BP after the spill

Oil slicks and slick lawyers

As the estimated cost of cleaning up its big spill hits $40 billion, BP still has plenty of legal trouble in the pipeline(2)

Franco-British defence co-operation

Entente or bust

Why France and Britain are looking for new ways of combining their shrinking armed forces(61)

America's monetary policy

Not by monetary policy alone

Not by monetary policy alone

Another dose of “quantitative easing” is necessary; but it will not, by itself, revive America’s economy(83)

Atheism and the Enlightenment

In the name of godlessness

In the name of godlessness

An 18th-century Paris salon where philosophers met to eat and drink and deny the existence of God and the soul(60)

Daily chart

Scoring drugs

A new study suggests alcohol is more harmful than heroin or crack

Economics by invitation


Experts discuss whether China's large share of global growth is leading to a dangerous overdependency

From our blogs

Eastern approaches on why they are cheering for Dilma in Sofia

Asia view reports that it’s now possible to make a mobile phone call and surf the internet from Mount Everest

Babbage considers old media's woes

Buttonwood wonders if the market can rally again on news it has been expecting

Democracy in America argues that if the left used the language of liberty, and really meant it, angry Americans would listen

Free exchange says journalists have a poor understanding of politics and economics

Gulliver is impressed by Emirates' impressive set of half-year results

Johnson asks, "How racist is 'boy'"?

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Malaria's frontline

The director of the Shoklo Malaria Research Unit on the group's efforts to detect and treat the disease on Thailand's border with Myanmar


Ten questions on the current edition of The Economist cover Rob Ford's new job, Joan Sutherland's breakthrough and "Mr Beep"

The end of Technics

Scratching a dirge

Panasonic calls time on an iconic piece of musical hardware

Israel and its Orthodox Jews

Exceptional difficulties

The prime minister’s endless tangle with the ultra-religious

Daylight-saving time in Japan

Bright idea

A ray of hope for the land of the rising sun

Debt comparison

The world debt clock

Economist Debates

Sustainable agriculture

The Economist Asks

Will the Republicans exceed expectations today?



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Tis the season, Virginia
From Johnson - 1 hrs 37 mins ago
Link exchange
From Free exchange - 2 hrs 22 mins ago
Babbage prefers carrier pigeons
From Babbage - 2 hrs 48 mins ago
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