Special Offers

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Price: £19.72

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Health and Safety Package

Buy Health and Safety Law + Stress and mental health at work - a guide for union reps + Safety, Health and Equality and save 20%

These are three LRD health and safety booklets, written to help union representatives. Health and safety law 2010 includes all the recent developments in health and safety law including new regulations, HSE guidance and significant court cases. Stress and mental health at work - a guide for union reps aims to bring insights from mental health to the issue of stress and make the health and safety approach disability-sensitive. And Safety, health and equality - a guide for union reps covers gender-related health and safety issues, union policies, agreements and guidance from professional bodies covering vulnerable groups such as migrant and disabled workers, temporary and agency workers and black and ethnic minority workers.

Together, these guides will give reps the information they need in negotiations with employers to ensure workers are being protected.

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Price: £28.58

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Employment Law Package

Buy Law at work 2010 + the latest Case law at work Sixth edition (2009-10) and save 10%

Law at work is LRD's annual best-selling employment law booklet explaining all the major employment legislation that union reps need to know about. The 2010 edition of Law at work covers all the provisions included in the Equality Act 2010, which overhauls and extends discrimination law. It clearly explains members' basic rights under an employment contract, as well as their rights relating to pay, conditions, dismissal, redundancy, discrimination and more.

Case law at work Sixth Edition (2009-10) is the companion to Law at work 2010. It contains clear summaries of important employment law cases.

Together, these guides are invaluable when negotiating, helping with member queries or preparing tribunal claims.

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Price: £50.00

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Case Law at Work series

Buy all six editions of the Case Law at work series (including the latest 2010 edition) and save 20%

Each year LRD publishes a new edition of Case law at work a unique source of information on recent employment law cases which add to the collection of cases provided in previous editions and does not replace them. They contains clear summaries and updates of important cases decided by the appeal courts, many of which are not contained in other legal guides.

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Price: £8.73

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Dispute Resolution Package

Buy Disciplinary and grievance procedures + Employment tribunals - a guide for trade unionists and save 10%

This vital union rep package consists of two LRD booklets Disciplinary and grievance procedures and Employment tribunals. Together these essential guides will give trade union reps the information they need to handle disciplinary and grievance hearings and submit valid tribunal claims.

Disciplinary and grievance procedures sets out the revised Acas Code of practice. It also explains the right to be accompanied, provides detailed guidance on how to handle disciplinary and grievance hearings and includes model letters and documents.

Employment tribunals is an easy-to-use guide to help union reps ensure that members' claims do not fall foul of the rules. This booklet is designed to help union reps get a clear understanding of the key employment tribunal rules. It specifies the claims that can be brought, sets out the requirements for submitting a claim, and includes time limits and qualifying service rules.

Both of these LRD booklets are written in a straightforward style and contain many examples of best practice. They are a quick and easy reference guide for union and workplace reps, union officials and legal advisers.

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Price: £7.40

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Workplace Pay Package

Buy October 2009 Workplace Report magazine + Workplace Report Supplement and save 10%

The October issue of Workplace Report contains a detailed review of the 2008/09 pay round and its key trends, as well as all our regular sections on the issues that matter to union reps - from employment law to health and safety. The Supplement lists over 700 workplace agreements, arranged by industrial sector. Key data such as percentage increases, working hours and annual leave are highlighted, with notes providing detailed information.