Welcome to Santa's London Grotto

Open Santa Invite for Christmas Day – All Creatures Welcome

December 23rd, 2009
Calling all santas, minced pied out or not, looking to continue the sherry
merry with fellow Santae in Seven Sisters, and get into some serious stable stuff.
Witness hooves of fire! Prance to some tail swishing beats, even howl at your lesiure..
We are throwing open our home grotto doors for a xmas day party. just need to
bring one ingredient. ping off list for the address if you re interested

reindeers ESPECIALLY we need you....

What we do know is how to throw an awesome paws up and we are doing it
25th December 2009.

This event is for all you lost reindeers that will left frightened and
alone during the "festive" season staring into a boiling pot of veggies
for one on Xmas day.

We will be rigging a little stage for Doggy DJ's and Kitty choirs. If
your in a band or a DJ and want to play let us know, if you want to
sing your favourite tune, let us know and we'll accompany you. If you
play an instrument bring it along and we'll have a huge jam!

Theme: Come dressed as an animal and see what species get it on by the
end of the night. Or alternatively, see who else comes dressed as the
same animal as you..... maybe you could make some beautiful animal
noises together!

Contact 07746198985 for more details and address :) 
Love from Santa

After the Afterparties… Feedback please, Santa!

December 21st, 2009

Hi Santa,

We hope you enjoyed the 2009 marathon of fun, and managed to stay the course.  It was good this year in that there were no serious incidents, (no one fell off a lion for example) but a few things didn’t go according to plan both on the walkabout,  and at the finale parties. Whilst this is not unusual given that we are an organic, plastic disorganisation, DO help us to make 2010 even better by giving us your feedback!

What was good and what was bad about the day?

What are your dreams for next year?

If you had a bad (or a good) experience at any of the finale party
venues, please let us know. This will help  us plan events
in future. (including where we might return to and where we will never
set foot in again).
Likewise, if you witnessed anything untoward, it would be helpful to put the
picture together…

Finally, if you have been to more than one Santacon and want to help out in 2010, drop us a line.

Merry Holidays!

love from the Santa Elders

After Santacon is before Santacon

December 13th, 2009

Thank you Santa for attending London Santacon 2009.

See links to pictures on the left hand side.

Santa shall see each other again in 2010. x

Santacon pictures

December 10th, 2009

Santa, when you upload pictures of Santacon to the likes of Flickr, Picasa or any other web album, then please use the following tagsLondon“, “Santacon“, “2009” to allow your fellow Santas to find and re-appreciate and re-imagine the event.

Merry HO!

What is Santacon?

It is a non-profit, non-political, non-religious and non-sensical celebration of Christmas cheer, goodwill, and fun. It is not a membership organisation just an annual event which organically occurs every year in London and is created by whoever wants to take part. Nevertheless there are customs, and veteran Santas have put together this evolving guide of how to make it work well. There is no particular reason to dress up in Santa suits, run around town, give gifts, sing songs, have strangers sit on our laps, and decide who is naughty or nice - but it’s a lot of fun - so Santa does it anyway. Everyone loves Santa and Santa loves everyone!

Santa's Rules:

  1. Be Jolly. Be nice. Do not throw things at people. Watch out for racism, homophobia or any other kind of abuse and step in to help when needed. Santais inclusive and Santa loves everyone.
  2. Christmas apparel is mandatory. A Santa hat is not enough. Get a Santa suit. Buy a Santa suit. Make a Santa suit. Customise a Santa suit. Be creative. If you don’t have any creativity, slap yourself three times and ask your mum to help you. Glue cotton balls to red long johns, utilise Christmas decorations, whatever. Already have a Santa suit? Bring spare parts for the Santafication of strangers.
  3. Twisting the Christmas paradigm until it screams for mercy is fun! Getting arrested is not. Santa is friendly, respectful, and cooperative with police, security guards, horse guards, MI5 agents, and shop and bar staff, and does NOT break any laws!!! Have your own special surreal fun, but DON’T F*CK IT UP FOR THE REST OF US. Santas do not destroy property, steal merchandise, or do harm to others. The authorities and local businesses usually take Santa’s antics in the loving, festive spirit that Santa intends, if we are nice to them.

Santa's Reminders:

  1. The "route and schedule" is open to liberal interpretation by Santa at all times. There is no head Santa in charge to call. If you can’t show up for the start or get lost, get the mobile number of someone who can help you catch up later. Depending on the year there may be guiding Santas, flags to follow or some technological Santanav system, or you may wish to come up with your own idea to help Santae find their way.
  2. Santa dresses for all occasions. It’s December. Smart Santas wear layers. Dress to maximize merriment whether singing christmas carols in the snow, or dancing manically in the shopping centre.
  3. Santa doesn’t whine! We will be outside much of the early day and covering a lot of ground on foot – bring a bottle of water and enough "snacks" to keep your pie-hole filled until we get indoors.
  4. Bring small gifts – NAUGHTY gifts to give grown ups; NICE stuff to give kids. Visit a pound shop, wrap up coal, sweets and brussels sprouts; Santa loves stickers, hug vouchers and mistletoe.
  5. Watching Santa get drunk can be fun. Babysitting Santa while they vomit in an alley or breaking up fights is not. Don’t be that Santa. You are responsible for yourself! Pace your drinking and be nice to your fellow Santa.

Memorise these answers to important questions that may arise:

  1. Who’s in charge? "Santa!"
  2. What organization are you with? "Santa."
  3. What are you protesting? "We're not protesting we're celebrating."
  4. Why? "Because it's Christmas!"
  5. How did you get here? "A sleigh and eight tiny reindeer."
  6. Where are you going next? "I'm only allowed to tell you if you wear this hat and buy me a beer."