
Wednesday, September 06, 2006

This here blog is winding down

I love the website www.piratepundit.com

It's just a cool name for a website. Pirates, and pundits (or a pundit) in the same phrase/word. How cool.

There won't be much posting here though, since the main effort has migrated to the new CourtZero blog.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The latest from the ethics committee of St. Luke's

Do you remember Sun Hudson? I wrote an article about him a while back. More on that in a moment.

Meanwhile, there is this:

life or death struggle is taking place at St. Luke’s Hospital, where doctors are planning to remove a woman from life support.

The patient is not brain dead, and according to her family, she wants to live.


Andrea Clark has been at St. Luke's since November.

They may be small in number, but the protesters said the bigger picture is the gravity of their message.

“They just say, ‘well she’s miserable.’ Well, to me that’s a quality of life decision that is up to her and her family,” Lanore Dixon said. “That is not a medical decision.”

Dixon is protesting on behalf of her sister Andrea Clark, a patient at St. Luke’s Hospital since November.

You can read the story and watch a video:

That St. Luke's thing bothered me. Yup, that is the same hospital that decided to let Sun Hudson die.

Who is on that ethics committee?

More from what seems like an interesting blog (note especially the last sentence from this quote):

For years I have been warning that bioethicists are getting their ducks in a row to permit them to refuse wanted life sustaining treatment that is removed because it keeps the patient alive, not because it doesn't provide medical benefit. These are value judgments, not medical determinations.

And now they are beginning to come. I commented about a futile care case in Michigan a few days ago, and here's another. I don't know enough about the facts of this case to opine completely, but this sure seems to be a futile care case in action. St. Luke's Hospital in Houston is going to unilaterally remove a woman from life support, even though her family wants her to continue to receive care. (It is as if Michael Schiavo and the Schindlers wanted Terri's care continued but the hospital said no.)


Friday, April 07, 2006

Sopchoppy Worm Gruntin' Festival

Some days I miss North Florida desparately. I just thought that as many people as possible should know that the Sopchoppy (just south of Tallahassee) has a really cool worm festival.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Holy Prophet Games, Batman!

Apr. 3 - Iran tests what it says is the 'world's fastest' underwater missile - a weapon that can destroy any enemy warship

Iranian state television reported on Sunday that the country's armed forces had test-fired the missile in the Gulf during a week of the so-called 'Holy Prophet' war games.

Click here for footage of the rocket torpedo.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Today's visit from Men Without Hats

I miss those guys.

they said we could walk on water
they said we should knock on wood
we did none of these things and they said we could sing
so we sang about falling in love
they said that we were getting smarter
they said that we were something new
we were none of these things and they said we could sing
so we sang about twenty and two
we done all the wrong things
and all we done good

they said we were the new beginning
they said we were a brand new start
we were none of these thing and they said we could sing
so we sang about the state of the art
they said we were the second coming
they said we were a different breed
we were none of these things and they said we could sing
so we sang about the birds and the bees
bunch of do nothing that were down on your knees

Friday, March 03, 2006

Monastic Sign Language!

Who knew there was such a thing? I guess it makes sense if you take a vow of silence.

Monastic Sign Language

A language of Vatican State

ISO/DIS 639-3: mzg

Population No estimate available.
Region Monastic communities, especially in Europe.
Dialects Anglo-Saxon Monastic Sign Language, Augustinian Sign Language, Benedictine Sign Language, Cistercian Sign Language, Trappist Sign Language.
Classification Sign language
Language use A second-language means of communicating while maintaining vows of silence. Not a deaf sign language.
Comments Second language only.

the moth who finds the corn flake always finds the melon

I picked the wrong night to skip American Idol.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Secret Agent Franklin. Ben Franklin

I'm thinking the founding father would have love the NSA intercept program. He was already good at it, and it uses electricity.

It seems to me that the left doesn't really mean what it thinks it means when it talks about the independence of the judiciary.

Maryland Democrats concerned about the political fallout from last week's court ruling on same-sex marriage are considering a plan to block any final court ruling from taking effect until after the November elections.

The proposal would be offered in legislation by Del. Luiz R.S. Simmons (D-Montgomery) that would freeze any decision from the state's highest court until the General Assembly has time to evaluate it.
Although many Democrats, including Simmons, said they support the rights of gays and lesbians to marry, they also said they recognize that the ruling could hurt the party during key elections this year -- the governor's office and a U.S. Senate seat are at stake.

They said the ruling could galvanize Republican Gov. Robert L. Ehrlich Jr.'s conservative base, increasing Election Day turnout for him and for Lt. Gov. Michael S. Steele (R), who is running for U.S. Senate.

"I don't want to see the gubernatorial election, or any other election, tangled up in this issue," said Sen. Brian E. Frosh (D-Montgomery).

This is a very interesting conflict, I think. Should the MD dems get behind the ruling because it favors their constituents, or delay the possible benefits to their gay constituents out of calculations regarding their own power? Should the MD legislature try to directly effect the timing of a court procedure out of the same political calculations?

Will dems say that legislative attempts to influence judicial proceedings were nation-shatteringly horrific in the Schiavo case, but a good idea in this case?