
Making Worlds: 4 - The Devil's in the Details

Dec 25, 2009

Last time I'd reached a pretty neat milestone: being able to render a somewhat realistic rocky surface from space. The next step is to add more detail, so it still looks good up close.

Adding detail is, at its core, quite straightforward. I need to increase the resolution of the surface textures, and further subdivide the geometry. Unfortunately I can't just crank both up, because the resulting data is too big to fit in graphics memory. Getting around this will require several changes.


Until now, the level-of-detail selection code has only been there to decide which portions of the planet should be drawn on screen. But the geometry and textures to choose from are all prepared up front, at various scales, before the first frame is started. The surface is generated as one high-res planet-wide map, using typical cube map rendering:

This map is then divided into a quad-tree structure of surface tiles. It allows me to adaptively draw the surface at several pre-defined levels of detail, in chunks of various sizes.

Kindle Faux PDF Zoom

Dec 18, 2009

Through the miracle of xmas, I acquired a Kindle. A sleek e-reader, but also a shameless vehicle for Amazon's digital book store. But with the latest firmware installed, they do make for great PDF readers... in theory.

Kindle PDF fail

The good news is that the e-ink display on the Kindle is indeed pretty sweet. It works so well that the screen looks positively fake when it's not changing, as if it was just a display item in a shop somewhere. But the bad news is that the software needs a lot of love.

The included PDF reader for example has no zoom option. All you can do is toggle between portrait and landscape. Either way, normal sized text ends up tiny and barely readable.

Thankfully, we can still do it ourselves. Armed with PyPDF I wrote a simple script that takes a regular A4/Letter PDF and chops each page into four parts. You can pan through the document just by hitting next. Most of the stuff I read these days is academic, in the classic two column paper format, so this orders the sub-pages to match that.

Making Worlds - Intermission

Nov 07, 2009

Today at BazCamp YVR I gave a short presentation and demo of my "Making Worlds" project, as well as an overview of procedural content generation in general.

The slides are available for download.


Making Worlds: 3 - That's no Moon...

Nov 05, 2009

It's been over two months since the last installment in this series. Oops. Unfortunately, while trying to get to the next stage of this project, I ran into some walls. My main problem is that I'm not just creating worlds, but also learning to work with the Ogre engine and modern graphics hardware in particular.

This presents some interesting challenges: between my own code and the pixels on the screen, there are no less than three levels of indirection. First, there's Ogre, a complex piece of C++ code that provides me with high-level graphics tools (i.e. objects in space). Ogre talks to OpenGL, which abstracts away low-level graphics operations (i.e. commands necessary to draw a single frame). The OpenGL calls are handed off to the graphics driver, which translates them into operations on the actual hardware (processing vertices and pixels in GPU memory). Given this long dependency chain, it's no surprise that when something goes wrong, it can be hard to pinpoint exactly where the problem lies. In my case, an oversight and misunderstanding of an Ogre feature lead to several days of wasted time and a lot of frustration that made me put aside the project for a while.

With that said, back to the planets...

Normal mapping

Last time, I ended with a bumpy surface, carved by applying brushes to the surface. The geometry was there, but the surface was still just solid white. To make it more visually interesting, I'm going to apply light shading.

Making Worlds: 2 - Scaling Heights

Aug 30, 2009

Last time, I had a working, smooth sphere mesh. The next step is to create terrain.


Though my goal is to render at a huge range of scales, I'm going to focus on views from space first. That strongly limits how much detail I need to store and render. Aside from being a good initial sandbox in terms of content generation, it also means I can comfortably keep using my current code, which doesn't do any sophisticated memory or resource management yet. I'd much rather work on getting something interesting up first rather than work on invisible infrastructure.

That said, this is not necessarily a limitation. The interesting thing about procedural content is that every generator you build can be combined with many others, including a copy of itself. In the case of terrain, there are definite fractal properties, like self-similarity at different levels of scale. This means that once I've generated the lowest resolution terrain, I can generate smaller scale variations and combine them with the larger levels for more detail. This can be repeated indefinitely and is only limited by the amount of memory available.

Making Worlds: 1 - Of Spheres and Cubes

Aug 23, 2009

Let's start making some planets! Now, while this started as a random idea kind of project, it was clear from the start that I'd actually need to do a lot of homework for this. Before I could get anywhere, I needed to define exactly what I was aiming for.

The first step in this was to shop around for some inspirational art and reference pictures. While there is plenty space art to be found online, in this case, nothing can substitute for the real thing. So I focused my search on real pictures, both of landscapes (terran or otherwise) as well as from space. I found classy shots like these:

Hopefully I'll be able to render something similar in a while. At the same time, I eagerly devoured any paper I could find on rendering techniques from the past decade, some intended for real-time rendering, some old enough to be real-time today.

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