

When we turn around in the place just right…it’s this week’s link-o-rama!

You have GOT to read the story of Tiny Tim the paraplegic nine-week-old raccoon kit who, thanks to Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Rescue Center, underwent successful back surgery and has both full use of his limbs AND a best raccoon kit pal called Amy. [Further details about YUWRC at the end of the links.]

International governmental long-term healthcare plans: Eat shit, die
Apparently, while “beef” is getting more and more expensive, cattle ranchers are getting poorer and poorer, because four packing houses control everything and the USDA doesn’t enforce its regulations. The Healthy and Hunger-Free Kids Act—which includes the Healthy School Lunch program—is stuck in Congress, thanks to the Senate, which changed the bill to take some of its funds from the food stamp program, and there’s not much time left to pass it at all. In England, Parliament is debating the Sustainable Livestock Bill, which would reward free-range farmers, and cut back on the meat served in schools, hospitals, and prisons—and big fancy chefs support it. Marion Nestle is totally grossed out but not at all surprised by the government cheese article in The Times; still, she says, it’s good news that people are paying attention to the USDA’s massive conflict of interest.

On the other hand, a Chinese journalist who organized parents of children who suffered from the melamine-tainted milk in 2008 was sentenced to two-and-a-half years in prison for “inciting social disorder.” Hundreds of thousands of infants got sick, but don’t you complain about it! Maybe we should complain about the “news” that this totally awesome carcinogen has been leaking into every single comestible sold by a fast-food company, because it’s in the waxy stuff that keeps the grease from leaking. Although it’s not super-new news; in 2008 the California Legislature passed a bill banning it and eight of its cousins from all food packaging—but ol’ Arnold vetoed it, because he loves the chemical lobby.

Foods in the news
New York magazine is totally into vegetables now. People who value vegetables over meat—but still enjoy a little animal flesh, yum!—are “vegivores,” and apparently vegivores are totally into, among other things, lacinato kale. That’s right, the $1.50-a-bunch, in-your-CSA-box-from-September-through-April, such-a-vegan-staple-you-never-even-think-about-it lacinato/dinosaur kale is the hottest in veg cuisine. The hottest thing in Berlin-San Francisco crossovers is vegan Currywürst, available at your local Whole Foods under the label King of Cürrywurst. Yeah, we don’t support getting cutesy with accent marks either, but we do support vegan businesses, so let’s do this. Are you a ketchup person? Currywürst is for you. Perhaps not for any of us but the very rich soon is chocolate, as criminally underpaid cocoa farmers in Africa aren’t replanting much, and their children won’t do the work at all. Buy fair trade for all your chocolate—including chips and cocoa powder!—or know you’re contributing to a terrible system that is rapidly falling apart. Well, at least we’ve got Laura and The Week in Vegan, right?

Animal news we didn’t cover this week
Whales get sunburns! There’s another reason to give your non-vegan friends and relations to convince them to eat less/zero animals: Whales suffer from skin lesions, caused by sun damage from UV light. Yeah, the UV light that comes through our atmosphere is so strong now it FUCKS UP WHALES’ SKIN. Yeah, let’s dig some coal! Reader Tina sent us a list she made called 101 Blogs to Inspire You to Protect Endangered Species. It’s neatly divided into subcategories and one might go so far as to call it exhaustive—it’ll be an excellent reference. Thanks, Tina! Reader Rachel sent us an article about a local wildlife shelter that needs a new home ASAP. The Yggdrasil Urban Wildlife Center in Oakland does rescue and rehab for wildlife in Alameda County—work that Oakland Animal Services can’t do—but after six years on private property is being evicted. Please go read Rachel’s excellent article for the detailed story, and how you can help. Thanks, Rachel!

[We love it when you send us tips! Don’t be shy!]

Nonprofit rescues Omega, the chain-smoking chimp and sends him to sanctuary! Yay!

So, you know how chimpanzees are stolen from their moms (who are often killed and used for bush meat) when they’re a couple months old and are cute and cuddly little playthings? Then some shortsighted person in not-Africa “raises” them until they’re about five or six years old, until they grow big and strong and start biting fingers off their human “parents” or trainers or patrons at restaurants in Lebanon where they are forced to dance for food? When that happens, they are often sent to labs, breeders, or roadside zoos in fucked up places. That’s the backstory on our pal Omega, the chain-smoking chimp in Lebanon. He had a fucked up childhood, dancing like a monkey (HE IS NOT A MONKEY) at some restaurant, and when he got too big, he was sold to a creepy piece of shit zoo in Lebanon where he LIVES IN A CAGE and HAS NO FRIENDS and CHAIN-SMOKES CIGARETTE BUTTS. Ah, humans! We are so rad! 

But here’s some good news! The nonprofit Animals Lebanon took on the task of getting Omega into a sanctuary. In fact, Animals Lebanon, re-homed all the animals in the shit-tastic zoo. Yay them! They found a home for Mr. Omega 10,000 miles away in Brazil, at the Curitiba Sanctuary, which looks like a huge step up for the big guy. You can read Animals Lebanon’s recounting of getting Omega to the sanctuary here (it’s a good read!).

But Animals Lebanon isn’t stopping there; they’re attempting to pass legislation that tightens regulations concerning animal welfare. LOVE these people! If you’re interested in helping them, they have a wish list of things they desperately need. I know, we’re screwed enough right here at home without having to worry about everyone else but hey, maybe you have a computer you could send their way? Or get your company to donate something they need? Seriously, we’re so lucky here, why not support these people who are at ground zero, trying to get chain-smoking chimps in wire cages sent to a place where they can climb on trees and clear their lungs for the first time in their lives?

[photo of Omega from Animals Lebanon]

HSUS wants you to be a better activist. Learn how on Monday!

It is marvelous, isn’t it, being vegan? Every new dish you make is Amazing! and every new restaurant is an Adventure! and you know, you 100-percent absolutely no-question zero-doubt Know that your lifestyle choices are the Right Ones. No animals suffered for your food or clothes or shiny hair, and doesn’t it feel great to have such a clean conscience?

It’s just that, as a vegan, you know that living animal-product-free is the minimum. That’s one of the secrets you learn once you’ve properly committed yourself to veganism, right? The anger and guilt and shame you feel for the treatment of animals the world over; they are so strong, and impossible to assuage with a vegan diet alone. No, you’ve got to do something.

Bay Area residents (and visitors with good timing!) are in luck, because on Monday, Nov. 15, the Humane Society of the United States will be holding a free community seminar on how to properly do something, namely, effectively advocating for animals. Because as much as you’d like to chain yourself to a pet shop door and demand all the animals within are given to rescue organizations, that is really not the best use of your time and energy.

Instead, the seminar will address “factory farming, wildlife protection, puppy mills, and local animal issues, and will offer techniques for improving your persuasiveness and engagement as a citizen advocate.” That last one will be especially pertinent, “improving your persuasiveness and engagement as a citizen advocate.” So no more yelling at owners of purebred puppies in Dolores Park, then? Or standing by the “organic” meat section at Whole Foods and snorting really loudly and derisively whenever someone picks up a package? Check.

Here is the best part, as far as your Vegansaurus is concerned: the seminar will be led by HSUS California State Director Jennifer Fearing, a.k.a. the HBIC of the passage of Prop. 2. She directed a hardworking team to victory despite mighty opposition from giant egg conglomerates, which is impressive on its own, but she is awesome in general—you’ll see. Eighth District state Sen. Leland Yee (D-San Francisco/San Mateo) will also attend, and “will be available to chat with folks and answer questions,” so that’s all right.

It’s completely FREE and should be helpful—HSUS is doing amazing work nationwide. All you have to do is RSVP, and then be at the SF SPCA at 250 Florida St. at 16th Street by 7 p.m. on Monday! The meeting is scheduled to end at 9 p.m. Animals need advocates who know what they’re doing, and this is a wonderful opportunity to learn what exactly a good animal advocate does. So go! Tell your friends—even, no, especially the non-vegan ones, and RSVP for all of you and go!

Vegan Happy Hour at the Hemlock tonight!

A quick post to remind you that tonight (as is every second Friday of the month) is Vegan Happy Hour! I know some of you know the drill, but for the uninitiated, what you do is grab/make some food (Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods stuff is fine, as long as it’s vegan!), grab your eatin’ pants, and head on over to the Hemlock Tavern between 6 and 9 tonight. Never been before? Don’t know anyone? NO PROBLEM! Mike, who usually DJs the event, is making a rare appearance hosting the food portion of the event today. Look for the big guy with the tattoos plating vegan food, and say hello! You’ll be mixing it up with new and exciting vegans before you know it. Oh, and be sure to follow Vegan Happy Hour on Facebook, so you can stay up to date on the monthly themes, and get easy, portable recipes to try!

Need some quick and easy recipe ideas? Look no further! I’m bringing pumpkin pie. Just sayin’.

The genius over at Raspberry Rush did it! She’s the first one to veganize this crazy-ass cake! I’m crazy impressed and now will take a shower and have a baby for her. Fair enough!
If anyone else takes this on, we will post it! Holler (via email) at your girl!

The genius over at Raspberry Rush did it! She’s the first one to veganize this crazy-ass cake! I’m crazy impressed and now will take a shower and have a baby for her. Fair enough!

If anyone else takes this on, we will post it! Holler (via email) at your girl!

Harry Potter causes Indian owl craze, of course

That damn Harry Potter! His movies have given rise to a pet owl fad. At least that’s what Indian Environment Minister Jairam Ramesh says: “Following Harry Potter, there seems to be a strange fascination even among the urban middle classes for presenting their children with owls.” He made these statements at the launch of Traffic India’s report, “Imperilled Custodians of the Night.” That’s quite a title!

A request for a white owl for a Harry Potter-themed b-day party is what initially inspired the research but from what I’m reading on Traffic’s site and the BBC piece, it seems that Harry Potter may be less of a culprit than beliefs surrounding the power of owls in Indian culture. The sacrifice of owls and their body parts are recommended for all sorts of magic and rituals. Even though hunting and trading of all Indian owls has been banned since 1972, Traffic thinks thousands are being trapped and traded every year. This time of year in particular has Ramesh and Traffic concerned as they believe the sacrifice of owls increases during Diwali, a five-day religious festival that began on Nov. 5. “Diwali should be a time for celebration across our nation, not one when our wildlife is plundered to feed ignorant superstition. India’s wildlife already faces many pressures; the additional burden of being killed out of ignorance and fear is not one that has any place in our modern society,” said Ramesh.

I’ve actually never seen any of the Harry Potter movies. I wanted to but now there are so many, it seems like such an endeavor. But jeez louise, these movies do NOT seem very vegan-friendly! I guess there are a lot of animals in the movie; you can read all about Gizmo, the owl that played Hedwig, and some of the other animals in this interview Scholastic did with animal trainer Gary Gero. He swears it’s all positive reinforcement but then again, so does Ringling Brothers. But it doesn’t matter how this bro treats his animals; portraying animals in popular culture in totally unrealistic ways gives people totally unreasonable ideas about them. People blame all these movies that act like chihuahuas are hot accessories rather than actual, living animals for the chihuahua invasion of California’s animal shelters. Guess what! Dogs have needs and don’t just pop up for comedic relief. I mean they do pop up for comedic relief, but they also pee all over your house and eat your shoes. And it’s not just movies, that’s a big criticism of zoos too; they aren’t educating children about animals, they are completely miseducating them. Nothing about a zoo is natural and it just gives people crazy ideas like those freaks that buy “exotic” pets. Like, yeah! I’m getting a tiger! And then BAM! the neighbor boy gets eaten. IT HAPPENS.

If the lives of wild animals and wild animals in captivity were portrayed realistically in popular culture, people wouldn’t be buying obviously poached owls for an eight-year-old’s birthday party. And people DEFINITELY wouldn’t be lining up for the circus if they saw what goes on behind the scenes. However, I don’t think realistic movies will ever be as popular as movies with adorable owls delivering mail. I’m saying, I seriously doubt we’ll be seeing The Cove party packs any time soon.

Click here to download Traffic’s report [pdf].


Hayes Valley Farm is making improvements! Can you spare some change to help?

We’ve written before about cool things happening at the Hayes Valley Farm. While it’s not an exclusively vegan farm (they have a bee colony that produces honey), their main focus is growing food sustainably and teaching others to do the same. They have a variety of classes, from yoga at the farm to Soil 101, and you can stop on by and visit the farm during their visiting hours to get involved, or just to see what’s up. It’s pretty awesome; when I first moved to San Francisco in 2008, the spot on Octavia and Laguna where the farm now lies was just an abandoned chunk of old freeway off-ramp. Now, in under two years, the area has been completely transformed and is now a functional, sustainable farm. Pretty inspiring for anyone who has ever tried to get a project off the ground in San Francisco!

Now, the Hayes Valley Farm is trying to raise money to improve the farm and expand their outreach and education programs. They’ve put together a Kickstarter package (Kickstarter is an online fundraising tool), and with three days left to pledge money, they’re just $3,000 short of their goal. If you have some extra cash burning a hole in your pocket, consider donating to the farm!

Sopes! Look at these gorgeous sopes, with chipotle black beans, cilantro pesto, roasted poblano chiles, avocado, and vegan queso. Vegan queso! Oh, Tex-Mex! Now who wants to make be a great big stewpot of vegan carne guisada, the obscenely delicious, shamefully meaty occasional dish of my childhood? First, we’ll need a meat analog that can maintain/achieve a brisket-y texture over six-ish hours of stovetop cooking….
[photo by Don’t Lose Your Lunch]

Sopes! Look at these gorgeous sopes, with chipotle black beans, cilantro pesto, roasted poblano chiles, avocado, and vegan queso. Vegan queso! Oh, Tex-Mex! Now who wants to make be a great big stewpot of vegan carne guisada, the obscenely delicious, shamefully meaty occasional dish of my childhood? First, we’ll need a meat analog that can maintain/achieve a brisket-y texture over six-ish hours of stovetop cooking….

[photo by Don’t Lose Your Lunch]

EVERYONE! Please please please come to the super-fun Paws n’ Play benefit for Rocket Dog Rescue this Saturday, Nov. 13 at The Women’s Building in the Mission! 
From 6 to 8 pm. there’s a FREE pet fair with all sorts of awesome vendors and tons of vegan food and drinks! We’re talking vegan sandwiches from Ike’s Place, cupcakes from Fat Bottom Bakery and Sugar Beat Sweets, and cookies made with Eat Pastry Cookie Dough! There will also be tons of beer, wine, a raffle with awesome prizes, great vendors (get your holiday gifts!), adoptable ADORABLE dogs, and MORE! 
Then, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. there will be BINGO! Served up with vegan chili pie, cornbread, and the best fucking prizes ever, including a $100 gift certificate to Millennium, Southwest plane tickets, and a signed SF Giants cap from MVP Édgar Rentería. Seriously, you gotta be there so COME! Please!
Rocket Dog is so desperate for funds right now. We want to keep up our legacy of saving the dogs that nobody else can—your pit bulls, your tripods, your one-eyed chihuahuas! Play Bingo for those who cannot! I’m crazy! See you there! Etc.!
This benefit is sponsored by The Bold Italic and Pawesome because they are the raddest best!

EVERYONE! Please please please come to the super-fun Paws n’ Play benefit for Rocket Dog Rescue this Saturday, Nov. 13 at The Women’s Building in the Mission! 

From 6 to 8 pm. there’s a FREE pet fair with all sorts of awesome vendors and tons of vegan food and drinks! We’re talking vegan sandwiches from Ike’s Place, cupcakes from Fat Bottom Bakery and Sugar Beat Sweets, and cookies made with Eat Pastry Cookie Dough! There will also be tons of beer, wine, a raffle with awesome prizes, great vendors (get your holiday gifts!), adoptable ADORABLE dogs, and MORE!

Then, from 8:30 to 10:30 p.m. there will be BINGO! Served up with vegan chili pie, cornbread, and the best fucking prizes ever, including a $100 gift certificate to Millennium, Southwest plane tickets, and a signed SF Giants cap from MVP Édgar Rentería. Seriously, you gotta be there so COME! Please!

Rocket Dog is so desperate for funds right now. We want to keep up our legacy of saving the dogs that nobody else can—your pit bulls, your tripods, your one-eyed chihuahuas! Play Bingo for those who cannot! I’m crazy! See you there! Etc.!

This benefit is sponsored by The Bold Italic and Pawesome because they are the raddest best!

Harvest Home Toast to the Turkeys Celebration is THIS SATURDAY!

This Saturday, Nov. 13, Harvest Home Sanctuary (our favorite!) in Stockton is hosting its  Toast to the Turkeys Celebration. You get to cuddle with farm animals, eat an amazing vegan feast, and tour a beautiful sanctuary for just 25 bucks. NOT BAD AT ALL. Get your tickets here!

If you can’t make it, check out their sixth anniversary funding drive and PLEASE consider donating as they are the absolute best and doing so sosososo much for the animals. I honestly can’t think of a better place to spend your money I MEAN OUR MONEY.

From the site (DONATE!):

In 2004, we opened our barn doors to the first animals rescued by our sanctuary on Thanksgiving Day. Since our creation, Harvest Home Animal Sanctuary has established itself as a force for saving unwanted animals in California. Our organization has rescued hundreds of animals from shelters, hoarders, breeders, butchers and beyond. Currently, we are proud to care for nearly 200 animals at our rescue and rehabilitation center in Stockton. 

For our sixth anniversary this Thanksgiving, a team of volunteers will participate in Stockton’s Annual Run-Walk to raise funds for the sanctuary in union with our funding drive. 

Celebrate our lifesaving work with a donation to our $6K anniversary campaign today. Our funding drive will run through the end of the year. 

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