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1 Report a Broken Link? 656078
2 Stuck in a login loop? 338395
3 How do I change my profile or e-mail address? 323388
4 Having problems viewing the videos 183127
5 I can't register or log in to BNET. 184187
6 Will you sell my personal information after I register to use your site? 86650
7 Why are you asking me to confirm my subscriptions? 49401
8 How do I cancel my free TechRepublic registration? 42682
9 Why am I receiving multiple or duplicate copies of my newsletter? 30921
10 Can I change my e-mail address (Username)? 24718
11 I can't update my e-mail address; it's giving me an error. 10175
12 I'm still receiving newsletters at my old email address. 7911
13 Having problems accessing a white paper 6960
14 Having Newsletter Delivery Problems? Our "From" Domain Address Has Changed 6782
15 Why do my newsletters arrive garbled or full of visible HTML coding? 5877