Top Headline Comments 11-4-10

Alright, I think by this evening I'll be able to announce a winner in the House contest. Thanks to the kind donation of our friends and fellow morons over at Acorn Souvenirs the winner will be getting a limited edition Captain KickAss bobble-head doll!

They donated one for the winner of the Senate contest, too, but it looks like it's gonna be a while before things get sorted out in Alaska, Colorado, and Washington.

Posted by: Gabriel Malor at 07:45 AM


1 Yeah, the ADN is still pontificating on MooKowPie.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 07:54 AM (/jbAw)

2 Well, InTrade has the GOP losing 150 House seats, 3 Senate seats, 18 governors, and one World Series.

Posted by: In way the hell after the troll... and all polling at November 04, 2010 07:56 AM (swuwV)

3 News of the day, endless loops of Botox telling how she saved us from another Great Depression.


Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 07:57 AM (/jbAw)

4 So I guess it's just a coincidence that stocks shot up following a Republican sweep. Yeah, nothing to do with each other.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 07:57 AM (6oDXl)

5 I'm not usually one to call racism, but I don't think I'd be putting that on my desk.

Posted by: NYCcon at November 04, 2010 07:58 AM (jLXdE)

6 'Morning, early birds!  Another day to bask in the victory.  Did anybody catch The View yesterday?  I missed it and I wanna know if Joy's head exploded.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at November 04, 2010 08:09 AM (UjXQf)


Zombie A and RDB,

I beg of you, with tears in my eyes, please post mucho to the sidebar and drive that hideous "Stretch Pelosi" to the archives.

Posted by: Mr. Dave at November 04, 2010 08:09 AM (OBDWE)

8 Yeesh, that Bobble Head Barack Doll is creepy looking!  I'm definitely getting a "Chucky" vibe.  Yikes!  I'm sure that it's somehow racist (maybe the bare feet?). 

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 08:09 AM (qY2Vc)

9 Keep in mind that it is "impossible" to create anything that shows a derisive characterization of Obama without someone calling it racist.

Was it "racist" when liberal rags like Time magazine placed derisive characterizations of Bush on their covers?

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:12 AM (/jbAw)


If anybody hasn't yet checked out the Glen Beck Gloatfest thread, go take a look.  Awesome.

Posted by: katya, the designated driver at November 04, 2010 08:13 AM (UjXQf)

11 NATE SILVER is spewing over on his blocg about how Rasmussen is clear a Republican Hack because his polling favored Republicans overall by 3-4 points on election night.

Someone needs to remind Nate that 3-4 was the MARGIN OF ERROR on those polls, so Rasmussen was dead on.

Also, prior to the election, Nate called a 55 seat gain for Republicans, missing by 10.  Obviously, according to Nate's logic, this makes NATE a HACK for the Left, does it not?

So Rasmussen misses by 4 and he is a Republican shill.  Nate misses by 10 and he is an unbiased expert.  No wonder the Left is getting their butts kicked.

Posted by: Bill Mitchell at November 04, 2010 08:15 AM (Baf0e)

12 Morning all, and welcome to the day after the day after!

Time to go after Darrell Issa, Foghorn-Leghorn Trent Lott and Rove!

We had a tremendous victory and these fucking Quislings are out to co-opt us. Just a reminder to them; that victory was ours!

The next battle begins.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:15 AM (9Cooa)

13 America Held Hostage:  Day 654

Posted by: toby928™ at November 04, 2010 08:17 AM (S5YRY)


Thought I would share this, since most of you probably didn't see it. This from Jerry Brown, on his victory in CA.

And I see a California once again leading on renewable energy, leading on education. We are all God's children and while I understand politics, I will always carry with me my sense of that missionary zeal to transform the world -- that's always been my calling. That's what it's all about -- the vision.

Again, I am sooo glad I moved away from that state.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:17 AM (6oDXl)

15 me a wingnut, radical, etc.,


I'll call you "banned" if you post that shit here again. [DiT]

Posted by: Geezer at November 04, 2010 08:18 AM (IR35F)


There's a reason CA is losing congressional representation for the 1st time in 50 years.


Texas is already a lock to pick up 3, and might even pick up 4 seats in the house.

Posted by: Dave in Texas at November 04, 2010 08:20 AM (WvXvd)

17 Moonbeam was governor when I left in 1977. He was well on the way then to undoing everything Reagan did but the State was still in fairly good shape at the time. \

If they do not get a federal bailout I expect to see them default in less than 2 years now.  And if the Republicans in the House vote to give them a bailout it will be time to primary them out and get new ones.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:22 AM (/jbAw)

18 me a wingnut, radical, etc.,

Consider you called.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:23 AM (6oDXl)

19 me a wingnut, radical, etc., but then Nappypolitano did that a long time ago!

Posted by: Geezer at November 04, 2010 08:18 AM (IR35F)

Yeah you are and Ace has repeatedly called for people to NOT post shit like this.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:24 AM (/jbAw)

20 Posted by: Geezer at November 04, 2010 08:18 AM (IR35F)

Settle down there, chief. Let's not get all unhinged. That's Van Jones/Bill Ayers territory. All we need is some Greg-troll to take your post and blare it all over the web to prove that we are all violent nut-jobs.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:24 AM (9Cooa)

21 Can we give Los Angeles and San Francisco to China and keep the productive regions as a territory?

Yeah, like the Chinese will fall for that gag.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:26 AM (9Cooa)

22 There's a reason CA is losing congressional representation for the 1st time in 50 years.

They would have lost big time during the 2000 census if the Dems had not pushed through the BS for counting illegals as stock for representation.

CA has been caught in the double whammy for decades now. Productive people and companies leaving while the leeches and looters move in.

They are "urban liberal government" on a Statewide basis and will soon become the Detroit State.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:27 AM (/jbAw)


Moonbeam was governor when I left in 1977.

Which is just about when I moved in. So yeah, I lived under him. Can't believe they elected him. Again.

Oh well, live with your choices. Hard times ahead for CA.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:27 AM (6oDXl)

24 HH re Moonbeam: "...missionary zeal to transform the world -- that's always been my calling."

Interesting that he would use this calling to go into politics. Twice. Can we use Progressive arguments to get this religious nut separated from State?

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at November 04, 2010 08:27 AM (swuwV)

25 By the way, is it too early to find a suitable candidate to primary Lindsey "GOOBER" Graham-nesty?

The early bird dumps the turd.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:30 AM (9Cooa)

26 By the way, is it too early to find a suitable candidate to primary Lindsey "GOOBER" Graham-nesty?

Well since he is not up for reelection until 2014 I would say yeah,a little too early.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:31 AM (/jbAw)


Yeah, like the Chinese will fall for that gag.

Damn, that really did make me LOL...

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:31 AM (6oDXl)

28 34 warships?  Powered by butterfly farts, right?  Otherwise that's some kind huge carbon foot-stomp right there.

OT:  What's the final count on house seat gains for the anti-Pelosi party?

Posted by: DngrMse at November 04, 2010 08:36 AM (ygIR/)

29 @11

Posted by: Bill Mitchell at November 04, 2010 08:15 AM (Baf0e)

Nate Silver was one of the Journolist douchebags.

I'm surprised anyone on our side takes him seriously on anything. But yeah, you'll sometimes see him quoted by guys on the right.

The left? Sure. But then they're chronically delusional.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 04, 2010 08:39 AM (I49Jm)

30 Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:24 AM (/jbAw)

I think he's a moby.  His post sounds more like a paranoid fantasy of liberals.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 04, 2010 08:39 AM (FkKjr)

I think he's a moby.  His post sounds more like a paranoid fantasy of liberals.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 04, 2010 08:39 AM (FkKjr)

Perhaps, but maybe Gabe will do a cleanup on aisle 17.

Eh Gabe are you monitoring?????

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:45 AM (/jbAw)

32 Well since he is not up for reelection until 2014 I would say yeah,a little too early.
Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:31 AM (/jbAw)

Oh well. He's like the "Greg" of the Republican party. And there are more like him. But, please G-d, not for long! Fuck him. His time will come.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:45 AM (9Cooa)

33 I saw TPaw on F&F this morning and it looks like he'll be running for prez in 2012. He would definitely appeal to the crucial moderate/independent voting bloc. Any thoughts fellow morons?

Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 08:45 AM (7+pP9)

34 Damn, that really did make me LOL...

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:31 AM (6oDXl)

I'm here for 'ya, dude.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:45 AM (9Cooa)

35 I'm withdrawing everything from my 401K and putting it into Alvin Green comic books. 

Pure four-color awesome, baby.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 08:46 AM (MMC8r)

36 No, leave it. That's what he wants to say, fine. None of us agree, but at least it's out there for everyone to see.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:47 AM (6oDXl)

37 @30


Militias? Ye-e-e-e-eah, right.

The Revolution started today when Grody McDumbfuck shot up a gas station.

I think we'll just keep to the Constitution and vote the bums out. Thank you very much.

Now go sleep it off, Geezer. That Sterno is rough stuff.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 04, 2010 08:47 AM (I49Jm)


Pretty stupid bobble head. obamma looks more like Al Jolson than anything else.

Lemme guess, made/designed in China.

Everyone knows the Chinese aren't racist. Not one bit.

Vim Toot!

Posted by: mica vim toot at November 04, 2010 08:48 AM (Z07Mn)


I think he's a moby.  His post sounds more like a paranoid fantasy of liberals.

Either that or a false flag trying to smear AOSHQ. That guy can GFH.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at November 04, 2010 08:49 AM (JxMoP)

40 TX Gov Perry on F&F pushing his book.  Watch out, I'm telling you, he wants to run for Preznit.  I emplore everyone to not take the bait; he is too much integrated into the political borg.  There are worse choices but there are much better. We got to get those better choices out there and in front of potentials like Perry.

Posted by: dogfish at November 04, 2010 08:49 AM (FuLJs)

41 As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind. I hope you take my observations/criticisms in the spirit they are intended.

1. You have been brainwashed by Fox News. Try to broaden your intellectual pursuits by reading opposing viewpoints rather than watching television. The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsweek and The Atlantic would be good places to start.

2. You exhibit hypocrisy by attacking the government upon which you depend. No serious person can deny the need for roads, bridges, clean water and a strong defense. Those services require government, and a government requires taxes to support it.

3. Much of your opposition to the current administration appears to be based on race. I do not mean racism of the overt, conscious type, but a more subtle subconscious form. I would ask you to engage in some soul-searching to inquire whether your anger would be as intense if the president were from a more traditional cultural background.

4. You have supported a number of so-called "Tea Party" candidates who are lacking in mental acuity and verbal eloquence. Policy aside, we can all agree that high public office requires a minimum level of competence.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my impressions. I am of course open to, and would in fact welcome, your thoughts on my critique.

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)

40 TX Gov Perry on F&F pushing his book.  Watch out, I'm telling you, he wants to run for Preznit.

Okay -- we've got a Perry and a Pawlenty running so far. Who else? Maybe Palin, just for the sake of alliteration?

Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 08:54 AM (7+pP9)


Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)

OMG, where to begin?  This ought to be fun.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 08:54 AM (6oDXl)

44 33 I saw TPaw on F&F; this morning and it looks like he'll be running for prez in 2012. He would definitely appeal to the crucial moderate/independent voting bloc. Any thoughts fellow morons?
Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 08:45 AM (7+pP9)

Well, you raise the question in my mind what is a "moderate" and an "independent?" To my way of thinking, those terms seem obsolete to me. It smacks of compromise from back in the old days. We can't compromise ever with an ideological party that puts forth policy after policy that will destroy the Republic, our economy and way of life.

Like it or not, one of our major political parties now represents just that. The other is stuck in the delusion of a) shake hands, swap control every few election cycles and continue with business as usual and b) agree to the ideological agenda but differ in the speed of its implementation.

The people do not want this. People who may have identified themselves as independent or moderate see what the Democrats are doing. They have rejected it massively as evidenced by last Tuesday. We, meaning conservatives and Tea Partiers, have the weight behind us to remove the recalcitrant elements of the Republican party but we must have leadership that gives voice to this.

That will be key in the next 2 years; marginalize the Graham, Lott, McCain elements and replace them with the DeMints, Bachmanns and (hopefully) Rubios. Let the former be marginalized and then ultimately relegated to history.

Long-winded but I think that answers it, at least what I would do.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 08:55 AM (9Cooa)

45 It'd be super awesome if we could fix this with one vote. It'd be super awesome if I had a ten pound cock, too. But that is pure fantasy shit.

Tuesday was D-Day, and there are a bunch of dead Krauts on the beach. We still need to clear the hedge rows, and save the Ticklers, before we can crush the Nazis.

So, reload; patch up any wounds, and bury our squad mates that didn't make it past the volleyball nets. We move forward at dawn.

What? You thought we could hang out here, and play grab-ass? Head 'em up, move 'em out, Charlie-Mike.

Posted by: Beefy Meatball at November 04, 2010 08:55 AM (LlX9m)

46 #41 Elliot - as in ET's Elliot?  Did you just get back from a little trip among the stars?  We and our "tea-party" and our Fox News and our "racism" just kicked your ass bud.  If you're a sock, its too damn early in the AM.  If you're just an asshole, go soak your head somewhere else.

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 08:57 AM (T8UcU)


TPaw sucks. He either believes in manmade global warming or he says he does in order to go along to get along. He supported emissions reduction legislation in Minnesota (can you say cap and tax)."

It looks like we should have listened to President Carter," he told the Minnesota Climate Change Advisory Group. "He called us to action, and we should have listened. . . . Climate change is real. Human behavior is partly and may be a lot responsible. Those who don't think so are simply not right. We should not spend time on voices that say it's not real."

We should have listened to Jimmy Carter. And this guy wants to run as a Republican? NFW.

Posted by: Ghost of Lee Atwater at November 04, 2010 08:58 AM (JxMoP)



          So, you view us as lab rats. But you value our opinions, right?

Here, have some recently used pudding.

Vim Toot!


Posted by: mica vim toot at November 04, 2010 08:59 AM (Sgg+Z)


As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind.

So, how is the student loan payback going?

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 09:00 AM (6oDXl)


Thank you for your time and consideration of my impressions. I am of course open to, and would in fact welcome, your thoughts on my critique.

Well, there is so much to say but I'm still hungover and tired. So, I will provide this short critique to your points.

If Stupid was terminal your doctor would be telling you that you have 3 months to live.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 09:00 AM (OWjjx)

51 Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)


Thank you for your concern. The problem is, we have been reading opposing viewpoints and that's why this blog exists; to wit, to counter the lies wit truth.

We attack the government that is now what is known as a soft tyrranny. It seeks to gain control over our lives by controlling every sector of our economy that it can, especially health care. No one doubts the need for infrastructure. That is the role of LOCAL governments. But telling us what car we must drive, what food we must eat, what light bulb we must use, what toilet we must crap in, what speech we must avoid or listen to, THAT is what we are against.

As for Tea Party candidates not having alleged verbal acuity, Obama supposedly has the golden voice but take away that teleprompter and he is exposed for the dolt that he truly is. Tea Party candidates are REGULAR people. And given a chance, their message will resonate because it's what they are saying, not how they say it. And O'Donnell was right- separation of church and state is nowhere to found in the constitution.

I agree with the late Wm. F. Buckley in that I'd rather be governed by the first 3,000 names in the phone book than ruled by 3,000 Ivy League graduates.

I think you just don't get it. Aside from some of the snarkier/saltier commentary here, if you take the time to read - really read - and digest Ace, Drew M., Dave in Texas, Russ from Winterset and all the rest, you will see where we are coming from

Hope this helps. Now go get some pudding and taste the difference.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:04 AM (9Cooa)

52 We have started socking the trolls so much I don't know if we should respond to that idiot post or not.

It is far too stupid to be a real troll so it has to be a sock. We must knock that shit off.

And thanks to DiT for eliminating the moby post.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 09:04 AM (/jbAw)


41  I would ask you to engage in some soul-searching to inquire whether your anger would be as intense if the president were from a more traditional cultural background.

Two words:  Jimmy Carter

Posted by: Nash Rambler at November 04, 2010 09:05 AM (9IOHF)

54 Elliot...I've been in the enemy camp as a young man. It was brainwashing that put me there in my school years. Now that I know better, I'm not going back. Fuck you...if it takes a civil war to rid my life of the vile pestulence of socialism, let's get it on.

Posted by: torabora at November 04, 2010 09:05 AM (+gDol)


Let's see some more pics of that Dakota hottie.

Old Man Mustache, he don't say much.
He just keeps on humming...

Posted by: The Pie-eatin champion at November 04, 2010 09:06 AM (qL20/)

56 @41

Okay. I'll play.

1) If you've actually read the blog you'll know that a lot of us started out as liberals. That's the natural view of a child- ie. Mommy and Daddy will take care of me.

Thus, our embrace of Conservatism was arrived at intellectually while you never moved beyond the outlook of a child.


2) No one's saying zero gov't. We're saying minimal gov't for essential and Constitutionally mandated needs

Strawman = FAIL

3) Race has nothing to do with it. Clinton was opposed on the same things. See #1.

You, however, cannot see beyond race to policy.

Liberal racism = FAIL

4) A lack of "television polish" doesn't equal intelligence. You're probably the sort of person who thinks all foreigners are stupid cuz they don't speak English not so good.

Or the sort of person who thinks because movie stars speak all purdy an' stuff, that they're geniuses.

Obama is not particularly intelligent. He is merely "teleprompter competent". Watch him speaking away from TOTUS. 57 states anyone?


Thanks for playing. Bye.

Posted by: naturalfake at November 04, 2010 09:06 AM (I49Jm)

57 When are we going to be saved from the eye-bugging, stomach churning picture of Nancy in the sidebar?  Geesh, I need stronger coffee.

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:08 AM (T8UcU)

58 Hey, morons and moronettes. Be very, very quiet. We're being observed by an anthropological troll. See it? It's sitting beside Dian Fossey. To her left. That ghostly figure with the enlarged pseudo-cranium?

Posted by: AnonymousDrivel at November 04, 2010 09:08 AM (swuwV)


Gotta be a sock...

The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsweek and The Atlantic would be good places to start.

Seriously well written snark IMHO.

Posted by: Cu'Chulainn at November 04, 2010 09:09 AM (oW269)

60 Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)

As an experiment, I read your post to obtain some insight into your mind.  I hope you take my observations/criticisms in the spirit they are intended.

You are in fact incapable of making logical judgments.

Posted by: dogfish at November 04, 2010 09:09 AM (FuLJs)

61 Fuck. As much as I used to think the idea of killing the fed was a crank idea, with all this QE2 bullshit it's starting to really bug the shit out of me.

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:09 AM (zyaZ1)

62 Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)

Hey, the new Liberal Inanities Omnibus is out!

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:10 AM (MMC8r)

63 Over at NRO The Corner ... lots of good news  and looks like the CT Gov race is back in play ....

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:11 AM (GvYeG)

64 ...gonna be a while before things get sorted out in Alaska, Colorado, and Washington.

Think I'll go out on a limb and predict the incumbents will somehow find enough "misplaced" ballots and get sufficient favorable rulings by their local election boards to pull through.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 04, 2010 09:11 AM (BTyMb)


Elliott imagines himself an anthropologist. We are an exotic tribe, completely foreign to him.

Our opposition to Reid/Pelosi socialists makes us racists. Stunning.

Elliott- you've never done actual work, have you. Can you repair anything you depend upon? Do you know how to build and keep a fire in your home? Where does electricity come from? Ever change a tire?

I'll bet not, Elliott.

Conservatives make your world work, you turtle-necked twit. We're sick of carrying dead-weight like you on our backs so, get off.

Vim Toot!


Posted by: mica vim toot at November 04, 2010 09:11 AM (Sgg+Z)

66 "About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments."  link

Posted by: curious at November 04, 2010 09:11 AM (p302b)

67 41 As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind. I hope you take my observations/criticisms in the spirit they are intended.

All your observations and criticisms start from  faulty premises that are easily dispelled from even a casual reading of this blog.  You claim to come in a spirit of curiosity and gentleness, yet all you do is falsely insult us.

I do have to address your "racism" comment, because that is a standard, tiresome, and predicable liberal attack platform.  "I would ask you to engage in some soul-searching to inquire whether your anger would be as intense if the president were from a more traditional cultural background."  Given how many rants we've had on here towards male white-bread liberals like FDR, LBJ, John Kerry, Ted Kennedy, and so on, you can safely conclude that we're not attacking Obama on his cultural background.  Oh, and fuck you for trying that tired old gambit on us. 

Your arrogance and condescension are offensive. 

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at November 04, 2010 09:11 AM (9hSKh)

68 Two words: Jimmy Carter

Posted by: Nash Rambler at November 04, 2010 09:05 AM (9IOHF)

Dude, I am humbled. Brevity is truly the soul of wit.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:13 AM (9Cooa)

69 #41 not to mention your stupidity

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:14 AM (GvYeG)

70 'Elliot' is 'Average Joe.'

Cause I googled and stuff.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:14 AM (MMC8r)

71 Local nwes says "In the CT race,it's a case of "who do you believe"?"

Posted by: curious at November 04, 2010 09:14 AM (p302b)

72 I googled Eliots hash and he had 1 post in some Coffee Party thread last year. Drive by troll

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:14 AM (zyaZ1)

73 Greg-rillas in the midst...

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:15 AM (9Cooa)


Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2

If you would be so kind, Elliot, could you please list for me what criticisms (if any) would be considered legitimate of Obama? Is he immune from any and all criticism?

If I am critical of him, does that alone make me racist?

Please turn that superior IQ on and make an assessment for me. Thanks sugar!

Posted by: Sgt. Fury at November 04, 2010 09:15 AM (x1CBb)


"That ghostly figure with the enlarged pseudo-cranium?"

They all look like Edgar Winter with a brain infection in my mind too.

Posted by: Joanie (Oven Gloves) at November 04, 2010 09:16 AM (HaYO4)


You're probably the sort of person who thinks all foreigners are stupid cuz they don't speak English not so good.

I've seen that. And it disgusts me. As someone I once knew yelled out to someone else "Just because I don't speak good english I NOT STUPID YOU KNOW"!

And she was Israeli...

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 09:16 AM (6oDXl)

77 omg! that's it! i've been brainwashed by fox news! thank you eliot for your diagnosis......i honestly couldn't figure out what the hell was wrong with's like you've broken the trance! i can see everything clearly........wait......obama is still an idiot!

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 09:16 AM (eOXTH)

78 63 Over at NRO The Corner ... lots of good news  and looks like the CT Gov race is back in play ....   Waiter! There's a hair in my pudding!

Posted by: Nash Rambler at November 04, 2010 09:17 AM (9IOHF)


34 warships?  Powered by butterfly farts, right?  Otherwise that's some kind huge carbon foot-stomp right there.


Heh!  Just think if Bush would have made a visit overseas and taken 34 warships.  There would be screams of Bushitler and his virulent imperialism illegally invading and intimidating another country.  Where's the liberal outrage over this overt show of power?  Where's the screams about Obama's blatant saber rattling?  Funny how, no one can on the left can manufacture one iota of concern about how the rest of the world might perceive 34 warships (including an aircraft carrier) traveling to foreign waters.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 09:17 AM (qY2Vc)

80 'Elliot' is 'Average Joe.'

Cause I googled and stuff.

Oh, never mind.

It socked 'Average Joe.'

But still may be doing so again with this morning's dumbness.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:18 AM (MMC8r)

81 66 "About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments."

What the hell is up with this trip?  He is taking 3k people and 34 warships, something doesn't feel right.

Posted by: beerologist at November 04, 2010 09:19 AM (47crF)

82 Elliott imagines himself an anthropologist. We are an exotic tribe, completely foreign to him.

This isn't a bad thing.  If liberals start to regard us as truly foreign, they'll start to actually value what we say.

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 04, 2010 09:19 AM (FkKjr)

83 eliot is the kind of idiot who ends up in the emergency with a broom handle up his ass and tries to explain to the nurse how he was doing an "experiment"

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 09:19 AM (eOXTH)

84 Morning, morons

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:19 AM (utVkB)

85 Why does Obambi need any warships or security when the world loves him so freakin' much?

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:20 AM (MMC8r)

86 Ok, because its seems like a good conspiracy theory type morning- is the Indonesian Imbecile saber rattling for Pokeston's benefit or to impress India?  I've been to India and they aren't real found of the islamics at all.  What's the deal with the 34 ships?  Is it a carrier group?

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:20 AM (T8UcU)

87 Too early to be feeding trolls.  Need caffeine in my water.

Can we just get someone to stand behind all the new congresscritters with baseball bats?  Y'know, just in case?


Posted by: DarkLordOfTheIntarWebs at November 04, 2010 09:20 AM (GBXon)

88 Elliot is Average Joe.

Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 09:21 AM (7+pP9)

89 O/T

Just saw that fuck-stick Bob Etheridge just "found" 453 absentee ballots that somehow were all for him, which would for a recount.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:23 AM (9Cooa)


Well, it is November 4 and Nancy Pelosi can see the end of her reign.


Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 09:24 AM (OlN4e)

91 85 nickless

because he's impotent.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 09:24 AM (eOXTH)

92 Initial claims for state unemployment benefits increased 20,000 to a seasonally adjusted 457,000, the Labor Department said, reversing the prior week's decline.

Analysts polled by Reuters had forecast claims rising to 443,000 from the previously reported 434,000. The government revised the prior week's figure up to 437,000.

Anyone see a pattern here?

Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 09:24 AM (7+pP9)

93 I'm not apologizing for this huge entourage that President Divot is taking, but if I was the Secret Service going any where near Mumbai I'd fucking require a fucking division of marines and 3 ways of escape under heavy arms.  5 block radius shut down and shit

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:25 AM (zyaZ1)

94 #89 You know what?  That just frosts my grits.  I'm about ready to start "finding" ballots myself and every damn one is going to be for the republican.  I am sick of this crap.

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:25 AM (T8UcU)


Oh, I'm just thinking "Elliot" was someone having fun.

So, anyone notice the climate change? Getting cold here in the mid-west.

Although I understand that isn't quite the same in southern CA.

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 09:26 AM (6oDXl)


Just saw that fuck-stick Bob Etheridge just "found" 453 absentee ballots that somehow were all for him, which would for a recount.


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:23 AM (9Cooa)

How much did Etheridge lose by?

Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 09:27 AM (7+pP9)

97 Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:25 AM (T8UcU)

If you are in/near that district, time to mobilize the troops and stop this. GO!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:27 AM (9Cooa)

98 85 nickless

because he's impotent.....

That's why he needs the security, or that's why they love him?

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:27 AM (MMC8r)


WSJ Headline:  "Tehran Ramps Up Arrests To Stall Subsidy-Cut Fight"

Adinnerjacket has "cautioned the public...against poiticizing the economic reforms and threatened to severely punish businesses that raise prices of consumer goods in reaction to subsidy cuts."

In a nationally broadcast speech to a rally in the northeastern city of Bojnurd, he said government agents would 'catch and fine anyone who abused the situation and make them regret it forever.'

Thousands of police officers have been dispatched to 2000 locations in Tehran armed with riot gear, setting up temporary bases in major squares and traffic junctures...

'If this plan is for the good of the people then why are there so many police in the streets?'  said a mother of three in Tehran.

'More and more this economic reform is starting to look like a security operation said an analyst in Tehran.'"

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 09:28 AM (qY2Vc)


Drudge has the link to President Humble's trip to India


He will also be protected by a fleet of 34 warships, including an aircraft carrier, which will patrol the sea lanes off the Mumbai coast during his two-day stay there beginning Saturday. The measure has been taken as Mumbai attack in 2008 took place from the sea.

Two jets, armed with advanced communication and security systems, and a fleet of over 40 cars will be part of Obamas convoy.

Around 800 rooms have been booked for the President and his entourage in Taj Hotel and Hyatt.

No offense to India but they can keep him

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 09:28 AM (1Jaio)

101 @94 thats what some of us are hoping for here in MN. How the fuck do you elect the first Repub. State senate in 60 years, elect the Repub State house in 4, and lose the Gov race by 9000 votes? (And no it's not the I's, that fucker got fewer votes than in the last 2 elect cycles)

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:29 AM (zyaZ1)


Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:27 AM (9Cooa)

I wish I were, I am south of Houston, though.  I hope she is ready to really dig in though.  Going to see if they have a legal fund.  I have a nasty feeling she's going to be needing one ASAP to fight this ass.

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:30 AM (T8UcU)

103 84 Morning, morons

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:19 AM (utVkB)

Well good norning to you donkey. How does the brand new reality look today?

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 09:30 AM (OlN4e)

104 @102

It happens.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:30 AM (utVkB)


IMIO - had the RNC and the NRSC ran ads like this the entire campaign, the would have gutted the dems.  They wouldn't have had to mention a single candidate.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 09:30 AM (r1h5M)

106 How much did Etheridge lose by?
Posted by: Ed Anger at November 04, 2010 09:27 AM (7+pP9)

Not sure, but supposedly these "found" ballots put the election in the zone of forcing a recount.

Fuck these crooks in the ass with Jabba the Hutt's speckled pus-laden cock.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:31 AM (9Cooa)

107 Not to mention shit canning Oberstar that 40 year old incumbent tool

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:32 AM (zyaZ1)


Ellmers - 91,924

Etheridge - 89,829

Posted by: Dave in Texas at November 04, 2010 09:32 AM (WvXvd)

109 @104

Um looks good to me. I hope the republicans will do rather than talk.

If they actually do cut wasteful spending (and I mean significant..not some minor cuts) then I will give them props.

But I'm not confident they will. When Chris Matthews interviewed republican candidates, NONE of them can name one specific thing they will cut.

They just like to say slogan phrases "we'll cut spending"....but once voted in, they wont do damn jack squat imo.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:32 AM (utVkB)

110 Captain Kickass!

Guten Morgen, morons.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:32 AM (Vz9lf)

111 He lost by 1643 votes originally. That count has steadily dropped though as they keep fiddling with the numbers.

It was within stealable range. When a Dem fails to concede an election you can bet he has already started to steal it.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 09:34 AM (/jbAw)

112 No legal fund yet, but sent off an email.  Her website says the vote was 50% to 49%.  I wonder if all the absentees are in?

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:34 AM (T8UcU)


Obama's Slurpee Summit idea?  The 7-11 slurpee folks are loving it.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 09:34 AM (4df7R)

114 So far South Park has failed to impress me. I work nights, so I have to dvr that shit

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:35 AM (zyaZ1)


Just saw that fuck-stick Bob Etheridge just "found" 453 absentee ballots that somehow were all for him, which would for a recount.


Drats, Italics on.  Actually, WA was the originator of "found ballots", specifically King County.  MN learned from us.  2006 when Dino Rossi was Fraudoired out (he won the election and the first machine recount).  The Indian Tribes paid for the second hand recount for Christine Gregoire and she won because of all kinds of illegal shenanigans--ballots found in cars, ballots found "stuck on the sides of the voting machines" and yeah, strangely they were all for her.  Plus elections workers enhanced ballots where voter intent was nebulous--all for her.  It sucks.  State law is that whoever wins the second and final recount, wins the election.  Rossi was screwed, he didn't fight back and Al Franken's people saw that as the template for victory.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 09:35 AM (qY2Vc)

116 Worked last night and am fading fast.  Have a good day, daytime morons

Posted by: Katy Beth at November 04, 2010 09:36 AM (T8UcU)

117 good morning everyone!

Here's some Chris Christie love for the day:

"Christie: Don't Even Bother with Housing Bill" -

(PS - why don't I see formatting buttons? am in Safari. I can code html/css/etc but don't want to break anything here. sorry I feel so awful about the sad state of my posting w/o the ability to format)

Posted by: BlackOrchid at November 04, 2010 09:36 AM (SB0V2)


Just saw that fuck-stick Bob Etheridge just "found" 453 absentee ballots that somehow were all for him, which would for a recount.



She's not the only one

There are about 10 super-close races out there, we should keep our eye on them


KY-6 (note the article says "1 precinct has yet to report" and the article was written Wednesday!)

TX-27  (Ortiz is refusing to concede, demanding that "every vote be counted" - i.e., drum up enough fake votes to put him over the top)

There's a number of others too, the election isn't yet over

Posted by: chemjeff at November 04, 2010 09:36 AM (RY/Dc)

119 On the President's trip to India and wasting a billion dollars. That should become a separate budget item for next year. He gets zero travel budget for the remaining two years of his term.

Tell him he has spent it all already. Also, kill all of Moochell's budget.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (/jbAw)


I told him to stop reading Ace of Spades.  But his masochistic tendencies are more powerful than any of the scrips I can give him and still keep my license.  Please ignore his posts. 

Posted by: Elliot's psychiatrist at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (piR98)

121 They just like to say slogan phrases "we'll cut spending"....but once voted in, they wont do damn jack squat imo.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:32 AM (utVkB)

Well, as a TEA party member I can assure you, they have been warned against that. Business as usual means the end of the GOP as it is now. That is the reason we hate the slovenly species known as the Reach Across The Aisle RINO.

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (OlN4e)


Captain Kickass!

Guten Morgen, morons.


Ha! Ha!  I initially read that as "Captain Morgan"--heh!

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (qY2Vc)

123 41 As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind. I hope you take my observations/criticisms in the spirit they are intended.

There aren't any real observations listed. Only criticisms. Do lie or try to give back handed compliments.

1. You have been brainwashed by Fox News. Try to broaden your intellectual pursuits by reading opposing viewpoints rather than watching television. The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsweek and The Atlantic would be good places to start.

I read the papers for my news. Dead tree and on line. I barely watch Fox News save for the occasional clip from Mediaite or on youtube. My viewpoints are my own, from my own experiances and from watching human nature.

And two of the sources you listed have hired reporters that knowingly lied to the public about what was published. And the editors knew about it and went along. A third was sold for a dollar recently. Because that's all the intellectual property it had collected was worth. And the last source keeps a man suffering from dementia brought on by AIDS on staff. How else would you explain his obsession with Sarah Palin's vagina?

2. You exhibit hypocrisy by attacking the government upon which you depend. No serious person can deny the need for roads, bridges, clean water and a strong defense. Those services require government, and a government requires taxes to support it.

No one is disputing that. What many dispute here is the need for Government to take care of our medical needs, our diet, our transportation, and our light bulbs all affecting our day to day lives.

3. Much of your opposition to the current administration appears to be based on race. I do not mean racism of the overt, conscious type, but a more subtle subconscious form. I would ask you to engage in some soul-searching to inquire whether your anger would be as intense if the president were from a more traditional cultural background.

No. Go back here and you will find the same amount of derision for John Kerry and John Edwards. Or read something about Harry Reid or Alan Grayson on here? It's the policies and beliefs that we are against. It's the Content of their character that we are judging. From the book, "Stuff Martin Luther King Jr. Said, Vol II". Not very many copies of it out there. Check your rare book store.

4. You have supported a number of so-called "Tea Party" candidates who are lacking in mental acuity and verbal eloquence. Policy aside, we can all agree that high public office requires a minimum level of competence.

Three words for you: Democrat Alan Greene.

Joe Biden is a known plagiarist and is clueless about high school history. And he's first in line for succession.

Thank you for your time and consideration of my impressions. I am of course open to, and would in fact welcome, your thoughts on my critique.

You're fucking welcome. Please stop in and try an actual debate next time.

Posted by: Dave C at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (poJjg)

124 Personally, I think the GOP should fight fire with fire.  Let's start finding ballots in car trunks and such.  If it's good enough for the Dems . . .

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 09:38 AM (zgZzy)

125 This election fraud shit is really making me rather upset. Can we rally some troops and start fucking screaming?!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:39 AM (9Cooa)


41 As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind. I hope you take my observations/criticisms in the spirit they are intended.



Wow, Elliott, you really have us pegged.  Kudos to your keen intellect!  We look forward to your new show on MSNBC.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 09:40 AM (zgZzy)


Elliot's kidding, right?  He can't possibly be interested in rational dialogue when he immediately poisons the well with stuff like "you're all racist brainwashed idiots"


Posted by: chemjeff at November 04, 2010 09:41 AM (RY/Dc)

128 That is the reason we hate the slovenly species known as the Reach Across The Aisle RINO.

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (OlN4e)

Reach across? More like reach-around.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:41 AM (9Cooa)

129 Yeah, I think I put way too much effort into that.

Posted by: Dave C at November 04, 2010 09:42 AM (poJjg)


hey elliot - here's one for you - Obama - the most racist president ever ... ummm ... "back of the bus" ?

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:42 AM (GvYeG)

131 Is there any sort of website or conservative group that is tracking the recounts at all of these close elections?  Does anyone know?  This concerns me a great deal

Posted by: chemjeff at November 04, 2010 09:42 AM (RY/Dc)

How stupid is Media Matters?  pretty fu*king stupid.

Posted by: Lemon Kitten at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (0fzsA)

133 @122

I still haven't heard one thing of significance that they'll cut though. Have you?

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (utVkB)

134 Beck is saying he's taking 34 warships with him now?  why?

Also, with all this money being spent he really could have paid off everyone's mortgage, twice, maybe three times.

Heck with all this money we could have had a heck of a national lottery...

Posted by: curious at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (p302b)

135 Ok, Johnny "The Bone" Boehner is starting to grow on me.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at November 04, 2010 09:45 AM (AZWim)

136 #134 wait and see .... wait and see. Sitting on a pillow today? This has been one bad ass whuppin'.

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:46 AM (GvYeG)


Why the hell is The One even going to India for ten days?  I understand visiting India, but what the heck is so damn pressing that he has to stay there for almost two weeks?  34 warships?  WTF?  It's a freaking dangerous area of the world.  If the trip is necessary, then for heaven's sake, make it a quick trip and get the hell out!

You know what, if I have to use fucking Go2Meeting to meet with people in offices that are only an hour's drive away because my Bureau has no money for travel, then the frigging Prez can use Go2Meeting, too.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 09:46 AM (4df7R)

138 Elliot - Thank you for putting these cracker wingnuts in place.  Here's a campaign button.  It's free, because I am refusing to continue the cracker Bush's tax cut, and pretty soon you won't have enough money to pay attention.

Posted by: Barack Obama at November 04, 2010 09:46 AM (zgZzy)


Got an idea. New show on Fox!

CSI:  Voter Fraud.

Executive Producer, Andrew Breitbart.


Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 09:46 AM (6oDXl)

140 @135

Yeah I'm sure Bush traveled on horse wagons and pinched pennies. /s

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:46 AM (utVkB)

141 Beck also said the coconuts are being removed from the palm trees so President Kickass won't get one dropped on his head.  Then he said Barry should wear his bike helmet.  Heh.

Yeah, Barry's tired and wants to see the Indian Festival of Lights. 

As I said last night, these two moochers remind me of really low-class people, who know their time in the WH is limited, so they're grabbing all the freebies and milking us for all they can.  Trash, pure trash.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 09:47 AM (UOM48)


This election fraud shit is really making me rather upset. Can we rally some troops and start fucking screaming?!


Speaking of troops, that's another issue.  How about the states that dienfranchise military votes?  Illinois, New York?  How maddening is it that the people that are serving, sacrificing, and putting their asses on the line to ensure our freedom and to safeguard free, democratic elections elsewhere  are being denied their right to vote?  That makes my blood boil too.  And yes, the fraud seems to be more rampant than ever this election (I'm looking at you Dingy Harry and Lousea Morecokeski).

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 09:47 AM (qY2Vc)

143 120 On the President's trip to India and wasting a billion dollars. That should become a separate budget item for next year. He gets zero travel budget for the remaining two years of his term.

Tell him he has spent it all already. Also, kill all of Moochell's budget.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 09:37 AM (/jbAw)

*points at comment*  This, please.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 09:48 AM (4df7R)


Yeah I'm sure Bush traveled on horse wagons and pinched pennies.



No, I traveled in Star Destroyers, thanks to Dick Cheney's Imperial fleet.

Posted by: George W. Bush, Damned Fine Pitcher at November 04, 2010 09:48 AM (zgZzy)

145 We and our "tea-party" and our Fox News and our "racism" just kicked your ass bud.

I've noticed the conservative media doesn't feel the same need to point out Tim Scott's skin over and over and over the way the MFM does.  We see a man who shares our ideas;  leftists see a man with black skin (and a psychologically disturbed one, else he'd fall in line with the rest of 'em).

Although I admit to looking forward to Scott and West vs the pinkos on the Black Congressional Caucus.  Imagine West visiting Cuba with 'em.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:48 AM (Vz9lf)

146 Yeah I'm sure Bush traveled on horse wagons and pinched pennies. /s

stupid scrunt.

Posted by: Dave C at November 04, 2010 09:48 AM (poJjg)

147 Personally, I think the GOP should fight fire with fire.  Let's start finding ballots in car trunks and such.  If it's good enough for the Dems . . .

Every time they announce X number, we 'find' X number.

If their votes are beyond question, why shouldn't ours be?

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:49 AM (MMC8r)

148 The election must be over, the BLS can tell the truth again.

New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits rose more than expected last week

Posted by: Guy Fawkes at November 04, 2010 09:49 AM (JcRgg)

149 What's going on with the Illinois Gov race?

Posted by: Delta Smelt at November 04, 2010 09:50 AM (AZWim)


As I said last night, these two moochers remind me of really low-class people, who know their time in the WH is limited, so they're grabbing all the freebies and milking us for all they can.  Trash, pure trash.


Barack didn't want the job.  We just wanted the perks, my dear.

Posted by: Moochelle Obama at November 04, 2010 09:50 AM (zgZzy)

151 You know what, if I have to use fucking Go2Meeting to meet with people in offices that are only an hour's drive away because my Bureau has no money for travel, then the frigging Prez can use Go2Meeting, too.

Especially a President who keeps fucking the rest of us over with "green"[sic] this and "green"[sic] that.

I don't know how much "fossil fuel" or "carbon[sic] emissions" it takes to get one warship to India, but I suspect it's more than the 250W light bulb in my sewing room--the one I won't be legally allowed to replace in 2012--uses in its lifetime.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:51 AM (Vz9lf)

152 Although I admit to looking forward to Scott and West vs the pinkos on the Black Congressional Caucus. 

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:48 AM (Vz9lf)

Oh God.  I want this.  I want this SO BAD.  I think I'm having a Chris Matthews-style tingly leg moment.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 09:51 AM (4df7R)

153 Wish I was a pillow salesman in Dem land. This is one big ass kickin'.

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:52 AM (GvYeG)

154 Boehner isn't fucking around. I'm looking forward to Continuing Resolutions that rape (erm "Surprise Sex") tons of shit.

If they don't have to pass a budget, neither do we

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:52 AM (zyaZ1)


Oh!  (palm to forehead)

This reminds me!

Lame duck permanent dem voter bill - guaranteed.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 09:52 AM (r1h5M)

156 $200/mil per day.  Moochelle is going to visit with some hos, Barky wants to see the Festival of Lights....on our dime.  Laura Bush goes to Afghanistan for women's rights, Muslim countries to promote women's health and breast cancer awareness.  She and her daughters go to Africa for AIDS education.  W gives more money to AIDS in Africa than any president.

Moochelle:  Says she's working for military families.  Doing what? 

Moochelle:  Wants to "educate" us on healthy eating, while shoving buttered lobster, cheeseburgers, and ice cream in her maw.

Oh, and let's not forget Barry "re-decorating" the Oval beige.

The list goes on.  I can't stand these two.  Hurry up 2012.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 09:52 AM (UOM48)


Oh God.  I want this.  I want this SO BAD.  I think I'm having a Chris Matthews-style tingly leg moment.



We are denying them entry because they are not, um, qualified.  Yeah, that's it.

Posted by: The CBC at November 04, 2010 09:52 AM (zgZzy)

158 Yeah I'm sure Bush traveled on horse wagons and pinched pennies.

Bush didn't raise the deficit by trillions in only two years.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 09:53 AM (MMC8r)


Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 09:53 AM (GvYeG)

160 Birthdays: Thursday, November 4th 2010

Markie Post (60)

Yes, would still.

Posted by: Laurie David's Cervix at November 04, 2010 09:54 AM (BTyMb)

161 I'm betting they won't even admit Scott and West into the Caucus. It's not a Race thing, It's an Ideology thing. We all know this

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:54 AM (zyaZ1)

162  You have been brainwashed by Fox News. Try to broaden your intellectual pursuits by reading opposing viewpoints rather than watching television. The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsweek and The Atlantic would be good places to start.

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 08:52 AM (L5Vo2)


We've been brainwashed? Oh please, you stupid smarmy arrogant twat.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 09:54 AM (1Jaio)


$200 million fucking dollars a day?

Are you fucking shitting me?

Two hundred million fucking dollars a day?

Those 457,000 poor newly unemployed bastards are going to be happy.

Especially the ones who voted dem.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 09:54 AM (r1h5M)


Bush didn't raise the deficit by trillions in only two years.


Well, with the money Obama will save on closing Gitmo . . . Oh, never mind.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 09:54 AM (zgZzy)

165 Holy shit

Markie "Big Cans" Post. I used to ummm do things thinking about her as a youngling

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:55 AM (zyaZ1)

166 I still haven't heard one thing of significance that they'll cut though. Have you?

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (utVkB)


They're going to cut your salary. Oh that's right, you don't have one you freeloader

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 09:56 AM (1Jaio)

167 nickless

Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him. Obama didn't have the luxury of inheriting a surplus.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:56 AM (utVkB)


Markie "Big Cans" Post. I used to ummm do things thinking about her as a youngling


Night Court was a fantastic show . . . for the spank bank.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 09:56 AM (zgZzy)

169 The real fun will be when Allen West and (Tim?) Scott are refused membership in the Congressional Black Caucus.

I would pay good money to see that show!

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 09:56 AM (9Cooa)

170 Moochelle:  Says she's working for military families.  Doing what?

They make good background props for getting her outfits photographed.

I hate her more than him.  Her name was never on a ballot; she has no legitimate authority...yet she's heading up all these totalitarian initiatives, bullying the food industries...

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:56 AM (Vz9lf)


Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him. Obama didn't have the luxury of inheriting a surplus.


He had to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit?  Are you high?  Because that is the funniest thing I have read in weeks.  Seriously, delve into comedy, because this is gold!

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 09:57 AM (zgZzy)


WASHINGTON – The number of people seeking jobless benefits jumped sharply last week, after two straight weeks of declines.


More bad news for your job search Dummy. Oh that's right you're not looking for a job you're just freeloading off of your parents

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (1Jaio)


Speaking of the CBC...

No way they let them in.  I remember they wouldn't even let in white liberal Dim from Memphis, Cohen, even though he represents a majority black district.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (AZWim)

174 i doubt west or scott would want to join the black caucus......

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (eOXTH)


Especially a President who keeps fucking the rest of us over with "green"[sic] this and "green"[sic] that.

I don't know how much "fossil fuel" or "carbon[sic] emissions" it takes to get one warship to India, but I suspect it's more than the 250W light bulb in my sewing room--the one I won't be legally allowed to replace in 2012--uses in its lifetime.

YES!  Exactly!  I mean, thirty-four warships?!  What, one isn't enough? 

And speaking of environmental issues arising from this trip, they're actually removing coconuts from the trees in Mumbai to "protect" the President from natural threats.  Because apparently even the trees in India realize that our President is a complete tool.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (4df7R)

176 Slurpee Summit time!

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (zyaZ1)

177 Up on Drudge, Ogabe taking 34 warships to India. Maybe he's making the Taj Mahal the new White House. How long to break the bank on 200 million a day?  Oh that's right, he already broke the bank. WTF?

Posted by: kansas at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (nNgbi)

178 The real fun will be when Allen West and (Tim?) Scott are refused membership in the Congressional Black Caucus.

Tim Scott gave an interview over the summer where he said he'd rather join a Tea Party Caucus than the Black Caucus.  But I still think it would be a good time if those two joined up just to go on their Spring Break to Cuba.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (Vz9lf)

179 Beck is saying the Times of India is having to clear their coastline for The One.  WTF?  Also, I read in the Times that the entire Marine Boulevard which runs along the waterfront where the Taj Mahal Hotel is located (where Barry and his merry band of thugs and thieves have rented all 570 rooms).  No traffic will be allowed.  At all.  The street vendors are being shut down.  All the coconut palms are being stripped of their coconuts so Barky and Moochelle won't get beaned (dammit).

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (UOM48)

180 177 i doubt west or scott would want to join the black caucus......       That's exactly why we want to join.  To see their reaction and shred them for it.

Posted by: Allen West at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (zgZzy)

181 @169

I aint freeloading jack. Im not on welfare or food stamps or any government subsidies.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (utVkB)


Moochelle:  Says she's working for military families.  Doing what?

If they put her in the water her ass is so big it could be an aircraftcarrier.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (1Jaio)

183 I've seen the blackest depths of the horrors that race hatred can wreak.
I wrestle with racist demons in my own soul.
I'm one of the first to denounce morons here who succumb to stupid.
That buck-toothed, jug-eared bobblehead is ugly both in appearance and in spirit, worse than any lawn jockey or minstrel show caricature ever created.

I've never wanted to win a contest more.

I'll have to keep it in a sealed box at the back of my closet for the rest of my life. But I want that statue.

Posted by: Little Miss Spellcheck at November 04, 2010 10:00 AM (xqhoO)

184 Michelle is working for military families ... making sure their votes never get counted

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 10:01 AM (GvYeG)

185 I aint freeloading jack. Im not on welfare or food stamps or any government subsidies.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:59 AM (utVkB)


Did I write welfare you stooge? I said you're freeloading off of your parents. Now go get your shinebox

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:01 AM (1Jaio)

186 41 A point by point response (thank you Folgers)
1.  I have read the tiny ass fishwraps you mentioned.  I don't watch Fox or any other news channel much.  Thank you Matt Drudge (who draws from any number of sources as you would realize once your recto cranial inversion problem is corrected)
2. Nobody here has said there are not essential services a central government provides but the other regulatory BS is questionable.  And should be questioned.
3. Odumbass is a dumbass irregardless of the color of his skin so put that overdrawn RACE card back in the shredder.  Disgust, disdain and dissent are different than anger (this refutation brought to you by the letter D).
4. Yes there should be a minimum level of competence thus there are these super duper neato things called primaries.  Do bad candidates get through the primaries?  Yes they do and there are these things called general elections that usually stop the bad candidates.  And sometimes good candidates do not win (gerrymandering causes problems).  The answer: find a stronger candidate for next time. 

Posted by: NotAMolly at November 04, 2010 10:02 AM (ADJFU)

187 @188

Im not freeloadn off my parents...they're happy to have me at home. I do stuff around the house FU.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:03 AM (utVkB)

188 177 i doubt west or scott would want to join the black caucus......

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 09:58 AM (eOXTH)

Maybe they can start their own.  The CCBC - Congressional Conservative Black Caucus. 

A girl can dream.

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 10:03 AM (4df7R)


Until people go to jail over voter fraud, it will continue to get worse.

Can you say Banana Republic?

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 10:03 AM (r1h5M)

190 Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him. Obama didn't have the luxury of inheriting a surplus.

Well, that's the stupidest thing I've read this morning. Probably need to head over to H Post or KOS to read something more idiotic.

Posted by: Chocolate covered, Freaky, and Habit Forming at November 04, 2010 10:03 AM (2y3ry)

191 The street vendors are being shut down.

If you like the income your family depends on from your small business...well, fuck you.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (Vz9lf)

192 Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him.

OMG, it IS palin steele.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (MMC8r)

193 #170  Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him. Obama didn't have the luxury of inheriting a surplus.

Fail.  That "surplus" that Bush supposedly inherited was a phantom.  The Clinton Administartion had overstated corporate profits by a third, which were incorporated into the budget projections.  Also, those projections assumed the dot com bubble would extend into infinity.  Remember how everybody was gearing up for Y2K?  Again, it was artificial demand that skewed the budgetary numbers.

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (9hSKh)

194 RE the sidebar article on science funding and the wet dog shake research article.  Of all the things we need to reduce federal spending on, I don't see science funding as being super-high on the list. 
I have not been able to view the full article referenced, but I did a little checking on the group doing the research.  The lead author is an engineering grad student, the project was in response to a contest by a scientific society, and the major professor (also an engineer) is getting funding from Whirlpool to study how to improve clothes drying.  The work included mathematical and computational modeling - something I hope we all agree is of general utility in science and engineering.  It looks like the project also involved high-speed photography/analysis, another generally applicable technique. 
My bet is that the funding came from a corporate research contract (from Whirlpool), the university (major professor is an asst prof so he's probably still on start up), with federal grants providing some stipend money for the student (probably NSF since he's a domestic student) and possibly some of the hardware for the lab(s). 
The object lesson is that there are a ton of silly sounding projects that are actually useful, both as platforms for educating student scientists as well as for their basic science and applied engineering components.  I would not be too quick to cut NSF or NIH budgets. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (UcOiF)

195 That buck-toothed, jug-eared bobblehead is ugly both in appearance and in spirit, worse than any lawn jockey or minstrel show caricature ever created.

I've never wanted to win a contest more.


Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (6oDXl)

196 Im not freeloadn off my parents...they're happy to have me at home. I do stuff around the house FU.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:03 AM (utVkB)


Sure they are junior. I'm sure you do stuff around the house. Like soil your diapers and drool on yourself

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (1Jaio)

197 donkey

they must be upset that you won't be on their insurance until you're 26 now.....

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 10:04 AM (eOXTH)

198 I use to live with my parents ... when i was jr. high

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 10:05 AM (GvYeG)

199 where to begin?  This ought to be fun.

Don't bother.  His mind is as closed as am oyster.

Conservatives in the Mist.

Posted by: that guy that doesn't read all the comments at November 04, 2010 10:05 AM (S5YRY)

200 I heard Scott say on Fox this morning he's really not very interested in joining the Black Caucus.  I've forgotten his words, but he said something spot-on about all of us being on the same team, or something.  I like him.  A lot.

Oh, Beck played a clip of Rudy on Teh View yesterday sending the hens into apoplectic shrieking fits yesterday.  He told the scrunts Sarah Palin had more experience than Dear Leader when she ran as VP.  The audience went into howling fits, and Babwa made a comment about the audience walking out.  Rudy, God bless him, said that was the problem with New Yorkers.  They can't abide other opinions.  Dayum.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:06 AM (UOM48)


194 The street vendors are being shut down.

If you like the income your family depends on from your small business...well, fuck you.

He's not even going to be in the United States, and BHO is still fucking over the small businessman.  Way to go, Barry!

Posted by: MWR at November 04, 2010 10:07 AM (4df7R)



What's the going rate for an allowance these days?

Posted by: FreakyBoy at November 04, 2010 10:07 AM (YU9IY)

203 Tell 'em RUDY! 

Posted by: NotAMolly at November 04, 2010 10:07 AM (ADJFU)


What's the going rate for an allowance these days?



They let him watch them have sex.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 10:08 AM (zgZzy)

205 If President Divot wants to go to Mumbai, then yea You might want to consider a Battle Group to support that shit. I would say don't do that shit.

He's deciding where to go, other people make the logistics and security requirements. You can move the President into Iraq fairly easily because there's 180,000 troops, air cover, and 2 Battle Groups supporting the area. Mumbai, not so much.

I'm not endorsing it, but there are realities of security. Of course they won't break down the entourage stats publicly

This is a PR disaster, but it's a disaster of his choosing.

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 10:08 AM (zyaZ1)

206 Morons, Ace made a request of us once.  If the new troll is the old troll (and post #170 has convinced me), it's name is Dum-Dum.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:09 AM (MMC8r)

207 207 What's the going rate for an allowance these days?

They let him watch them have sex.

And then his mom gets to urinate on his face.

/eww.  Where did I get that from?

Posted by: Kratos (Ghost of Sparta) at November 04, 2010 10:09 AM (9hSKh)


"The Aristocrats!"

Posted by: FreakyBoy at November 04, 2010 10:09 AM (YU9IY)


We almost always think of terrorists only in a negative light.  We should look within ourselves and find the good in terrorists.

Here, for example, is a good terrorist.

Elder of Zion

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 10:10 AM (r1h5M)

210 Donkeyhotay mows my lawn.

Posted by: The MILF Next Door at November 04, 2010 10:10 AM (+gDol)


Rudy on Teh View yesterday sending the hens into apoplectic shrieking fits yesterday.  He told the scrunts Sarah Palin had more experience than Dear Leader when she ran as VP.  The audience went into howling fits, and Babwa made a comment about the audience walking out.  Rudy, God bless him, said that was the problem with New Yorkers.  They can't abide other opinions.  Dayum.

Haha.  Surprised they didn't walk off the stage.  Rudy I've noticed, isn't ruling out another run for president.  Not really interested, but when he's good, he is real good.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at November 04, 2010 10:10 AM (AZWim)

212 I still haven't heard one thing of significance that they'll cut though.


Alas, the argument from personal ignorance is not exclusive to palin steele.

Posted by: that guy that doesn't read all the comments at November 04, 2010 10:11 AM (S5YRY)

213 66 "About 3,000 people including Secret Service agents, US government officials and journalists would accompany the President. Several officials from the White House and US security agencies are already here for the past one week with helicopters, a ship and high-end security instruments."
Yeah, well, even according to the unbiased Wikipedia, $200 million is more than the incremental cost of an F-22.

Which means that for every day Obama spends in India, we could have had another F-22.

Posted by: Anachronda at November 04, 2010 10:11 AM (6fER6)

214 Haha.  Surprised they didn't walk off the stage.  Rudy I've noticed, isn't ruling out another run for president.  Not really interested, but when he's good, he is real good.

I love Rudy as a campaigner.

As a candidate, not so much.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:11 AM (MMC8r)

215 213 Donkeyhotay mows my lawn.       IYKWIMAITYD

Posted by: Donkey's Mom at November 04, 2010 10:11 AM (zgZzy)

216 He's not even going to be in the United States, and BHO is still fucking over the small businessman.

OTOH, in France FKOTUS forced boutique owners to open shop outside of their normal business hours so she could look for more boob belts.  Do they have those in Mumbai?

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:11 AM (Vz9lf)

217 I also heard via Drudge that three Marine One choppers are being disassembed to be reassembled in Mumbai.  And his entourage is bringing......40 vehicles.  Beck just said his entourage is 3,000 people.  Jeebus.  Maybe he'll bring his no-count auntie from Boston and invite his brothers up from their mud huts in Africa.  Would hate for them to miss the Festival of Lights.

My blood pressure's up this morning. 

Beck is talking right now about small businesses in the area being shut down.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:12 AM (UOM48)


So I'm wondering. If the prez wanted to meet with the heads of the Indian Gov., wouldn't it make more sense to fly them to DC?

As opposed to all this money, warships, clearing the beaches etc.???

Or am I just a fiscal conservative?

Posted by: HH at November 04, 2010 10:13 AM (6oDXl)


$200 million fucking dollars a day?

I'm beginning to think that this asshole really... and I mean really, likes vacations.

Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 10:13 AM (r1h5M)

220 Let's not pick on Dummy after all he claims to be working 2 unpaid interships. He works for a telemarketing firm selling Obama butt plugs over the phone. And he's an unpaid tutor and judging from his writing the only person he might be able to tutor is Alvin Greene. And that's a stretch

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:13 AM (1Jaio)

221 #208 PR disaster is all this guy knows. He has to know what it looks like and just not give a shit.

Posted by: Alex #11 at November 04, 2010 10:13 AM (G3NNO)

222 Oh, Beck just said Barky also really wants to visit the Gandhi museum. 

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:15 AM (UOM48)

223 I'm still betting it's 200M Rupees a day.

Posted by: toby928™ at November 04, 2010 10:15 AM (S5YRY)

224 $200 million fucking dollars a day?

Please dont tell him what's after a Trillion.

Posted by: Dave C at November 04, 2010 10:16 AM (poJjg)


Yeah I'm sure Bush traveled on horse wagons and pinched pennies. /s

 No one said that Bush traveled cheaply.  The economy was also a lot better when Bush was President.  I don't ever recall Bush taking 34 warships including an aircraft carrier any where, and I'm sure the media would have covered it for months if he had.  Lexis Nexis and Google search have revealed nothing about him ever traveling with 34 warships.

You did get me thinking though, and here is what I found on, Mark Frauenfelder on 11/29/2007 (so late in the Bush presidency) and numerous other lefty blogs.  There's a graphic with Bush's traveling entourage (as well as a plethora of angry comments about the expense of "King George's" travel) that reveals the following:

150 national security advisors, 250 Secret Service Agents, 50 WH political aides, 15 dog sniffer teams, 200 representatives from other U.S. departments, 1 personal chef and 4 cooks.  They took 2 identical Boeing 747-200's with a 3rd chartered jet, a Sikorski Helicopter, a Black Hawk Helicopter, and  2 identical motorcades of 20 armed vehichles. 

Funny how all those people outraged about Bush's extravagance are completely mute about Obama, especially when the economy is a lot worse now.


Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:16 AM (qY2Vc)

226 @223

Do you purchase the buttplugs I market...cuz I talk to this one grouchy old fart daily who complains about Obama.

Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (utVkB)

227 Posted by: Hussein the Plumber at November 04, 2010 10:13 AM (r1h5M)

I don't even think the Apollo moon landing cost $200 million per day.

The Iraq War, which the leftists screamed bloody murder about the cost, was cheaper per day than this exercise in vanity.

Posted by: J.J. Sefton at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (9Cooa)


Obama HAD to raise the deficit to reduce the deficit that Boosh left him. Obama didn't have the luxury of inheriting a surplus.

You really are an idiot, aren't you?

And to the Morons, a good morning to you all.

Posted by: BackwardsBoy at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (3jxR/)

229 Elliott sock?

Sheer.  Fucking. Genius.  I tip my assless chaps to you, sir.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (5aa4z)

230 I'm still betting it's 200M Rupees a day.

I'd have to think. I can't see blowing $200M/day if the planes burned $100 bills.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (MMC8r)


Yeah, well, even according to the unbiased Wikipedia, $200 million is more than the incremental cost of an F-22.

Which means that for every day Obama spends in India, we could have had another F-22.


Well, shoot!  Someone needs to have a bakesale then!

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (qY2Vc)

232 223 Let's not pick on Dummy after all he claims to be working 2 unpaid interships.

Really?  That's ironic.  I recall something last year about the current administration, through the Dept of Labor, fucking with the rules about internships.  As I recall, the Fair Labor Standards Act was basically going to kill the internship programs of for profit organizations.  The aims being to (1) kick corporate America in the nuts (again) and (2) to funnel students into the non-profit (read community organizing) sector. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (UcOiF)

233 The only time Bush was gonna move 34 warships around was when it was time to kick some ass

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 10:18 AM (GvYeG)

234 it is so sad that our government is spending $200,000,000 a day in another country

too bad he's not spending that money in our/his own country

Posted by: elspeth at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (0AkWH)


Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (utVkB)

What with the keyboard kommando, the Elliott thing, and now the boy wonder, this thread has become the ultimate stupid magnet.  And I just got here.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (5aa4z)


This useless India trip writes it's own 2012 Republican presidential campaign commercial.

The ad should end with a still shot of Obama giving his trademark "middle finger to the forehead" to the American people.

Posted by: FreakyBoy at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (YU9IY)


Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (utVkB)

So you're stealing your employer's time and money to reveal your ignorance on this blog?

Expect to return to unemployment, Dum-Dum.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (MMC8r)

238 Lol.  The UK Telegraph has a sidebar about the threat of red-bottomed bhandar monkeys overrunning Barky and Moochelle's compound.  If I were a monkey, I'd stay clear of FLOTUS.  She's liable to un-hinge her jaw and swallow one.  For a snack.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (UOM48)

239 I had an internship once and they paid my ass ... cuz Im just that good

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 10:20 AM (GvYeG)


OTOH, in France FKOTUS forced boutique owners to open shop outside of their normal business hours so she could look for more boob belts.  Do they have those in Mumbai?


Well, sort of.  They put their own unique middle eastern  "flare" on them and call them bomb belts.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:20 AM (qY2Vc)

241 The American people just get finished demonstrating a profound rejection of over- spending and this guy spends 2 billion dollars to celebrate Hindu Hannukah?
What a turd.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 04, 2010 10:21 AM (V/C0X)

242 too bad he's not spending that money in our/his own country

Posted by: elspeth at November 04, 2010 10:19 AM (0AkWH) 

Who cares?  It's China's money, wingnuts.

Posted by: Baracky Obammy at November 04, 2010 10:21 AM (MMC8r)


Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now


Good luck with that in this Obama economy, Dum-Dum.

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 10:22 AM (zgZzy)

244 I want to see totalitarian bully Barry and his destructive ideologies destroyed, but I don't want him martyred. Taking along his own food and chefs doesn't bother me, armored cars and Secret Service doesn't bother me.

OTOH, I'm not sure the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks could have been thwarted by a warship, let alone 34. And the beach thing...are all the beaches in Hawaii cleared when he goes surfing?

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:22 AM (Vz9lf)

245 This shit makes me think that voting no on the debt limit and ending the Fed is something we should persue. Government has no blank checks

Posted by: Zakn at November 04, 2010 10:22 AM (zyaZ1)

246 Heck, guys.  He's printing up a cool trillion dollars over the coming months.  He can just tack on the cost of his traveling circus to that total.  A billion here, a billion there.  No one will notice.

Posted by: DngrMse at November 04, 2010 10:23 AM (ygIR/)

247 Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now

Do they know you're using their time and resources to be a shitstain on the internet?

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:23 AM (Vz9lf)

248 242 I had an internship once and they paid my ass ... cuz Im just that good     Dum-Dum is going to have a Bill-Monica internship.  IYKWIMAITYD

Posted by: Wyatt Earp at November 04, 2010 10:23 AM (zgZzy)

249 I just hope karma bites POTUS and FLOTUS in the ass when they're back in Chi-town.  I'm picturing the two of them going back to their former spending habits and ending up broke in a few years. 

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:24 AM (UOM48)

250 And the beach thing...are all the beaches in Hawaii cleared when he goes surfing?

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:22 AM (Vz9lf)


Yes, they have to make sure all of the killer coconuts are removed from the trees.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:24 AM (1Jaio)

251 why does he need to go to india anyway? and are the salahi's going to crash the indian state dinner there? is he promoting sending business over there???????

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 10:24 AM (eOXTH)

252 Re dum-dum's supposed unpaid internship. 

"Students must complete 40 hours of intern work for one class credit. If a student wants to take an unpaid internship, the law requires the student to pay for it. For example, for students taking 17 units, having an internship unit would cost an extra $885."

So I wonder how much dum-dum's parents are shelling out for this internship. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:24 AM (UcOiF)

253 Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:17 AM (utVkB)

Well shoot, it looks like you're going to be doomed to a life of penury and disappointment because you can't sell shit to fertilizer manufacturers.  Although, maybe the secret to your failure lies in your product.  Perhaps you might try selling something else.  Otherwise I'm afraid it's going to be a lifetime of Top Ramen and frustration for you.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:24 AM (qY2Vc)

254 251 Roger that!

Posted by: The Kraken at November 04, 2010 10:25 AM (GvYeG)

255 why does he need to go to india anyway?

There has never once been a TelePrompter used on the floor of the Indian Parliament. He's making history, baby!

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:26 AM (Vz9lf)

256 Joking aside, I'm at my marketing internship right now


No, intern telemarketer.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:27 AM (MMC8r)

257 @255

um...I'm not a student

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:27 AM (utVkB)

258 I blame TOTUS.

Barry F*ckknuckles is just along for the ride.

Posted by: Fritz at November 04, 2010 10:28 AM (GwPRU)

259 There has never once been a TelePrompter used on the floor of the Indian Parliament. He's making history, baby!

He needs the TOTUS.  He doesn't speak Indian.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:28 AM (MMC8r)


I just hope karma bites POTUS and FLOTUS in the ass when they're back in Chi-town.  I'm picturing the two of them going back to their former spending habits and ending up broke in a few years. 


These two  have never lived within their means (have you ever heard the story of his travails when he went to the DNC convention the year he gave his keynote speech?)  Look at how they live, the house they bought and how they had to "finance" it (thank you Tony Rezko), and the fact that Obama even admitted they had bad credit card debt in the past.  Unfortunately, they will always make a very high income (hello speaking engagements, book deals, "non-profit" foundations and fashion lines), however, the more you make, they more you spend.  So maybe they will go broke some day, but I doubt it.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:28 AM (qY2Vc)

261 @261
Then you're being oppressed.  Better call a lawyer.  You should be getting paid.

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (UcOiF)

262 dum-dum working for free?  He's more of a chump than we realized. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (UcOiF)

263 I still haven't heard one thing of significance that they'll cut though. Have you?

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (utVkB)

Yeah. Repeal Zerocare #1. Not possible at this time? Defund Zerocare.

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (OlN4e)

264 Saw the ad here and thinkin' "Progressive Insurance" needs a new name.

Posted by: dagny at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (mDISt)

265 i never understood the unpaid internship......

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 10:30 AM (eOXTH)

266 have to work for free tying up hours you could be working for pay.....basically you are a slave

Posted by: phoenixgirl at November 04, 2010 10:31 AM (eOXTH)

267 Then you're being oppressed.  Better call a lawyer.  You should be getting paid.

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (UcOiF)


He doesn't need to. He went to law school but he doesn't want to be a lawyer.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:31 AM (1Jaio)

268 @269

its better than sitting at home chomping on cheetos. Unpaid internship allows me to fill gaps on my resume as well as gain some experience. Lots of people do it.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:32 AM (utVkB)

269 dum-dum is probably interning at Planned Parenthood.  Perfect fit for the little shit.  And he knows why. 

And that's my last comment about him.  Ever.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:32 AM (UOM48)

270 26 By the way, is it too early to find a suitable candidate to primary Lindsey "GOOBER" Graham-nesty?

Well since he is not up for reelection until 2014 I would say yeah,a little too early.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 08:31 AM (/jbAw)

I nominate Vic (sorry, I live in NC, so I can't do it).

Posted by: blindside at November 04, 2010 10:32 AM (x7g7t)

271 269 i never understood the unpaid internship......

They make perfect sense in the context of an education in science, engineering, business, medical professions, or other applied disciplines.  Learning by doing.  The hot term now is "engaged learning."

But the feds under this administration don't want the students to be unpaid.  In fact, they are supposed to pay for the internship if they get credits. 

The rules are different for non-profits.  My recollection when this popped up (which I think actually was last spring, not year... my memory is fuzzy on that) is that the way the feds were applying the rules it would be easier for a student to work at Planned Parenthood than it would for them to work at Boeing. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:33 AM (UcOiF)

272 269 i never understood the unpaid internship......


There's probably lots of things you don't understand. It's called GOOGLE. /s

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:33 AM (utVkB)


its better than sitting at home chomping on cheetos. Unpaid internship allows me to fill gaps on my resume as well as gain some experience. Lots of people do it.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:32 AM (utVkB)

Ace, can we get an IP on this hash?

Dum-dum's boss needs an e-mail.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:33 AM (MMC8r)

274 And the beach thing...are all the beaches in Hawaii cleared when he goes surfing?

I know that when Michelle went to a beach in Alaska, the seals cleared off. That might be different, though.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 04, 2010 10:34 AM (5aa4z)


Really?  That's ironic.  I recall something last year about the current administration, through the Dept of Labor, fucking with the rules about internships.  As I recall, the Fair Labor Standards Act was basically going to kill the internship programs of for profit organizations.  The aims being to (1) kick corporate America in the nuts (again) and (2) to funnel students into the non-profit (read community organizing) sector. 


Yes, earlier this year, it was decided that there couldn't be any more unpaid internships because big, evil corporations were taking advantage of all these poor little college students who were laboring without reward or renumeration (screw the valuable experience and the direct line post graduation these kids were getting) in these horrible salt mines.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:34 AM (qY2Vc)

276  and fashion lines

God help us all. I don't even want to imagine what the base note for FKOTUS' fragance will be.

And hey, maybe they can get Alvin Greene to put them in his comic book.

Posted by: HeatherRadish loves Wisconsin at November 04, 2010 10:34 AM (Vz9lf)

277 272 @269

its better than sitting at home chomping on cheetos. Unpaid internship allows me to fill gaps on my resume as well as gain some experience. Lots of people do it.

Yes, they used to do it.  But under current federal law as interpreted and enforced by Precedent Jugears, you are supposed to be paid. 

Gee, I hope no one figures out where you're working and turns in your oppressive employers. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (UcOiF)

278 @277

dood, what's wrong with you? jeez.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (utVkB)

279 Just heard McConnell say that they'll go for straight repeal, repeatedly, and that he knows Obama will never sign it. So they will use the House (and Senate for the most "egregious" flaws) to de-fund, dismantle and otherwise de facto repeal the monstrosity. Sounds perfectly straight up to me. That's exactly what we have to do.
Also, we need to do something about the Czars, DoJ, EPA, etc. My one big hope in that regard is that we don not waste time on piddly garbage that can result in nothing more than a paper "censure". There are big fish out there, and big issues involved. Deal with those.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (V/C0X)


I know that when Michelle went to a beach in Alaska, the seals cleared off. That might be different, though.


Well, when she's in the water, the sea levels rise. 

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (qY2Vc)

281 There's probably lots of things you don't understand. It's called GOOGLE. /s

Don't disrespect the women, mother fucker.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (5aa4z)


 What's going on with the Illinois Gov race?

I hate to say this...but Brady is probably hosed. 100% in and Quinn is up 19,000+. Only thing left are absentee and provisionals. Most of the provisionals are probably Cook County/Chicago. The absentees are probably gonna have to run 80-20 in favor of Brady. And no county carried Brady by that margain.

However, it was still good. Brady ginned up the downstate vote which provided the margain of victory for Kirk. Brady actually won Madison County - which was a downstate stronghold for the Democrats for centuries. He barely lost St. Clair, another downstate stronghold. He won Rock Island (union stronghold).

Oh well....Illinois is boned anyway. Quinn cut a deal with the SEIU for no changes in the pension and the Democratic controlled State House is probably going to have to go along with his proposed tax increase. While 2012 may not be a great year for us (Obama will be running and the African American turnout in Chicago will be huge) we may be able to reclaim the State Senate. Then, 2014, we can probably retake the Governor's office.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:36 AM (OWjjx)


Well, when she's in the water, the sea levels rise. 

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (qY2Vc)

People always misinterpret that speech.  Sigh...

Posted by: B. H. Obama at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (5aa4z)

284 Saw the ad here and thinkin' "Progressive Insurance" needs a new name.

Truth in advertising insists they don't change their name.

Posted by: Buzzsaw at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (tf9Ne)

285 Oh, my.  Beck has a former CIA spec ops guy on now about Barky and Moochelle's big adventure.  The guy just laughed. 

This should be good.

Posted by: Jane D'oh at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (UOM48)


dood, what's wrong with you? jeez.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (utVkB)

The first thing you need to learn about work is you don't fuck off at work.

Now get on that damn phone and sell some storm windows.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (MMC8r)


God help us all. I don't even want to imagine what the base note for FKOTUS' fragance will be.

"Gas" by FLATUS (First Large Ass of Teh U.S.) an eau de toilette will be the first in a long line of fragrances.

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (qY2Vc)


34 warships????????????????????????????????

Posted by: dagny at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (mDISt)

289 @276
Snarking off to your betters when you've just revealed yourself to be both an ignoramus and a bad "employee" is pretty laughable. 

Posted by: Y-not at November 04, 2010 10:37 AM (UcOiF)


Well, when she's in the water, the sea levels rise. 

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:35 AM (qY2Vc)

The Secret Service has to keep an eagle eye pealed for Japanese Whalers. Never, I repeat NEVER holler "Thar she blows" when Moochelle is at the beach.

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 10:38 AM (OlN4e)

"I have done a lot of great things so far, but I have just done a poor job of communicating what those were to the American people."

- Barrack Hussein Obama

Translated?  You dumb members of the proletariat are limited because of your inferior education or lack thereof, and are simply unable to understand and comprehend my brilliance in constructing programs for your own good.  Who would not appreciate free health care?  My enemies of course.

Posted by: Fish the Impaler at November 04, 2010 10:39 AM (v1gw3)


Dum Dum is back.

And just a reminder...Dum Dum is Palin Steele. Now going as donkeyhotey. Per the request fo the Head Ewok, PS/Donkey is to be called Dum Dum.

That is all.

Posted by: AOSHQ Daily PS Announcement at November 04, 2010 10:39 AM (OWjjx)

293 its better than sitting at home chomping on cheetos. Unpaid internship allows me to fill gaps on my resume as well as gain some experience. Lots of people do it.

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 10:32 AM (utVkB)


Gaps in your resume? I'm guessing you could fit galaxies in the gaps in your resume.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:39 AM (1Jaio)

294 Posted by: dagny

Well to be fair, he intends to leave half behind as tribute.

Posted by: Lincolntf at November 04, 2010 10:40 AM (V/C0X)


Gaps in your resume? I'm guessing you could fit galaxies in the gaps in your resume.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:39 AM (1Jaio)

It's all gaps.

Go with the cheeto thing, Dum-Dum.  It's your strength.

Posted by: nickless at November 04, 2010 10:40 AM (MMC8r)


Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:36 AM (OWjjx)

Thanks for the info.  Disappointing.  I'm also disappointed in myself.  I never used a Brady Quinn joke with regard to that race.  Gabe weeps.

Posted by: Delta Smelt at November 04, 2010 10:41 AM (AZWim)

297 I still haven't heard one thing of significance that they'll cut though. Have you?

Posted by: donkeyhotay at November 04, 2010 09:43 AM (utVkB)

Yeah. Repeal Zerocare #1. Not possible at this time? Defund Zerocare.

Posted by: maddogg at November 04, 2010 10:29 AM (OlN4e)

Beat me to it...maddog. No money for Obamacare. McConnell announced that this morning. Dum-Dum is a little slow on the news.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:43 AM (OWjjx)

298 Shouldn't dum-dum be banned again?

Posted by: Bevel Lemelisk at November 04, 2010 10:43 AM (FkKjr)


Imagine what it would cost per day to protect Obama if they weren't "the religion of peace"?

Posted by: FreakyBoy at November 04, 2010 10:44 AM (YU9IY)


Thanks for the info.  Disappointing.  I'm also disappointed in myself.  I never used a Brady Quinn joke with regard to that race.  Gabe weeps.

Damn....I never thought of that either.

All those potential sockpuppets...wasted.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:44 AM (OWjjx)

Sitting in a beanbag chair, Dum Dum munches on Cheetos while watching re-runs of Mr Ed, and then complaining to his doctor about his orange dick.

Posted by: Fish the Impaler at November 04, 2010 10:44 AM (v1gw3)

302 Dum-Dum is a little slow on the news.

Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:43 AM (OWjjx)


A little slow? Alvin Greene is moving at mental light speed compared to Dummy

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:44 AM (1Jaio)

303 Is that really dum-dum or a moron construct?  I haven't seen the creepy infatuation/obsession with ace that the original had.

Posted by: Captain Hate at November 04, 2010 10:45 AM (kjpei)


Shouldn't dum-dum be banned again?

Dum- Dum will lose it again and show his racist tendencies before too long.


Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:45 AM (OWjjx)

This is a serious request Dum Dum. Please detail for new members the story of fellating your girlfriend, and the response from the moron brigade.

Posted by: Fish the Impaler at November 04, 2010 10:48 AM (v1gw3)


This is a serious request Dum Dum. Please detail for new members the story of fellating your girlfriend, and the response from the moron brigade.

Don't forget the epic.......dare I say, I do...Classic Captain America post.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:50 AM (OWjjx)


And just a reminder...Dum Dum is Palin Steele. Now going as donkeyhotey. Per the request fo the Head Ewok, PS/Donkey is to be called Dum Dum.


I believe the official Spanish translation is "Asshole".

Posted by: runningrn at November 04, 2010 10:51 AM (qY2Vc)


This is a serious request Dum Dum. Please detail for new members the story of fellating your girlfriend, and the response from the moron brigade.


Yeah.  That was a good one.  After that, maybe he can do "Captain America" again.  That was some funny shit.

Posted by: The Outlaw in the Heavenly Hall at November 04, 2010 10:52 AM (E0EDC)

309 309 Besides, he'll just find another IP address to abuse and be back.  I just wish he'd bring something new to the table; Brand Dum-Dum is a really stale sucker now...

Posted by: DarkLordOfTheIntarWebs at November 04, 2010 10:52 AM (GBXon)

310 Speaking of trolls, I wish whatever halfway house diderot's dog has been placed in by the system would grant him temporary internet access so he could vomit up a verbal chunk on his feelings regarding the election results.

Posted by: Captain Hate at November 04, 2010 10:53 AM (kjpei)


An oldie, but a goody:


The Dept of Defense briefed the president this morning . . . 


They told President Obama that 2 Brazilian soldiers were killed in Iraq.  To everyone's surprise, all the color drained from Obama's face. Then he collapsed onto his desk, head in his hands, visibly shaken; almost in tears. 
Finally, he composed himself and asked, "Just how many is a brazilian?"  
This is not surprising, since he obviously has no understanding of what a billion or trillion are either.

Posted by: Beefy Meatball at November 04, 2010 10:53 AM (YYaIP)


This is a serious request Dum Dum. Please detail for new members the story of fellating your girlfriend, and the response from the moron brigade.

Don't forget the epic.......dare I say, I do...Classic Captain America post.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:50 AM (OWjjx)


Ace put together a whole thread of Dummy's best posts. It was hysterical. The best thing was, just like his hero Obama, he was oblivious to the stupidity of it

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 10:58 AM (1Jaio)

313 The cheap chanel handbag post is more interesting than anything Dum Dum has said this morning.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:58 AM (OWjjx)


"Newsweek"? LOL.....

The same pile of rubbish that refused to be bought by someone since said bidder wasn't ideologically correct ( and by ideologically correct, I mean "flaming socialist" )


Too funny Elliot.....

Posted by: crowsting at November 04, 2010 11:00 AM (61BD9)

315 Dummy has been quiet for a while. I'm guessing his boss told him to get back work after all that's what they're paying him for. Oh no wait they aren't paying him.

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 11:02 AM (1Jaio)

316 Dummy has been quiet for a while.

Girlfriend's weiner in his mouth.  She demands satisfaction.  Do not cross her.

Posted by: Herr Morgenholz at November 04, 2010 11:09 AM (5aa4z)

317 . I'm guessing his boss told him to get back work

Fetching coffee.

Posted by: toby928™ at November 04, 2010 11:09 AM (S5YRY)

318 While 2012 may not be a great year for us (Obama will be running and the African American turnout in Chicago will be huge) we may be able to reclaim the State Senate. Then, 2014, we can probably retake the Governor's office.

Posted by: Mallamutt at November 04, 2010 10:36 AM (OWjjx)

I think if you check you will find that turnout this year was just as high as 2008. I know it was here. The big difference was that Republican base turnout was high as well which offset it. In 2008 in many parts of the country the base stayed at home because McLame depressed the ticket.

Posted by: Vic at November 04, 2010 11:19 AM (/jbAw)

319 41 As an experiment, I began reading this blog during the midterm season to obtain some insight into the conservative mind.

And with that introductory statement, no more need have been read to know that yet another condescending liberal prick was trolling the waters here. Kiss my ass, "Elliot".

1. You have been brainwashed by Fox News.
I seldom watch it or any other televised "newscasts"; I prefer checking and reading news sources on the web for myself - they're more timely and free of  the brain-numbing fluff that pollutes TV.

Try to broaden your intellectual pursuits by reading opposing viewpoints rather than watching television. The New York Times, The New Republic, Newsweek and The Atlantic would be good places to start.
Obviously you failed to notice during your "experiment" that articles from your treasured sources of "opposing viewpoints" often appear here and in other conservative blogs. Many people who post here often follow embedded links back to the sources and having done that time and again it has become quite clear that they sing a two-note tune: "Obama and Dems good; TeaPartiers and GOP bad". We get it, but we derive immense pleasure from deriding their "arguments" and "reasoning". While it is not top-notch, it does provide us with some amusement. I think it is only fair to ask you, O Wise Observer, what opposing viewpoints do you visit, apart from your droll experiment of observing us? Here's a freebie for you: check out the American Thinker website and blog for a sampling of non-Krugmanian, non-Friedmanian, non-Brooksian, non-Dowdian and non-Sullivanian articles that are both well-written and well thought out.

2. You exhibit hypocrisy by attacking the government upon which you depend. No serious person can deny the need for roads, bridges, clean water and a strong defense. Those services require government, and a government requires taxes to support it.

No serious person continues to advance this strawman argument. As others here have pointed out, none of us objects to three of the four services you cited (but yielding regulatory control to the EPA for clean air will stir up a fine argument). We object, strenuously, to the unconstitutional expansion of federal government involvement in areas such as education, health services, energy and countless others and we are strong advocates for their removal from the federal sphere, along with the wasted tax revenue that is poured into their maw every year.

3. Much of your opposition to the current administration appears to be based on race. I do not mean racism of the overt, conscious type, but a more subtle subconscious form. I would ask you to engage in some soul-searching to inquire whether your anger would be as intense if the president were from a more traditional cultural background.

You are way off base in this accusation, as you and yours have been all along since 20-Jan-2009. The President, to me, has largely inconsequential for these past two years; members of Congress and their actions were more consequential to me, starting with TARP. What unites the President and members of Congress in his party (and to a shameful extent, of the GOP as well) is that, simply put, they are pricks. Check any urban dictionary or ask any man or woman in the street what behaviors characterize a person as being a prick and you'll get pretty much the same answers, I'd wager. Condescending, believes their over-schooling trumps your real world experience, considering their constituents as helpless and unable to cope with any aspect of life without government gimmes, and so forth.
To address the "traditional cultural background" canard, let me state that the last three nominees of the Democrat Party for the office of President have all been consummate pricks: Gore, Kerry, and Obama (Hillary Clinton, the 2008 also-ran is a prick, too). What subliminal drivers lead your party to nominate pricks to run for high office I'll leave for you to "experiment" to find out. I will volunterr that the Democrat Party's universal and everlasting slogan in presidential races ought to be "Vote {insert Democrat candidate's name}, Because America Needs a Good Stiff Prick".

4. You have supported a number of so-called "Tea Party" candidates who are lacking in mental acuity and verbal eloquence. Policy aside, we can all agree that high public office requires a minimum level of competence.

Exhibit number one from your side of the aisle: Barack Obama. His two years of monomaniacal focus on a piece of legislation that the American people repeatedly told both him and members of his party in Congress that they did not want is one huge brick in his wall of incompetence. "Verbal eloquence" is not a reliable indicator of a politician's competence; again, Barack Obama bears that out. In fact, if you were to remove your blinders for a time to look beyond the slick packaging and really listen to him speak in public sans teleprompter, he is the very model of in-eloquence. As for "mental acuity", I need look no further than Joe Biden for evidence of lack thereof joined at the hip with incompetence.Case in point: his proposal to divide Iraq into three separate countries by religious sects. Couple that with he and the President taking credit for the current state of Iraq despite their efforts to block programs to achieve that state at every turn, and you can add "fundamentally dishonest" to bolster the case for their incompetence.
As for "mental acuity", it was always apparent that Tea Party candidates wouldn't measure up to the high standards attributed by yourselves to yourselves. Self-love and unsubstantiated high regard is a hallmark of liberals, or progressives, if you prefer. When we consider that the Obama administration is shot clean through with professional bureaucrats, academics and career politicians eager to push their "mental acuity" in our faces, the results of their two years of legislation, decisions and policies are damning evidence that supports the case that "mental acuity", whether self-ascribed or, occasionally, real, is no guarantee of govenring competence.
Irrespective of whether Tea Party candidates measured up to your lofty standards or not, a huge reason for them coming forward to run, or being asked to run, was that they were willing to listen to members of the electorate, something that your side of the aisle apparently thought was beneath them and that they resented having to do. Sixty-plus of your officeholders in Congress are gone because they held voters in contempt, something we are easily able to detect.

So, here's more anecdotal evidence for your report on your "experiment". I ask only that, should you actually prepare a report and get it published in one of those obscure policy or other journals that no one reads, you let us here, your "experimental subjects", see the result. Toodles!

Posted by: ya2daup at November 04, 2010 11:30 AM (yRrAd)

320 Read the "cargo" article. Obama was just "stressing the need for security" in a phone call to Yemen. Probably wants them to do it. Maybe you must declare if a package contains PETN.

Posted by: t-bird at November 04, 2010 11:32 AM (FcR7P)

321 Mallamutt - Chicago opened up 54 early voting centers throughout the city this year.  54!  Anyone in any precinct could vote in any of them.. whatever was most convenient.

Aside from the obvious voter fraud considerations, they have made it so easy for their "base" to vote, it will be next to impossible to ever wrest power away from these scum.

My only hope was to take the state Senate so we could affect redistricting.  We're fucked there as well.

While I am glad Kirk won and some of those demtards lost House seats to the GOP (still counting in Melissa Bean's district!) I was fairly depressed about the Illinois results.

Posted by: ChiTown-Jerry at November 04, 2010 11:37 AM (f9c2L)

322 I was fairly depressed about the Illinois results.
Posted by: ChiTown-Jerry at November 04, 2010 11:37 AM

I think "early voting" and "remote voting" have to end. Absentee ballots should be discouraged as well, with the sole exceptions being for military posted away from their home districts and verifiable health issues.

Likewise, ID checks should be mandatory, and "provisional" ballots should be cut way back, allowed only for those who show ID and proof of residence.

Voting is a right, but all rights come with responsibilities.

Posted by: MrScribbler at November 04, 2010 11:45 AM (Ulu3i)

Posted by: NotAMolly at November 04, 2010 11:51 AM (ADJFU)

324 2. You exhibit hypocrisy by attacking the government upon which you depend. No serious person can deny the need for roads, bridges, clean water and a strong defense. Those services require government, and a government requires taxes to support it.

I will not have roads!  Bridges are the work of the devil!  If God wanted us crossing rivers we would have been born with bridges for feet!

Posted by: WalrusRex at November 04, 2010 11:53 AM (xxgag)

325 It does not appear that my commentary was received in the spirit it was intended. Upon reflection, however, I see how, as a relative newcomer to this blog, my attitude may have seemed presumptuous. I deeply regret that and hope we can move forward in spirit of civil debate.

Towards that end, I will abandon my previous point and suggest we join in common ground. For example:

(1) I am not a traditional liberal as you might suppose. Indeed, I have a rather strong "law and order" streak. In particular, I support increased penalties for hate crimes, particularly those committed against the LGBT community.

(2) In fiscal matters, too, I lean to the right. I support a bank's right to charge -- within reason -- ATM fees upon non-customer withdrawals.

(3) While I am more centrist with respect to the issue of gun ownership, I do fully support the citizenry's right to petition the courts to advocate for their (in my view erroneous) interpretation of the Second Amendment.

I hope this clarifies matters. I look forward to sharing our differing (and perhaps coinciding!) viewpoints with you all in the future.

[Not to nitpick, but I would respectfully ask that future commenters note that my name is spelled with two "L"s but only one "T." I understand this may be a minor point, but how we relate to one another depends in part on how carefully we read each other's words, and the letters comprising those words )

Toward that end,

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 12:02 PM (bN5ZU)

326 The taxpayer cost of bailing out mortgage finance giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, already at $148 billion, will likely rise to $280 billion and could balloon to $685 billion, according to Standard & Poor’s

Posted by: Islamic Rage Boy at November 04, 2010 12:04 PM (tE8FB)

327 I see nothing wrong with Frannie Mae or Freddie Mac

Posted by: Barney Frank at November 04, 2010 12:05 PM (tE8FB)

328 ooops, a stray sentence in that last comment, leftover from the composing process.

Does anyone know how I might get access to the control panel of this blog? I know that some blogs have the facility whereby commenters can edit their own comments with a specified period of time. I would certainly not abuse the privilege to alter any of the main posts. Who do I contact, "Ace" or perhaps one of the co-bloggers?

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 12:06 PM (bN5ZU)

329 I love you, you love yourself ..

Posted by: Barney the Dinosaur at November 04, 2010 12:07 PM (tE8FB)


 Does anyone know how I might get access to the control panel of this blog?

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 12:02 PM (bN5ZU)


Are you serious or just that stupid? You smug, smarmy, NPR listening, limp wristed arrogant douche

Posted by: TheQuietMan at November 04, 2010 12:13 PM (1Jaio)

331 I think "early voting" and "remote voting" have to end. Absentee ballots should be discouraged as well, with the sole exceptions being for military posted away from their home districts and verifiable health issues.

And interestingly enough, as it stands now, it seems that the military ballots are the ones that don't get counted.

Posted by: mpur in Texas (kicking Mexico's ass since 1836) at November 04, 2010 12:14 PM (WKRYJ)

332 Troubled solar panel maker Solyndra announced the company will close its first factory to save $60 million in operating expenses, and will lay off 40 workers just seven weeks after opening their second plant, a $733 million facility.
The company’s CEO Brian Harrison said the new facility is more cost-efficient than the old one, according to the New York Times, which first reported the story. The company has fallen on hard times, in part because of the rising tide of Chinese solar makers who can produce cheaper panels and are challenging American companies for business.

Outsourced before they got off the ground.
"Green Jobs" .. BS .. nothing but BS

Posted by: Michael Mann at November 04, 2010 12:15 PM (tE8FB)

333 Outsourced before they got off the ground.
"Green Jobs" .. BS .. nothing but BS

Time for a bail out!

Posted by: mpur in Texas (kicking Mexico's ass since 1836) at November 04, 2010 12:17 PM (WKRYJ)

334 QuietMan, I cannot fathom what I have done to offend you. However, from your answer I discern that this blog does not allow for comment-correction. Thank you for the information!

Posted by: Elliot at November 04, 2010 12:19 PM (bN5ZU)

335 Elliot, you sure write a lot like iowahawk's T. Vorhees (etc., etc.) VI. I like it.

Solyndra is closing its Fremont plant?! They've been building that for a long time and was about the only activity going on. Quick, Jerry, raise their taxes, maybe they'll reconsider!

As a friiend of mine visiting from Germany just said, "I can't understand why a country wouldn't want to manufacture anything".

Posted by: t-bird at November 04, 2010 12:39 PM (FcR7P)

336 Nice. Solyndra gets 535 million Obama Bucks for expansion, decides not to.

http: index.cfm go news.display id 21355

"The New York Times released the story just hours after polls closed on Tuesday. Solyndra likely held onto the news as long as possible to avoid giving Republicans additional firepower in the lead-up to midterm elections."

Posted by: t-bird at November 04, 2010 12:46 PM (FcR7P)

337 (bN5ZU)


Posted by: toby928™ at November 04, 2010 01:24 PM (S5YRY)


273 dum-dum is probably interning at Planned Parenthood.  Perfect fit for the little shit.  And he knows why. 

Ready access to those Plan B pills so vital after a night out with the boys?

Posted by: Nash Rambler at November 04, 2010 03:43 PM (9IOHF)

Rossi - 0 for 3 in statewide contests.

Posted by: Comrade Arthur at November 04, 2010 10:07 PM (1pNUO)

340 Whoah.. looks like I miss the contest

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