About Moe

Based in Washington, DC, I'm either hotness or a hotmess. You be the judge. More about me.


November 8, 2010
In Defense of The Other McCain: Go ‘head Kinsey! Shake what yo mama gave ya!

It looks like Stacy over at The Other McCain has gotten himself in some trouble, again. He thinks the women aren’t going to defend his latest blunder, but I will. I think the common sense reality of what he says speaks for itself: people like to look at young attractive people and Stephen Kruiser over at PJTV was smart to hire 25-year-old HOTTIE Kinsey Schofield. Stacy is not arguing that her attractiveness is the ONLY reason she was hired, but there isn’t enough evidence of her supposedly superior writing capability to judge her writing talent. Her looks on the other hand are right out there for all to see and judge. It goes without saying that this played into the decision to hire her.

I don’t understand why everyone is getting all worked up about this. Based on her publicity picture the girl recognizes her own hotness and markets it well. What’s with the upset? It reminds me of that old joke, to get a pretty girl into bed you tell her she’s smart, a smart girl that she’s pretty. Perhaps Stacy’s comments is perceived as an insult because he said she’s pretty and people think he is saying she is not smart, but there are smart and pretty girls out there. Although rare, those qualities are not mutually exclusive.

In college, I remember at the beginning of the year Jason (AKA Big Sexy) and I would get a table outside of the cafeteria in the Student Union to attract new members to the College Republicans. I would dress in heels, some fitting jeans, and a nicely fitting shirt with my hair and make-up did. our professor thought that this was absurd and was yelling at me and Jason for it. She asked Jason, “Is that all of you think of Monique? She’s just another pretty face? What about her intelligence?” To which, Jason responded that the male freshman walking through that door weren’t going to stop by the table to check out my brain. But, once we got them to the table based on my looks we could hook them into going to a meeting and becoming a part of the club from there.

I know that Jason respects me for my intelligence. But, I also know boys and marketing. Boys want to hang out with hot chicks, even if that means attending a College Republicans meeting! And, girls want to associate with cool, hot girls because they either a) think they are a cool, hot chick themselves and will demand equal quality in their friends, or b) they have always wanted to be with one of the cool, hot chicks. And, to be fair, Jason isn’t so bad looking himself and I’m sure some of those young women were just as willing to attend a College Republican meeting to meet him as they were to hang out with me.

I don’t know how smart or talented Kinsey Schofield is. But, her publicity photo speaks for itself. The girls is HOT!!! Clearly, this played into her getting hired for the job. How is that insulting or degrading? I’m not saying it’s the only reason she got the job, but I’m sure it was a factor. I think Stacy is just acknowledging this obvious truth.

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November 4, 2010
Don’t blame Washington, political parties, and politicians. Voters need to start blaming themselves!

Unfortunately, due to work travel, I was unable to get on a computer, yesterday. That might be a good thing because I was pretty worked up.

I live in DC and I am disgusted with the whole city, as are the couple of people I talked to at the bar yesterday morning at the airport. And, people wonder why airports are one of my favorite places? It’s the only place that makes it completely acceptable to be drinking no matter the time of day. An airport bar always has patrons and Patron!

All of the DC incumbents were re-elected. My boy Jim DeMartino, who I’ve met a couple of times, was defeated. And, of course he was. The few people in DC who actually go out and vote just click whatever box has a D in it. They probably don’t even know half of the people on there. They just vote for the party that they rely on for their welfare benefits. It’s disgusting and disappointing. As I tweeted to someone, yesterday, if ignorance is bliss DC is the most blissful city!

Speaking of “Tweeting,” I’m finally starting to catch up to this technology. I know, I’m a little slow and behind the times. My boy Jimmie Bise says he’ll show me the ropes, though, and I look forward to working with him in the future. His is one the five blogs I read on a daily basis. Good stuff! You should go check it out, NOW!

And, I started following Meghan McCain on Twitter. She was getting ready to go on Leno last night to talk about politics and the election. With the exception of one race, which is still in question, every single one of her predictions was wrong. My 3-year-old niece could have randomly predicted those races with more accuracy. This leads me to question, why is Jay Leno having Meghan McCain, of all people, on to talk about the election and politics? She clearly doesn’t know anything about, either. Oh yeah! That’s right. I forgot, she got booked on the show the same way she gets everything else in life: By being John McCain’s daughter!

What ever happened to The Other McCain? Well, I checked him out last night to see where he is in Florida, since my own travels have brought me to this glorious state that apparently doesn’t believe in Splenda. Well, at least the hotel I’m staying at the convention center I’m working at doesn’t seem to. I know it’s a little pricey, but it’s not that bad if you buy it in quantity at the local Sam’s Club. WTF?

It appears Stacy is on the other side of the state from me, so there will be no late night partying for the two of us down here, but we will meet up on the other side when we return to the swamp that is our nation’s capital. Fun times ahead!

So, to the election. I’m not surprised by the O’Donnell loss. As much as I don’t like polls, she had been trending downward for weeks and the actual numbers confirm that trend. She had high name recognition but not a high “like” factor. I wanted her to win, but it is not shocking in the least that she didn’t.

As I watched the returns coming in on Election Night and polished off a bottle of vodka, while smoking a pack of ciggies, and yelling at the TV I was once again reminded of the importance of the 10th Amendment. See, if our Congress did their jobs and stuck to what is specifically their jobs, I wouldn’t have to worry so much about who these morons in other states are electing. But, since our elected officials have taken it upon themselves to obliterate any restrictions on their powers as granted in our Founding Documents, I have to worry about the fact that idiots in Nevada voted in Harry Reid.

I understand that major gains were made, but I just don’t get what some people are thinking when they vote. These are the same people that want to vote for change for the sake of change (think 2008), yet when they have an opportunity to really vote in change they go for the person who has been screwing them and the rest of us for decades. No one likes the current situation and it’s not one party or the other that has screwed us. We have screwed ourselves because we continue to elect the same people who have created our current situation.

When is it time to hold the voter’s responsible for their votes? I mean, we can blame the system, or Democrats, or Republicans, or whatever, but when does the time come when we look in the mirror or we look to our left or right and blame ourselves? We hold the power and we lavish it on these undeserving, power-corrupted morons and then complain, complain, complain about the results. They only have the power that we grant them. Yet, we keep granting them more. I just don’t get it.

I’m sick of hearing people say that politics isn’t their thing or they just don’t have time. That’s bullshit! Politics touches every aspect of your life. You can’t make time for that? The government regulates EVERYTHING, down to the zippers on your jeans and the water tank in your toilet. How did the government get so much power? Because, all of these people who “don’t have time” to pay attention. Perhaps they are getting what they deserve, but must they take the rest of us down with them?

I understand that people have kids, work, school, and a million other responsibilities, but it is your number one responsibility as a member of this great nation to become informed about the candidates not through 30 second political ads paid for by someone’s opponent but by doing some research yourself. I didn’t vote for anyone that I didn’t do some research on. If that’s how you’re going to be, then don’t vote. And, while you’re at it, shut up!

I’m sure you have time to watch Dancing With the Stars or baseball or football every week or whatever else numbs your mind, but you can’t set aside one hour to hop on a computer to find out more about who you’re voting for? About the person you are choosing to represent you and wield power over every aspect of your life? That’s taking laziness and stupidity to a whole new level. Everyone has time for politics! It is your duty as a member of this society to make the time because when you vote your choice doesn’t just affect you, it affects us all because that is the power that we as a society have unwittingly allowed our elected officials to take, in direct contradiction and in direct violation of the limits placed on them in our Constitution.

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November 2, 2010
My Election Night Prediction: I’ll be drinking.

It’s election day. Finally! My friends don’t know what to do with me. I’ve tried to warn them, politics is my sport of choice. Elections are my Super Bowl. I’m sure my roommate is going to be amazed at how much I scream at the TV tonight, considering how I’m always trying to calm him down when he’s yelling about how the Steelers are handling the ball.

I don’t know what to say is going to happen tonight. I’m not going to predict this many seats or that. I’m not going to call out any race and say what is going to happen. The truth is, with all of the polling and data available, we still don’t know. I took a polling class in grad school because I thought polls were garbage and if I only understood the “science” behind them maybe I would believe in their validity a bit more. Nope. That class confirmed what I’ve always thought. Polls are garbage, especially if you know nothing about polling. And, the more you know about polling, the more you realize how much garbage they can be. As Stacy McCain points out, polls are not elections! So, sit tight because it’s going to be a long night!

I’m going down to vote for Jim DeMartino. That’s all I got. I don’t know of any other candidates running for office in DC that I want to vote for, so I’ll vote for the one candidate that I think deserves a chance and leave the rest blank. Maybe I’ll vote for myself for mayor because I certainly think I can do a better job than Vincent Gray.

Meghan McCain posted her predictions last night. She’s made some interesting picks:

  • Sharron Angle against Harry Reid in Nevada–And, I hope that she’s right on this one. But, a lot of people are predicting this and I actually lean toward an Angle win, as well. Harry Reid was one of the first politicians I disliked and I think it’s time for him to go.
  • Charlie Crist against Marco Rubio and Kendrick Meek in Florida–I think this is just wishful thinking on her part. Minus the polling data, I think that Rubio is going to win. I mean, we all know Meek isn’t winning and in this three-way race that’s the least we can hope for, but I think Rubio is going to be victorious.
  • Christine O’Donnell against Chris Coons in Deleware–I can see this happening, but I wouldn’t be so bold as to predict it.
  • Lisa Murkowksi against Joe Miller and Scott McAdams in Alaska–Meghan is predicting a Murkowski win, which I could see but I don’t think is going to happen. I think Miller is going to take this one.
  • Meg Whitman winning against Jerry Brown in California–which, I think she is wrong about because Whitman is a flawed candidate and California is a flawed state with a flawed electorate. I mean, it’s California. Need I say more?

What Meghan apparently doesn’t fully grasp and understand is the divide between the whole Tea Party phenomenon and the Washington, DC estblishment. When predicted Christ as the winner in Florida she wrote:

Charlie Crist, an independent beating Marco Rubio, throwing a wrench in the Tea Party and extreme right winners of the night. I think what will be more interesting than his likely win is how exactly the Republican purists and the rest of Washington will treat him. It is a lonely place for independents in Washington and groupthink rules the roost, sentiment seems to be particularly harsh against former Republicans. Just ask Jesse Ventura or Joe Lieberman.

First, we’ll note how she lumps Tea Partiers in with extreme right wingers (at least, I assume she meant wingers where she wrote winners), but Meghan is liberal and so we know that anyone to the right of her father and herself are considered extreme right wingers, so at least half of the electorate! I don’t know who I consider an extreme right winger, but I don’t consider the Tea Party extreme at all.

Secondly, what bothers me the most about her statement is the last two sentences, “It is a lonely place for independents in Washington and groupthink rules the roost, sentiment seems to be particularly harsh against former Republicans. Just ask Jesse Ventura or Joe Lieberman.”

This is a ridiculously absurd statement on two levels: the Republican establishment in DC wants these “independents” to win so they can smack down the Tea Party and all that it stands for. It was the Republicans establishment in DC that supported these candidates until they lost their primary battles–or quit and left the party as that punk Crist did.

Secondly, why would we ask Jesse Ventura and Joe Lieberman about the insider’s club and particularly harsh sentiment against Republicans who sold their own party out because they couldn’t win the party’s primary and instead are now actively working against their party’s candidate in order to hold onto their own power? Jesse Ventura was a Reform Party candidate and a governor; not a Republican and didn’t spend his time in Washington as a Senator or House Rep would.

Joe Lieberman was booted out by the Democrats in CT, when those intelligent Democrat voters supported anti-war candidate against Ned Lamont. And, the Democrats have still been pretty friendly with Lieberman. But, since Lieberman did speak at her Dad’s presidential convention and shares the same political views as her and her father, maybe she doesn’t realize Lieberman is an independent because his party left him, and a Democrat politically and philosophically. No matter what, he’s not a Republican and definitely not an outside in DC. But, let’s move on.

Tonight should be an interesting night and I hope not to stay up too late, but am sure I will be glued to the TV. There are too many races I am interested in and the ones mentioned above aren’t even on my list of the most interesting. I can’t wait to see in the places deemed so safe that there hasn’t been any polling and a severe lack of media coverage. Yes, there are those races out there.

I’m hoping that Sean Bielat ousts Barney Frank (D-Mass.) if for no other reason than to not to ever have to hear Barney Frank speak, again. That guys voice is funny for about two seconds, then it’s just ANNOYING! Also, is Linda McMahon going to beat that lying scum Dick Blumenthal up in CT??? What about Alvin Greene? No, I’m just kidding about that last one. But, I love political surprises and that might just be the best one EVER! I would totally move down there to start manufacturing his action figures.

I mean, could Steny Hoyer lose tonight? Jimmie Bise over at The Sundries Shack seems to think it’s a possibility and since this race hasn’t been watched there’s just too little we know, right now. What about Ruth McClung, rocket scientest, out in Arizona???

Well, I’ll be glued to my TV tonight, except when I’m outside smoking ciggies on the balcony because I smoke a lot more when I’m drinking and I know I’ll be drinking tonight! I’m not trying to steal Vodkapundit’s niche, so I don’t know how much “drunkblogging” I’m going to do, but we’ll see.

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October 27, 2010
Why I hate Jon Stewart, Part II

Michelle Malkin has been reporting all week about voter fraud that is happening in tight midterm races across the country. She has an excellent collumn up about it, today. Democrats stealing elections is nothing new. Anyone who thinks that Al Franken really won his way into the Senate, rather than stole and cheated, is sadly mistaken. I won’t bother getting into the outrage if voting machines were automatically marking off the Republican candidates. Erick Erickson has more ways the Dems are stealing the election. Maybe they don’t realize that the revolt they’ve seen thus far is nothing compared to what they’re going to see if they steal certain seats and continue to push their wildly unpopular agenda.

There are alos issues in Arizona where judges seem bent on allowing illegal immigrants to vote. I just can’t imagine what that’s about! Hmm. I wonder why they would want illegals to be able to vote? Could it be so they can vote in pro-amnesty politicians? Just a thought.

A couple of more days until Jon Stewart, one of my least favorite people, comes to DC with his Astroturfed crowds to mock Americans worried about the out of control political elite who don’t know what our Constitution says or just don’t care. I don’t find Jon Stewart amusing and I’m not impressed with Steven Colbert. I think that our president lowered himself and the office of the presidency by appearing on this clown’s show, which is surprising since I didn’t think either could be lowered any more than they were when he appeared on The View.

Speaking of The View, why does anyone watch that show? The fact that show has been on so long and has any audience at all is reason enough why women should be denied the right to vote. Joy Behar, who somehow got her own separate show, too, was on there the other day calling Sharron Angle a bitch. Can you imagine what would happen if Elizabeth Hasselback called Michelle Obama or Hillary Clinton or Nancy Pelosi a bitch? Oh, the outrage! She also walked off stage last week or the week before because Bill O’Reilly said that Muslims killed us on 9/11. Whoopi Goldberg walked off stage over this comment, too. Now look, I’m not saying that all Muslims are terrorists, but all of the terrorists who killed American civilians on 9/11 were Muslims. So, Muslims killed us on 9/11. Period.

The holiday season is almost upon us and once the Democrats get their butts properly spanked (and booted) by the electorate, I don’t expect them to take much action in Congress to help us. By help, I mean by extending the Bush tax cuts that apparently weren’t just for the rich because I’m not rich and if these morons let them expire my taxes will be going up. In addition to that, my health premiums are going up so that my insurance company can cover the costs the new rules of Obamacare has imposed on them. Be careful what you buy on credit this year for Christmas because your budget is going to be hit come January 1, 2011.

Michael Steele is gearing up to run be the DNC RNC Chairman, again, for the next two years. If Republicans want to start proving that they realize the error of their ways and are looking to turn back to what they are supposed to stand for, ditching Steele would be a move in the right direction. Michael Steele was a terrible choice to head the RNC. If the Republicans win it is not because of much the Republicans have done, other than voting no to Obama’s agenda. Win or lose, they need to take it back to the drawing board.

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October 26, 2010
Personal Ad: Fanny pack wearing, SBM living with Mom. Looking for HOT blond. No fat chicks or golddiggers, please.

Obama was out, yesterday, trying to motivate women and minorities to vote. Based on what I learned about my mother’s wishes for this election and my roommate’s voting intentions, he might want to reconsider and just ask them to stay home. I mean, this election might seem like it can’t get worse for those poor Democrats, but if the poll numbers show a large number of Democrats voting and low numbers of votes going to Democrats well…I would say that it just got worse.

The Today Showwas doing a report on some kids who got sick at an off-campus college party. Apparently, they were drinking this caffeine infused beer, that’s 12% alcohol. Of course, now everybody wants to ban it. And, not just at the college/university, but ban it nation wide. What is it with people and their control issues? Look, I have no interest in drinking this drink, but I also don’t think that this is an issue that Congress should be taking up. They have other things that they are supposed to be doing here in DC. Suprisingly, drafting and passing nationwide bans on certain drinks because kids might get their hands on them and over do it isn’t in their job description.

I just may have read the best story of my lifetime:

A pudgy, fanny-pack-wearing 40-year-old man who lives with his mother is so desperate to find love, he’s posting handwritten personal ads at payphones around the city.

On paper, Malik Turner sounds like a fairly eligible bachelor — at first: He’s single, gainfully employed as a “sorter/bagger” for the United Parcel Service, loves the color red, roots for the Rangers and Jets.

The Harlem man loves movies, nightclubs, Coney Island and Atlantic City. His hobbies include playing video games and riding the subway.

Written in clear print and with extreme specificity, Turner’s ad says he’s seeking a blond, long-haired, “big-chested, curvy, leggy, voluptuous (NOT FAT)” woman — or women — age 21 to 45, “willing to take turns paying on date (NO GOLDDIGGERS!!!!!).”

Go get ‘em Tiger! I would argue that he’s not that desperate and what he’s looking for isn’t exactly love. I mean, usually desperate men (and, women for that matter) will take what they can get. This guy very specifically wants a voluptuous blond and specifies, very clearly, that he doesn’t mean fat. Why are men like that? Fat girls need lovin’, too! And, he wants to have random, promiscuous sex. I don’t consider that love.

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October 25, 2010
I formally apologize to Meghan McCain.

My friend Steve had a talk with me, yesterday, about my trash talking to Meghan McCain. He has convinced me that calling her fat, slutty, and a whore isn’t helping my argument against her. He told me, since I so succinctly take apart everything she writes, says and does intelligently that I shouldn’t let my point be lost in my over-the-top insults. Now, one could argue that my insults are earned by her, but I tried making that argument and no one was buying it. And, as you can see from the comment of last week, apparently Meggie Macs has a fan out there who thinks I’m just some fat chick projecting my own insecurities onto Meghan. Although one might be convinced I’m halting my vicious attacks because of that one commenter, it’s actually as a result of Steve who was confirming what my friend Mike had already said to me earlier in the week. With that said, I am calling a truce, of sorts, with Meghan. From now on, I will intelligently disagree with her and refrain from making ad hominem attacks. I apologize to Miss McCain for jumping into the gutter and making fun of her weight and rumored promiscuity. Now, onto other news.

I met Jim DeMartino, today. He’s running DC Council in Ward 6. I’m hoping to go to an event tomorrow night with some of the candidates, including Vincent Gray, where I can talk to him and ask him some questions. The best part about Jim DeMartino is that he’s a Republican and the person who told me about him and convinced me to check him out is a registered Democrat. I was talking to my friend about it last night and, basically, he expressed that it’s just not right that the Democrats have such a monopoly on DC and that nothing is ever going to change that way. I would have to say, when a black public school employee in DC is voting for a Republican in DC the Democrats are in some serious trouble.

And, that’s not the only sign things are going badly for Democrats. My irredeemably liberal mother told me that she hopes the Republicans win. Yeah, my liberal, New England, Connecticut resident mother is hoping that the Republicans win. Her reasoning? Things are pretty bad right now. Let the Republicans win. If they have better ideas and can improve things, good for them. Things are so terrible they can’t continue this way, if it takes a Republican to fix it then let a Republican fix it. If they fail, then it just confirms for her that she was right all along and Republicans suck.

I know these are only two personal anecdotes, but if you knew these people like I do you would know this is serious. Life-long, full-fledged Democrats are looking around and saying “This sucks!” And, they are looking at their Democrat representatives and thinking, you suck! Republicans have a real opportunity, here. An opportunity not to just win an election but to stand for something. People are listening and looking to them. Republicans need to get out there and explain their policies and the realities of the situation and turn this economy around. Obama might veto everything they pass, but I don’t think being the “Party of No” will work for the Dems as well as it worked for the Reps.

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October 20, 2010
Moron Meghan McCain versus Coulter Sarah Palin Bristol Palin O’Donnell

Looks like Meghan McCain is up to the tricks that made her famous in the first place–calling out people who have built their own careers rather than riding daddy’s coattails in order to succeed in life. First, she targeted Ann Coulter. For the past year, she’s been targeting Sarah Palin and the whole Palin family. I mean, wasn’t it just last week she was talking about her “Palin Problem”? The problem being that no one cares about her book or what she has to say unless it/she is in some way bashing Sarah Palin? Well, as Jay Z would say, she’s onto the next one. This week, she went after Christine O’Donnell.

Apparently, she was one of four “powerhouse guests” featured on ABC’s this week. No wonder the show is failing. There is nothing “powerhouse” about Meghan McCain, accept for her over-sized waisteline and her Twitterrific breasts. Unless they were calling her a house as in “she’s as big as a house,” but I don’t know the plausibility of that because I didn’t watch the show and I haven’t confirmed if the other three guests were fat enough to be compared to a house.

Apparently, she thinks Christine O’Donnell is “making a mockery of running for public office,” she said. “She has no real history, no real success in any kind of business…[the message] that sends to my generation is: One day you can just wake up and run for Senate, no matter how [much of] a lack of experience you have. And it scares me for a lot of reasons.”

I’m going to refrain from the obligatory Obama joke that is typically owed when someone references a candidate’s lack of experience disqualifying them from being able to run or fill a certain political position. He’s supposed to be running the country, and not into the ground as he and his cronies seem to think. What kind of experience do you need to be a Senator? The experience of Meghan McCain–that of being a spoiled child who has been afforded all of the luxuries possible in life as a birthright rather than as meritorious reward for hard work, dedication and sacrifice?

I can understand why Meggie Macs is upset about O’Donnel’s anti-masturbation campaign, because we all know when she can’t get a guy drunk enough at the bar to take her home at the end of the night she’s forced to partake in some self-loving. But she claims her bigger problem is with allegations against O’Donnell made by the Federal Elections Commission about misuse of campaign funds, failing to pay taxes, and possibly having lied about attending certain colleges. And, of course Fatty-fat-Slut-Slut would have a problem with this because as a trust-fund baby she’s never had to worry about not being able to pay anything and was granted a spot at Columbia University in spite of lacking any intelligence and solely on the basis of her last name. Not all of us were so lucky. Then again, I would have rather lived my life and worked hard and know I am where I am today as a result of me, but we all know she’s too dumb to really take a hard look at herself and her own “accomplishments.”

“Not to mention the fact that she has not had any real success in business, government, or public service,” she wrote in her most recent blog post. This, once again, coming from the (fat) chick whose only “real” success comes from her being John McCain’s daughter. And, then she goes into taking shots at the Tea Partiers. And, then she does what I have come to expect from her when she writes anything, making a claim and following up with a sentence that proves the opposite of what she just claimed:

I am not sure what I find more infuriating, the fact that I am being crucified by many in the media for daring to speak negatively of a woman who has given more than enough reasons to question her candidacy, or the fact that this is something many people are saying off-camera—and then once on, switching their tune to prevent any backlash. Lest we forget Karl Rove himself originally came out publicly against her, only to backtrack on his comments after he was attacked from the right.

I’m not sure what I find more infuriating, the fact that Meghan McCain is fat, stupid, or both and still gets to be on TV and get paid way more than me. But, going back to what she says in that quote, she claims to find it infuriating that people are scared to speak out against O’Donnell unless they are speaking off-camera, and uses Karl Rove who was very publicly against O’Donnell as the evidence to prove that this claim is true because he “backtracked on his comments after he was attacked from the far right.” Did it ever occur to Fatty that Rove backtracked because, I don’t know, he’s a Republican and like it or not, like O’Donnell or not, if you’re a Republican in this election cycle you shouldn’t be bashing your own party’s candidates until all of the votes have been cast?

Moron McCain then proceeds to misunderstand the O’Donnell campaigns response to her idiotic utterings by thinking that they, the O’Donnell campaign, are accusing her, Moron McCain, of not being qualified to run for Senate, which she responds by saying that she’s not running for Senate. Yes, Moron, we know you aren’t running for Senate, but the O’Donnell campaign was insulting you on a much higher level. They weren’t just saying your unqualified to run for Senate, but most Delawareans probably won’t be influenced by what you have to say because of your lack of experience in politics and running for office. Being John McCain’s fat slutty daughter doesn’t make you some political or campaign expert. Missing this point, Moron once again proves how dumb she truly is.

Finally, she gets to what is ultimately her problem with Christine O’Donnell, saying, “But for me, Christine O’Donnell is just not good enough of an example for my generation.” Meghan McCain: YOU ARE NOT A GOOD ENOUGH EXAMPLE OF OR FOR YOUR GENERATION! You are the most frustratingly ignorant tool. Democrats and liberals just use you to take down the political party you claim to be a part of and your father was nominated to represent. To borrow a term, you’re a useful idiot. Nobody, except those who hope to use it against Republicans, cares what you have to say. No one thinks you are intelligent. No one thinks that you are qualified to do anything. Eff, you’re not even qualified to sit there, shut up and look pretty because you fail on the pretty part and can’t seem to ever just shut the eff up!

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October 15, 2010
When was the last time you laughed at SNL?

Monday, October 11, 2010

Saturday Night Live was making fun of Christine O’Donnell, again. Here’s what I don’t get, why do they care so much about this woman? I mean, her campaign is such a long shot, right? Then, why pay her so much time and attention? Like I said last week, her first campaign ad left me unimpressed. And, I don’t know what kind of crazy stuff she’s done in the past. But, I know this much, she is better than her challenger, tax-hiking Chris Coons. I don’t care if they want to make fun of politicians, but at least spread the love around. Or, maybe they don’t waste their time writing jokes about Democrats because the Democrats themselves are already a joke.

And, getting to their non-political skits, they aren’t any funnier. I mean, the whole “Gilly” character sucks and I have never found any sketch involving her even remotely funny. In fact, every time I watch one I am just amazed that this made it to the actual show. That means the person or people writing it thought it was funny, the decision-makers on what gets in thought it was funny and, presumably, the actors acting in it thought it was funny. But, it’s not funny. For a while I kept hoping that SNL would become funny again, but I’m starting to hope that just cancel the show and put us all out of our misery.

Today is National Coming Out Day. It’s being hyped more than usual because the media is blaming the sensationalized suicides by a couple of gay people, recently, on bullying and the public’s general hostility and homophobia toward gays. First of all, there is no sudden epidemic of people killing themselves because they are bullied, whether they were bullied because they are gay, fat, ugly, poor, or whatever other reason a bully might choose. The media is just hyping it in the publics’ mind so that they think there is some pressing epidemic. Also, many studies have shown that gays have higher rates of suicide…even in some European countries traditionally viewed as open and accepting of homosexuals and the homosexual lifestyle, like the Netherlands, for example.

People who commit suicide have issues. There are plenty of people who take their own lives who were never bullied and there are plenty of people who were bullied who never attempted to take their own lives. Bullying, harassing, or demeaning another person for any reason is wrong (with the exception of Meghan McCain, of course!). With that said, harassing and bullying another person does not make you responsible for their decision to end their own life. This is just garbage by the press to exploit normal people’s compassion in order to insulate the homosexual agenda and the homosexual lifestyle itself from any criticism or objection.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Michelle Rhee is supposed to announced her resignation as DC school chancellor this morning, according to my local news. That is a shame, but we all saw this coming. Parents in the District decided to vote against their children by casting a vote against mayor Adrien Fenty, who had appointed Rhee to do whatever it took to turn around DC’s dismally failing public schools. Rhee has been aggressive, fired useless teachers, taken on the teachers unions, and DC public schools have shown signs of life and improvement. For this, Fenty was voted off the Democrat ticket in the primary and now Rhee is leaving, too. Way to go DC residents! You really showed them! Too bad your kids will pay the price for your poor choices, but they’ve been paying that price, anyway. What do you care?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Happy birthday to my older brother, Tom! Wish I was up in CT so I could do the TK’s run with everyone. I can’t remember the last time I was able to spend a birthday at TK’s. I must work on that in the future. Maybe for my 31st? I’m planning on hitting Vegas for my 30th…

I saw some peeps updating their statuses last night in response to the Chilean miners being rescued. A lot of people were praising Chile and saying how awesome Chile is. Um, do that not know that it was an American who rescued them? In fact, everything about this successful and miraculous rescue was American. Nothing against Chile, but this whole episode has just reminded how exceptional and awesome America is. At least, that’s what it did for me. But, I’m one of those pesky people who thinks America is exceptional and awesome, anyway, so what would else would you expect?

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October 8, 2010
I like it on your face. And, by “it” I mean my closed fist, you wanna-be trendy morons.

Monday, October 04, 2010

Did you know that October is National Bullying Prevention Month? Nah, me neither. Do you care? Nah, me neither. The news media like to cover bullying as if it’s some new phenomenon. How will we stop it? Well, we won’t stop it. There will always be bullies. Sorry kids. That’s life. I just can’t believe we have a national bullying prevention month. It’s so corny.

The Social Networkwas the number one movie this past weekend. Admittedly, I’m on Facebook, but part of me hates Facebook. Why the eff would I want to waste $20 to go see a movie about its creation? People are dumb.

The first of the two murderers who broke into that house in Cheshire, CT, Steven Hayes, beat the husband unconscious and tied him to a pole in the basement, and then proceeded to beat, sexually assault and kill his wife and two daughters, is awaiting the conclusion of jury deliberations. There really is no doubt these two are guilty. I’m not sure why a trial is necessary. Both of them should be beaten, raped and left to die of smoke inhalation in a burning house.

Speaking of fires and houses burning down, it was reported that a house in Obion County, Tennesse burned down and the fire department watched it burn. See, residents of the country living outside of the fire departments area of responsibility were required to pay a modest $75 per year fee in order to be under the protection of the fire department. The family hadn’t paid the fee, but offered to pay the costs of saving the house once they arrive on the scene. Now, this story is not what fascinates me. It is the read comments on the web-pageI read the story on. Why do liberals think they are so altruistic and selfless? How selfless is it to take from one person’s pocket to provide for another? It’s not like they’re giving up their own money.  This man took a gamble and he lost. Plain and simple. Why should other peoples’ compassion be exploited and their responsibility punished so that this man’s selfishenss (I mean, he couldn’t spare $75 over a year? I don’t think so.) and his irresponsibility be rewarded?

And, Rahm Emanual might not be able to run for mayor of Chicago because he doesn’t meet legal residency requirements. Hahahaha! According to Lynn Sweet (h/t Memeorandum):

Sunday, Rahm Emanuel announced in a video posted on a website that he is preparing to run for mayor of Chicago. But two of Chicago’s top election lawyers say the state’s municipal code is crystal clear that a candidate for mayor must reside in the town for a year before the election.

That doesn’t mean they must simply own a home in the city that they rent out to someone else. They must have a place they can walk into, keep a toothbrush, hang up their jacket and occasionally sleep, the lawyers say.

Another three election lawyers say Emanuel could be thrown off the ballot on a residency challenge. None says Emanuel will have it easy.

Rahm doesn’t seem to be getting a very warm reception out there in Chi-Town, anyway. Perhaps it’s for the best.

Tuesday, October 05, 2010

A lot of news on bullying. Apparently, it’s national bullying prevention month and so every day we’re going to have to hear about bullies and their victims. It’s not that I don’t have sympathy, but this isn’t a new phenomenon. We aren’t going to rid of the world of bullies, just as we’ll never rid the world of poverty, war, drugs, crime, etc. Do I need to go on? This is just another “feel-good” campaign for liberals to make themselves feel better because they’re “doing something.” Blah, blah, blah! Some people will bully, others will be bullies, and sometimes the bullies will be bullied by bigger bullies. Talking about it doesn’t matter. Perhaps if people taught their kids common decency, respect for themselves and others, and absolute moral standards (as in there is a definitive right and wrong) the problem wouldn’t be as out of control as everyone claims it to be. Just a thought.

Christine O’Donnell has released her first campaign ad. Stacy McCain thinks it’s great. She smiles and people will like her smile and, therefore, people will like her. And, maybe, that like will equal votes. Jimmie over at The Sundries Shack thinks she looks uncomfortable. Well, I disagree with both. I don’t think she looks uncomfortable and I don’t think her winning smile is that winning, or that it’s necessarily going to win over voters. It did nothing for me, personally. I lean more toward Jimmie’s analysis, but most of all just think it was boring.

Steven Hayes, the man I reported on yesterday who robbed, raped and killed that family in Cheshire, CT was found guilty on all but one count. Yeah, they found him not guilty of setting the house on fire with the family still in it. How that is possible, I don’t know. I mean, I’m sure him and his accomplice are going to both point the finger at each other so each can try to avoid the death penalty, but I would have found either and both of them guilty of all charges, since one will never know who exactly did what. We do know that they both plotted together to break into that house, brutalize and rob that family. We know the wife and 11-year-old daughter were sexually assaulted, the wife was forced at gunpoint to take money out of the bank for these criminals hoping that would be enough to save her family’s life, and we know these two animals proceeded to set the house on fire and drive away in a verhicle stolen from the family’s garage. Both were caught fleeing the scene in that vehicle. Enough said, as far as I’m concerned. Let’s find a condemned house, tie these two up, and set it on fire with them inside.

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

My BFF Meghan McCain is back with a blog post about how no one in the media is interested in anything in her book…other than her badmouthing Sarah Palin. Duh! This chick is really that dumb, isn’t she? It is hard for me to believe. Finally coming to grips with the fact that this woman truly is intellectually disabled has started to make me feel guilty about all of the trash I talk about her. But, then I read the rest of the post and realized that everything I have ever said about this dumb, fat, slut has been completely warranted. The bad news about her book tour winding down is that she’ll be back to blogging more regularly. The good news is that I’ll have more trash to talk about her and what she posts in the future. Yay!

Thursday, October 07, 2010

The were reporting on The Today Showthis morning about the Duke grad student who published her “thesis,” which consisted of a PowerPoint presentation identifying and evaluating her numerous sexual exploits during her time at Duke. Before I get to that, I would like to note how the “reporter” brought up the Duke Lacrosse case from a couple of years back. He left out a key part of the story. The boys weren’t just “accused” of raping the stripper. As was proven later, they were FALSLY accused by the stripper. But, anyway. I don’t know why the liberal media is so shocked by this girl’s actions. She lives in the over-sexualized world created by liberals. Liberals are the ones that have created a play and movement telling a girl she is her vagina and her vagina is her essence (It is not just the house, but the doorbell to the house…or whatever that lesbian whore wrote in The Vagina Monologues). What is so shocking about this girl’s behavior?

I’ve been noticing people posting on facebook, “I like in on…the kitchen counter.” And, other sentences like that. At first, I didn’t know what was going on, nor did I ask. It sounded like something that was supposed to sound sexual, but probably wasn’t once you asked about it, but either way I was refusing to ask. Then, I saw on CCN.com, today, that it’s about breat cancer. This is like that pornographic play The Vagina Monologuesbeing about domestic violence. Yeah, I don’t get the connection, either. Needless to say, stupid campaigns like this are one of the many reasons I want to leave FB. I’m so sick of these intellectually disabled posts about the color of someone’s bra or where they like to put their purse–being stated in a sexually suggestive wa–with this claim that they’re doing something for the greater good.

“I’m raising awareness about breast cancer!” No, you’re not. You want to raise awareness about breast cancer? Try posting facts about breast cancer as your status update. Go on a walk for life, or whatever they’re called. Donate money, time, whatever. By posting that crap you’re trying to be trendy. Well, you’re not. First of all, when asked where they put their purse, what girls says, “I like it on….” If you asked me where I put my purse I would say, “I put in on…” not “I like it on….” The whole campaign is stupid and I want to punch whoever started it in the face. Be warned person who started it. If I ever meet you it will take everything in me not to punch you in the face. If I hear tha Meghan McCain started it, all will be lost.

Friday, October 08, 2010

First of all, happy birthday to my cousin Alex who is out on the ocean today, traveling in his capacity as a merchant marine. Happy birthday, Alex!

The new job numbers are out. We’re still hovering at 9/6%. Although, some say the numbers are probably higher than that, depending on when the data started being collected. It might not show an increasing toward the end of the month. Obama and his cronies are trying to act like this is a good report. It’s not. Remember, they promised below 8% if they passed the stimulus. They passed it, yet we’re still knocking at the door of 10%. Come on, people! I can only do so little as a resident of DC. You can do so much more. Vote the bastards out!

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October 6, 2010
We interrupt your regularly scheduled programming…

To wish Robert Stacy McCain, of The Other McCain, a very happy birthday! I know, I usually don’t post until Friday, but this occasion warranted a midweek post.

Happy birthday, Stacy!!!

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