Victory WW2 poster

Welcome to Victory Soap

I basically have this page set up for me as a front door to some things I'm trying out, so if you've reached this page you probably got here by mistake. Go to the main site for my public web pages.


Dark Victory Soap -- News: I had to uninstall the Chyrp blogging platform setup -- it just attracted too much spam. So now there is nothing currently in this url. Stay tuned.

Wordpress Test Site -- a site to test Wordpress themes.

Bloo Site -- testing the Bloo blogging platform.

Textpattern site -- testing the latest build of Textpattern.

Miss Grammar Lady -- an experiment I've decided to drop, built mostly for the purposes of trying out B2Evolution.

Also removed the PivotX site. Though it is a nice program, it's still kind of awkward to use -- especially the comment moderation area. For example, I had to approve a spam comment before I could read the whole thing and ascertain that it was, in fact, spam. Not satisfactory. Also the gallery module just never worked. Anyway -- onward!
Previously on Victory Soap:

Victory Soap version 2.0 -- my blog from 2007, built with Movable Type v. 3.34

The Return of the Twisted Spinster, my blog from 2008, built with Wordpress v. 2.7 something.

All content copyright Andrea Harris, 2007-2010. Do not steal. I will hurt you.

Note: this site has no affiliation with the manufacturers or distributors of Victory Soap products. The domain name actually refers to the many "Victory" products that came out during World War 2.