,” saying the GOP and its talk-show allies have created a “period of know-nothingism” in the country.

Keep it up, you moronic (worse grades than Bush) walking tombstone of the leftist Ruling Class. Nothing like telling the folks whose votes and support you need to keep your position as a self-anointed “elite” that they are “know-nothings.”

The real know-nothing, of course, is you - as ignorant of history as you are of any other useful knowledge. The “Know-Nothings” were one of the two great anti-government movements that swept the US in the years leading up to the Civil War. Wikipedia notes:

The Know-Nothing movement was a nativist American political movement of the 1840s and 1850s. It was empowered by popular fears that the country was being overwhelmed by German and Irish Catholic immigrants, who were often regarded as hostile to Anglo-Saxon Protestant values and controlled by the pope in Rome. Mainly active from 1854 to 1856, it strove to curb immigration and naturalization, though its efforts met with little success. Membership was limited to Protestant males of British lineage over the age of twenty-one. There were few prominent leaders, and the largely middle-class and entirely Protestant membership fragmented over the issue of slavery.

The Know-Nothings lost out to the Republicans in the struggle to replace the moribund Whigs over the bad decisions they made regarding slavery - the GOP of the time was united in opposition for the most part, while the Know Nothings took a more accommodationist approach to the issue - which eventually destroyed them.

But Kerry, of course, lumbering dumbass that he is, knows nothing of this, and so, in making his obviously unknowing reference to a movement that played a huge role in destroying one of the two major parties of its time, blithely tosses off what he thinks is a smear, and instead, issues a poignant indictment of his own party - and his own ignorance.

A Billion Ain’t What It Used To Be

End the War on Pot -

In contrast, legalizing and taxing marijuana would bring in substantial sums that could be used to pay for schools, libraries or early childhood education. A Harvard economist, Jeffrey A. Miron, calculates that marijuana could generate $8.7 billion in tax revenue each year if legalized nationally, while legalization would also save the same sum annually in enforcement costs.

That’s a $17 billion swing in the nation’s finances — enough to send every 3- and 4-year-old in a poor family to a high-quality preschool.

Or…about one percent of the current deficit that Barry Hussein and the Marxists are running each year.

Don’t legalize pot because of the financial considerations. Legalize it because it is the right, sane, rational thing to do.

Then go ahead and end the rest of the War on Some Drugs.

Your Daily Dose of Doom 10/28/2010

Guest Post: The Tipping Point has Arrived | zero hedge

“The Fed, in effect, is telling the markets not to worry about our fiscal deficits, it will be the buyer of first and perhaps last resort. There is no need – as with Charles Ponzi – to find an increasing amount of future gullibles, they will just write the check themselves. I ask you: Has there ever been a Ponzi scheme so brazen? There has not.”

Ok, so what is Bill Gross up to you ask? I will give you my two cents. This guy is not as fabulously wealthy as he is for being a dope (although this cannot be said for a lot of people in this industry that are merely financial engineers that would become extinct overnight without 0% interest rates but that’s another story). Bill Gross sees the writing on the wall. He see the winds of change and is hedging his bets. He is throwing out a carrot to those that criticize the completely corrupt and ponzi scheme economy and financial system we have today which benefits only those that speculate on the taxpayers dime.

So why should some guy named Bill Gross calling the current financial bailout scam a Ponzi scheme make any impression on you? After all, haven’t those racist gun-clinging nutcases on the extreme right been saying things like this for years?

Well, maybe because Bill Gross is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a racist, gun-clinging nutcase on the extreme right.

No, instead, he is #488 on the Forbes list of the World’s Wealthiest Men. He started off by parlaying $200 playing blackjack in Las Vegas (hi, nemo!) into ten grand, which he has since expanded to a personal fortune of two billion dollars. Oh, and he runs the largest mutual fund in the history of the universe, PIMCO Total Return, a mom-n-pop operation with assets of only 220 billion dollars under management.

If he is publicly calling the financial catastrophe currently being perpetrated by the Obama administration - with rather more help from the GOP than I would like to see - the most brazen Ponzi scheme ever - then perhaps you should pay attention.

Read the whole thing. It is slightly more important than even the World Series, or Snookie the Ho at play on the Jersey Shore.


When pollsters call do you?

A. Hang up
B. Cooperate and answer questions truthfully
C. Pretend to cooperate and give them wrong, and sometimes strange, answers.

Personally, if they catch me when I’m bored, I do C. I’m curious as to what percentage I might be in. A bit of data that could adversely effect polls results.

Clintoon endorses Rubio.

Not exactly, but for anyone with brains, BJ wanting Meeks to drop out and endorse Crist, should tell you who the real socialist candidate is.

A Crist campaign spokesman, Danny Kanner, issued the following statement about the report.

“While this story is accurate, the Governor’s focus is on uniting common-sense Democrats, independents, and Republicans behind his campaign because he is the one candidate who can defeat Tea Party extremist Marco Rubio and deliver bipartisan results for Florida in Washington,” the statement said.

I guess to a RINO (well former) an actual conservative would be “extremist”, but I’m pretty sure “common-sense Democrats” is an oxymoron.

Charlie Sheen, Dementia and Me

A headline in today’s Times reads: “How To Resist the Coming Wave of Fatal Dementia.” What? Fatal? You mean it’s going to get worse?

After telling myself for months now that the bedbug insanity we have been subjected to these past several months, or years, is actually nothing new; that people are always upset and acting crazy and saying and doing the most remarkable things; I have come to grudgingly accept that we really have moved past any recent maximum high water marks where barking lunacy is concerned, and that (you must have known this was coming) we just have to do something about it.

In fact, the cited article — an Op-Ed piece, actually, was written by Sandra Day O’Connor and two other luminaries about the danger of Alzheimer’s disease. But we know a clarion call when we see one.

And I know what the real problem is. It’s Charlie Sheen.

Sheen, you may know, recently careened around Manhattan on one of his periodic coke/booze/hooker-fueled sprees, ending up shredding his hotel room, getting arrested, and winding up yet again in the tabloid headlines and on every farking TV channel currently broadcasting in every language but Farsi. Nothing new there, but what arrested my attention was a brief segment on this morning’s news featuring a ranting harridan literally shrieking, eyes bulging, face red as Lenin’s heart, essentially demanding Sheen’s public flaying for his “crimes against women.”

Now, too be fair, she does have a point there. Sheen’s violence does seem to concentrate disproportionately on women, and certainly this kind of thing should be emphatically discouraged. But we begin to see a pattern here.

We aren’t allowed to be angry at the things we really want to be angry at.

Politicians and pundits lament the anger of voters, blaming it on childish selfishness, short attention spans, and a lamentable failure to appreciate all the honest sacrifice and hard work of our poorly-paid public servants, not all of whom have tax-free condos in the Dominican.

Earnest advocates of all stripes denounce fear of terrorism as a racist reaction to a peace-loving people, and insist that we forgive and forget, and forgive and forget, and forgive and forget….

Teachers’ unions insist that our schools are failing because we aren’t spending enough money, or don’t have the right programs, or are too crowded, or (fill in your own).

And when city, state and federal governments cut services to their citizens to the bone, raise taxes higher still, crying poor after the longest sustained boom in memory — what the hell did you do with all the money we already paid you, you thieving, incompetent, whoops, there I go, getting angry.

Which explains why Charlie Sheen is on everyone’s lips, spread across the media like cream cheese on a bagel: it’s okay to hate Charlie.
Or Mel Gibson. Or Elliott Spitzer. Or Tiger Woods. Or, before Charlie re-emerged as Public Enemy Number One, poor Brett Favre — as if he doesn’t already have enough trouble. (And do we really know that is his tallywhacker? How?)

They’re rich, successful, and they not only misbehaved — their sins involved, in some way or another, an aggrieved spouse. Cherchez la femme, boys — think about it.

You have, or had, it all. You have no one’s sympathy. Your failures implied a kind of hubris, always a favorite target of the gods. You are fair game. It’s okay to hate you. And the media know it. That’s why, when you screw up, they are on you with an enthusiasm and persistence that must amaze you. The media know what sells, and when the voters are angry, well — give them someone they chew on like beef jerky.

It is no coincidence that, during the height of the recent financial panic, the hottest name in the media was not Tim Geithner, but Tiger Woods. And it might explain the otherwise inscrutable logic behind the vendetta of a low-rent rag against a billionaire (yes, Tony, that’s you I’m talking to).

Sorry, Charlie — you may ask yourself why, in the midst of all the misery and misfortune that beset us, we should give a hoot about yet another Sheen spree, but the fact is, we need you. When we feel bad, we just naturally want too make someone else feel worse. And for now, you’re it. Dementia can’t be argued with.

Hacks on WaPoo Parade

Tea party antics could end up burning Republicans

The tea party’s volatile influence on this election year appears to be doing more harm than good for Republicans’ chances in some of the closest races in the nation, in which little-known candidates who upset the establishment with primary wins are now stumbling in the campaign’s final days.

The gang of hacks at the WaPoo are pulling out all the stops to gin up fantasies that sound congenial to themselves and their leftist hopes and dreams, spouting anything they can to console themselves that the disaster their leftist project is facing in a few days isn’t - or won’t be - as catastrophic as every realistic sign indicates.

You have to admire their collective (and collectivist) impermeability to any data from the real world, though. In their alternate universe, Barry Hussein and the Marxists are still beloved of all, and the tsunami bearing down on them is merely the work of a small minority of angry, racist white men, and besides, it will do more damage to the opponents of Marxism than to the Marxists themselves.

Ho, ho, ho, pathetic bitchez. Weep, wail, and fantasize all you want, but Tuesday is still coming, and it’s going to be even worse than your most vivid nightmares.

UPDATE: What these pathetic hacks don’t understand - or are, more likely, deliberately ignoring - is that absent the Tea Party, most of these races wouldn’t be close at all. The Dems - aided by their media tools - would be winning in an easy stroll.


Jon Stewart, President Obama debate on ‘The Daily Show’

I dunno. How do you “debate” when your mouth is too stuffed with Obamaramadingdong to actually, you know, say anything?”

Now It’s War

An Open Letter to Rush Limbaugh and His Listeners — With Notes on the Democrat Civil War Already In Progress «

It’s my great hope that some of your listeners find a way to get this letter to you, or that it makes it to “Snerdley” and finds its way into your hands. I don’t think even you understand just how much damage Obama has done to the Democrat Party — to the point where formerly lifelong Democrats like myself, and everyone here at, are actively working to expose the party and literally burn it to the ground for the good of the country.

Can’t say I admire their choice of political icon - you’d think the Dems would be as wary of another Great Clinton Wrecker as they should be of the Great Obama Wrecker - but it certainly is interesting to watch this civil war unfold inside the Democrat party. At least I’ll bet Hillary is certainly watching with interest, from her hidden bunker far beyond the borders of the United States, where she waits out the first act in the Destruction of Saint Obama.

Pile of Poo

Across the country, anger, frustration and fear among voters as election nears

Travel through the political battlegrounds in these final days before Election 2010, and it becomes clear how much the tenor of this recession-plagued country has changed in the two years since Barack Obama was elected president on his message of hope and change.

Another WaPoo hack heard from. But I get the drift. Back in 2008, when an angry electorate, egged on by lefty ruling class tools like Balz, swept George Bush out of office, after having done likewise to his Congressional majorities two years earlier, that was Hope. That was Change.

Now that an angry electorate is about to sweep Barack Obama’s Congressional majority from office, against the wishes of a fellating tool like Balz, here, why, that is Fear. That is Frustration.

That’s the work of the Enraged Racist White Men.

I wonder if hacks like Balz, here, understand just how transparent they are? Probably not. They’ve never had to face a media whose throw-weight equals their own, but is dedicated to exposing their bullshit for what it is. They’ve been inviolate for so long they’ve come to believe their own pompous, windy “analysis.”


Candidate Sharron Angle is a ‘bitch’? Women’s groups outraged by ’sexist’ View co-host Joy Behar | The Daily Caller - Breaking News, Opinion, Research, and Entertainment

While The View caters to the sensibilities of American women, it is women who are expressing outrage and frustration at the “sexist” words of one of the show’s co-hosts.

Joy Behar repeatedly called Nevada Republican Senate nominee Sharron Angle a “bitch” on the air yesterday, and told her to “go to hell,” for the release of a political advertisement the ladies of The View saw as racially charged.

“You know what I’d like to see her do? I’d like to see her do this ad in the south Bronx. Come here, bitch! Come to New York and do it,” Behar said.

When Sherri Shepherd tried to move on by saying she would pray for Angle, Behar made it clear she was not. “I am not praying for her. I’m telling you right now. She’s going to Hell … She’s going to Hell, this bitch.”

What a joy this bitch is. For both the tsunami of public loathing about to sweep away her fallen idols, and for the few moronic true believers still watching her morning services of Barack Obama and his demonic party on her show every day.

To get religious about it.

Letter Hedz

Have You Requested A Copy Of Your Unaltered Wet Ink Signature Note Yet? | zero hedge

From a comment:

I requested it via phone and they said no problem..not like they are going to mail me the wet ink doc. I am sending my written request on friday via registered mail with return receipt. Here is the text (taken from another poster on an earlier link):

To whom it may concern:

I own the property at the address listed above, and your bank services my mortgage.

Over the last several weeks there have been many stories documenting the problem that banks are foreclosing on homes without proof that they own the loan. I have learned that in many cases, banks like yours do not even know who owns the loans you service. Employees at several leading banks have admitted to rubber stamping tens of thousands of foreclosures every month, without even checking to make sure that the bank had a legal right to proceed with foreclosure. In some cases, banks allegedly falsified mortgage documents to cover up their mistakes. There have been reports of two banks trying to foreclose on the same home, banks foreclosing on homeowners who were current on their payments, and even of a bank foreclosing on a home where the homeowner had never taken out a mortgage to begin with. This is not merely a “technical problem”–it is the difference between having a warm bed at night and being out on the street.

As a homeowner and a customer of your bank, I am horrified. I had always believed that it I played by the rules, I would be protected, but now I know that banks like yours think the rules don’t apply to them.

To protect myself and my family, I need to know who owns my mortgage. Within thirty days, I would like to know the name, address, and phone number of the bank or investor that owns my mortgage. Furthermore, in light of the recent allegations of foreclosure fraud, I demand to see the original mortgage note proving ownership over my home loan. I would like to see copies of all endorsements and assignments of my mortgage note and where and when the assignment(s), if any, were recorded. I also ask that you provide me with evidence of your firm being contractually retained to service my loan.

If you fail to provide the information I am legally entitled to, I will be forced to consider all options available to me to ensure that my family and my home are protected.

I ask that I receive my response in writing.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

If you happen to send a similar letter to your bank, I’d be interested in knowing the outcome.

I’m considering sending something like this to mine. I’m thinking it might encourage them to consider refinancing my own mortgage to an amount reflecting the actual current value of my deeply underwater home.

War and the internet.

At Delta Bravo Sierra.

October 27, 2010 at 7:47 PM | Permalink

Oddly enough this is like being in Afghan or Iraq. Many times, we’d find out about current missions from CNN while they were going on. Ahhhh Nothing like Robin Meade with our current SITREP!

Saudi Front man threatens France.

‘Bin Laden’ in warning to France

An audio message said to have been recorded by the al-Qaeda leader says the abduction was retaliation for “France’s injustice to Muslims”.

It says forthcoming French curbs on the full veil are “colonial oppression”.

“Colonial oppression”? Paris is a colony?

The speaker on the recording, broadcast by Qatar-based satellite TV channel al-Jazeera, says the kidnapping was “in retaliation for [France’s] tyranny… against [the] Muslim nation”.

Perhaps France is a colony of the Muslim Nation? Not “people” or “religion”, Nation. What will it take to get it through the thick skulls of the dhimwits that Islam wants to take over? A bullet from a Jihaddi gun? If they’re lucky. More like a large stone when they get punished for not bowing low enough.

France, he says, believes it has “the right to prevent free women from wearing the hijab”.

The hijab is only worn by oppressed or clinically insane women.

It must be terrible to realize that you’ve become irrelevant.

Cape Town Opera to go on Israel tour despite Tutu plea

In his letter the archbishop, who retired from public life earlier this month, said it would be wrong for the Cape Town singers to perform “in a society founded on discriminatory laws and racial exclusivity”.

News Flash Desmond. Jews and Arabs are the same race. it’s just that the Arabs are of a religion that wants to kill all Jews.

He said the tour should be postponed “until both Israeli and Palestinian opera lovers of the region have equal opportunity and unfettered access to attend performances”.
“To perform Porgy and Bess, with its universal message of non-discrimination, in the present state of Israel, is unconscionable.”

Porgy and Bess? I think Hamas would try the performers for violating some part of sharia.

Israeli government spokesman Andy David said boycotts were not the way forward and cultural tours were the best way to bring peace in the violent region.

“Cultural relations sending messages of peace and co-operation - that’s the only way to promote peace,” he told the BBC’s Focus on Africa programme.

Kinda like Eartha Kitt going to South Africa and performing in front of an integrated audience as her main condition for going.
Honestly, I think Tutu may be in the early stages of Carter Syndrome.

Oh, Ho, Ho, Ho…

Robosigned? No Paper? Uh, Not So Fast Jackass… in [Market-Ticker]

In the instant action, Ms. Johnson-Seck claims to be: a Vice President of MERS in the March 16, 2009 MERS to INDYMAC assignment; a Vice President of INDYMAC in the May 14, 2009 INDYMAC to ONEWEST assignment; and, a Vice President of ONEWEST in her June 30, 2009-affidavit of merit. Ms. Johnson-Seck must explain to the Court, in her affidavit: her employment history for the past three years; and, why a conflict of interest does not exist in the instant action with her acting as a Vice President of assignor MERS, a Vice President of assignee/assignor INDYMAC, and a Vice President of assignee/plaintiff ONEWEST. Further, Ms. Johnson-Seck must explain: why she was a Vice President of both assignor MERS and assignee DEUTSCHE BANK in a second case before me, Deutsche Bank v Maraj, 18 Misc 3d 1123 (A) (Sup Ct, Kings County 2008); why she was a Vice President of both assignor MERS and assignee INDYMAC in a third case before me, Indymac Bank, FSB, v Bethley, 22 Misc 3d 1119 (A) (Sup Ct, Kings County 2009); and, why she executed an affidavit of merit as a Vice President of DEUTSCHE BANK in a fourth case before me, Deutsche Bank v Harris (Sup Ct, Kings County, Feb. 5, 2008, Index No. 35549/07).

Oh, you mean that our fair Judge would also like Ms. Robosigner to explain who she gets paid by, how she gets paid, and more importantly, how she can overcome what appears to be a clear conflict of interest.

In case you thought this whole mortgage fraud mess would be a legal slam dunk for the banksters.


Avert Your Eyes

The Village Voice: Out of Stories, and Running Out of Time | The Daily Cannibal

Imagine turning on 60 Minutes one Sunday to find that Morley Safer, Katie Couric and Andy Rooney had been fired, Mike Wallace and Leslie Stahl had quit, and they had all been replaced by no-name hacks from the backwaters of broadcasting? That’s pretty much what happened to another iconic name in journalism, the Village Voice, when its new owners – a pair of pitchmen-turned-publishers from Phoenix named Larkin and Lacey – bought the Voice, folded it into their New Times Media supermarket tabloid giveaway chain, and turned it overnight from America’s leading name in alternative media into a freebie dishrag with cheap sensationalism masquerading as journalism.

I didn’t realize that the Voice, a mainstay of my radical youth, had been so degraded by the hicks who hijacked it.

It’s pretty sad. I think it would have been better to just let it sink, but all the great ones try for one last ring.

They always fail. Follow the link to learn just how awful that fail actually was.


Maybe. But would they tell us if it wasn’t?
Computer glitch halts communication with US missiles
And the bad news.

On Tuesday, air force experts examining maintenance records found similar incidents had occurred at other bases more than 10 years ago, US media reported.

Nice reliable equipment. And why haven’t they fixed the problem by now?

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